Reverie [Updated 9/10/18; Open with New Ideas!]

Started by Peripherie, August 03, 2012, 02:24:57 PM

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Hello -

I'm Peri, its nice to meet you! Thank you in advance for taking a look at my thread. :D

Things to know about me:
* I normally play modern storylines with the fantastical thrown in. I will play other settings as well with the right plottings.
* Recently I have branched out to play other genders and with a mix of gendered characters and writing partners. Currently looking for FxM and MxM storylines, playing either F or M.
* I like drama IC, not OCC. I enjoy being friends with my writing partners but no stalkers, please.
* I try to be honest, friendly, and active in plot creation.
* I stray from the PWP? (Plot What Plot?) situations, but do tend to stick to romance heavy SLs. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy sexy interactions as well just not constantly.
* I <3 detail but don't have to stick to post limits every single time. However, I do find that the more you give me, the more interested I am.
* I am in the eastern time zone. My schedule is hectic and gaming by threads is easier.
* Please take a moment to read my O/Os. This contains more information about what I am interested in - partner/plot/sexual elements.
* My posting speed is currently once a week but maybe longer or even much longer. My work and RL time constraints often leave me tired and drained of all creative writing ability so patience is appreciated.

Here are some ways to get to know me more:
* My O/O's
* My A/A's
* Pictures and Plottings

If you are interested in starting up a game with me, here are some ways to let me know:
* Please do not respond to this thread.
Send me a PM:
* And tell me a plot of mine you would like to work on or suggest your own.
* Give me links to your interest thread / current games / O/O's / A/A's or have links in your signature.
* Tell me generally about your playing style and why you think we would write well together.
* Ask to have a long conversation and work with me on creating a story together.
"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher
storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." - Rabindranath Tagore



Some ideas have come from my Fleeing Fantasies thread in the F/S forum. Check there for additional ideas. :)


Setting:Modern, Mountain Town, Supernatural/Shifter

Content:MxF; Light; Romance; Shifter of any kind (maybe not werewolf, maybe a large cat shifter)

Story Ideas: As soon as she walked into town she was his. She just didn't know it yet.

Other Info: Help me flush this out! I'll play either character but I want the male character to be overall nice but gruff and instantly possessive.


Setting:Modern, Early adulthood, could be college or slightly after

Content:MxF; Light; Mix of people from different walks of life

Story Ideas: Not the most creative or original but I think it could be fun to play out. She is on the slight side in height and weight, he is the opposite. She is shy; again the opposite. She wears glasses and watches sci-fi; you get the idea. So why can't she stop bumping into him and why can't he stop staring?

Other Info: I would play the girl. Open to various scenarios/character specifics  - maybe we can come up with something that isn't the typical bookworm/jock but still fits the general story idea.

Don't go... I'm cute!

Setting:Modern, Big City

Content:MxF; Light; Best Friends turn something more

Story Ideas:This game is set in three different parts - the lead up of two friends coming together in a very different way then they are used to, the hook-up itself, and the aftermath. I am happy to brainstorm with a potential writing partner on how this comes to be. One or both may be on the rebound from failed relationships; Celebrating a career advancement and things go to far. I would like both of them to have a flirty chemistry between them but no long-standing unrequited love. They mesh well and are attracted to each other but this is the first time either has thought to take it further. I'd like to draw this stage out with much awkward interaction and a slow build even if it all happens in one interaction. (Hand holding to a cheek kiss to a smooch, etc.)

Just as much attention and bumbling during the act itself with a good bit of sexual detail. And the last leg of the game would be dealing with the after effects and how they decide to relate to each other afterwards.

Other Info:I would like to use these two character face claims in this story. Chris Evans and Sarah McDaniel. I would be open to play either character.

Waiting For What Has Come Before

Setting:Modern, Supernatural, Magical Community

Content:MxF; Light; Talented magical wielding adversaries are tied together in a most infuriating way

Story Ideas:They were once both at the top of their magical careers even though they had much different paths to reach those heights. Now outcasts, they blame one another and are out for revenge. Until their magical essences are tied together by an unseen force. I see a formerly reputable witch/warlock who are forced to go underground and work on the edges of legal magic. They both take a job only to find they are expected to work together after they are betrayed by their client. More story development is needed but I'm open to suggestions!

Other Info:Heavily influenced by magical contexts such as the Potterverse or the Dresden Files but I don't think we should stick to that. I am looking to play the female role. Open to discussion about a face claim/image for the male character.



Setting:Modern, Supernatural/Extraterrestrial

Content: MxF; Light; Earth based alien-meets-girl romance but could extend out in the stars. 

Story Ideas: They fall in love and he is forced to tell her that he is not the human boyfriend she thinks he is. This story is not as flushed out as others. I would like to discuss these questions with a potential partner: Did he arrive on Earth recently or was he raised her undercover? What is the purpose of his trip? Are there more aliens around or is he alone? What is his motive and true interest in her?

Other Info: I would like to play the male alien character for this storyline.


Setting: Modern, Far away big city

Content: MxF times 2; Potentially open/poly relationship; Consentual Bondage; Good girl gets to pretend to be a bad girl and gets much more than she bargained for.

Story Ideas: She's a small-town girl, a farmer's daughter who gets the chance to stay in her aunt's big-city home while she is on vacation in Europe. She decides to reinvent herself and meets two very different kind of men. Upfront that she is just looking for temporary fun, she gets tied to both in emotional and physical ways. As the summer is coming to the end she has to decide what to do.

Other Info: I would play the girl in this game; Looking for a partner who wouldn't mind playing both male roles. I would imagine that the focus of the story would shift between the two of them until she either chooses one of the men, navigates an arrangement with them, or runs away back to her boring old life. Somehow I see a lot of possessive behaviors from the men but without serious jealousy or brawls.

Welcome to the Crisp!

Setting: Post Apocalyptic Near-Future

Content:M x F; Dragon Shifter; Bondage, Kidnapping, Force (no actual Non-Con sexual scenes)

Story Ideas: The world is knocked down to small surviving enclaves but even then safety is not guaranteed. Her home is burned down and she loses the one foothold she has found. She joins another wayward survivor as they try to locate a new hideout -  only to find out that he, himself, is one of the dragons that attacked!

Other Info:I will play the female character. This game will need some mutual world building done before the story can be kicked off. I'm happy to explore this setting with someone!

Chained No More

Setting: AU Modern Earth, Land and Water; Supernatural

Content: M x F; Roll reversal; Some Dub-Con possible but soon turns to contentious consent

Story Ideas:Magic rules the world above and alongside modern technology. Beings of all manner exist as well as humans, many of which who are subjugated by the more powerful. For decades she has ruled the waves with her monster pet doing her bidding. A wound in battle weakens her magical hold on him and he is able to shift back to his human form. She hunts him down once more but technology allows him to resist her control and even, turn the tides.

Other Info: I would be willing to play either character.

Grounded Godess

Setting:Modern, Mythical

Content: MxGoddess; Light, Consentual

Story Ideas: Just one of many bartenders at one of countless beach bungalow bars - he had seen lots of storms. The crowds would clear as the sky darkened and he was left to shutter the hatches as the rain fell. There were a few deck chairs and water swing sets that may blow and break. But he could only do so much on his own. Sometimes the movement of a swing would catch his eye - long before the winds began to blow. This day the storm came out of nowhere in a typical, unremarkable clear sky. The guests finished their drinks and scattered. As she locked the last shade in place, that is when he saw it - the moving swing. But this time, as the dark clouds neared, he saw a body in the swing. He called out, but the wind blew his words back behind her lips. Abandoning his post, she ran to the water's edge, trying to get her attention. Where were the damn lifeguards? Safe and dry in the hotel surely. Alone and worried for the guest still unaware of the danger looming above her, he dashed into the growing waves and began to swim. Fighting the turbulence, seconds felt like hours until he reached the wooden posts of the swing. But as he reached to take her hand and lead her to safety, she was gone. If only he knew, she was the storm.

Other Info: I would play the unsuspecting human male; Help me come up with why the storm/weather goddess is trapped on earth and how she needs him to help her!

A God on Earth

Setting: Modern, Superhero, AU (Not current MCU storyline.)

Content:M x F; Light, Romance
Story Ideas:

Story Ideas: A disgraced Thor is cast down to Earth with no way of getting home. (So this starts off with the same premise as the original Marvel Thor movie.) He has his hammer and his powers but no way to leave and no connection (at least for the first arch of the story) with Asgard, Loki, or any human superheroes. (I would like it to not be a current known thing that superheroes or supernatural villians exist at this time.) Just a game about how he navigates his new reality with a world that doesn't accept him as a god and a woman who he meets that helps him adjust.

Other Info: I really want a Thor game! I would play the female character. Someone with knowledge of Norse Myth or comic lore a plus to help me make this come true! <3

Bound to Be Damned

Setting: Supernatural, Mythical, Otherworldly

Content:M x F; Dub-Con; Bondage; Force (No outright NC sexual scenes)

Story Ideas:A rare and magical being, she was sheltered and protected until her whole world became awash with flames. Now he owns her and binds her quite literary to his side. He is interested in her beauty and her powers. And he will continue to exact his influence until he gets what he wants.

Other Info:I will play the male character. He will be firm and strict but not cruel. I envision her to be naive but with a strong constitution. Open to a great deal of discussion so that both writing partners are comfortable with character interactions. I don't normally write dominant male characters or Dub-Con so I will need lots of patience and support.

"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher
storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." - Rabindranath Tagore



Here are One-Shot Ideas that I have put up that didn't get picked up.

Story Name: Modern Valkyrie (name open for discussion)

Setting: Modern, Supernatural

Content: FxM, action, potential romance

Story Ideas: Based off a discussion here. Val isn't some sword-wielding hack and slash type. But she is a badass in her own right - if you know where to find her and how to ask nicely. A modern-day Valkyrie character who spends most of her time waiting tables on ageing-Norse-warrior-wannabee bikers, but she actually has quite the pull on the outcome of your eternity. Inquire Within.

Your character got a lead on her powers (where she can decide if you are victorious in any number of situations, or not) and has come to ask for her help. But there is a price. I have never played such a fantastically tatted, flirtatious, and spicy a lady as I envision her to be, so that is why I am listing this as a one-shot. I want to see how I do with the character type. I see heavy flirting and a romp or two before the job is done but I don't expect her to fall head over heels (though it might be fun if the male character does his darndest to persuade her otherwise). If this one scene works out I might use her as a permanent character in a more extended game or series of short games.

"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher
storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." - Rabindranath Tagore



Here is where I will place concepts/ideas/fandoms/pairings that I am interested in creating a story about. If you have a flushed out idea to go along with one of these, or would like to work with me to build an idea around this concept, please PM me.

Please note that while I am really eager to play out the following ideas, they will need quite a bit of OOC conversation to get them started.

- MxM game; I am new to this pairing but would love to brainstorm any and all ideas.
- Wisked Away (Modern character taken to different times/worlds/alternative realities)
- Death Personified
- Shifters!
- Superhero/Mutants

- Steampunk
- Time travel
- Modern Supernatural

- Dark Hunter <3
- Stargate
- Immortals After Dark
"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher
storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." - Rabindranath Tagore



Here I will place images that my muse finds interesting but I do not as of yet have a game idea for it. As time and inspiration goes on I will elaborate on each image/character. Please PM me if you think of something detailed and interesting for one of these images!

The spy who kissed me!


"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher
storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." - Rabindranath Tagore


(Under Construction)
"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher
storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." - Rabindranath Tagore


(Under Construction)

Things Written
(game name) ~ with (writing partner)

Things Owed
(game name) ~ with (writing partner)

Things in the Works
(game name) ~ with (writing partner)

Selectively looking for new games!
"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher
storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." - Rabindranath Tagore




  • Added two new story ideas - Mine! and Juxtaposition
"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher
storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." - Rabindranath Tagore