Would you rather go to bed with....

Started by Captain Maltese, May 01, 2008, 04:05:30 PM

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Love And Submission

Discord: SouthOfHeaven#3454

Story Tale

Conan... I mean Bruce Lee.

Kermit the Frog or Miss Piggy.

Love And Submission

Discord: SouthOfHeaven#3454

Story Tale

Ooh.. hmm. Hmmmmmmm...

Could I have both? At one time?

Ok.. I do like the bad boys, but in the end I don't want a jerk so.. I would have to say Gabrielle because it would be easier, I think, to teach your lover a few tricks then to teach him to complete change who he is.

A rock star or a movie star?


A rockstar.
I'd imagine they would be more kinky.
Plus, there's something hot about having sex with em right before their performance.

Vampire or werewolf?
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Jedes Paradies hat Dornen und jede Tat hat ihren Preis

"Saltatio Mortis - Satans Fall"

Story Tale

Vampires of course... although Wolverine is pretty hot. *sighs*  He is the exception though.

Fairy or Nymph?

Love And Submission

Fairy...Mhmmm Tinkerbell

Godzilla or Mothra?

Discord: SouthOfHeaven#3454



Stephen Baldwin or Alec Baldwin? Heh.
The sphere was solid with Plunkett, and only waited for someone to be in; like, like the meaning of a word waiting for a word to be the meaning of. - John Crowley, Engine Summer.

To manipulate a man is a careful project. Too light a hand, and he follows his own whim; too heavy a hand, and he will turn on you. - Thief II: The Metal Age.


Alec, he's dreamy...

A Senator or a Governor?
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It's not the demons who are too black, but the angels who are not white enough...


I'm guessing a senator would be more likely to have crazy sleeping patterns.. so would have a kinky wild side.. (how I make that connection, I have no idea.. it's late!).. and would be able to hide the fact that she's messing around with a vampire with a bit more ease.. so there's my answer.

Someone you can corrupt.. or someone who will definitely corrupt you?
*See Pillory*


Is there a difference? I'd rather be the corrupter.

Someone with nothing to lose, or someone with nothing to gain?
The sphere was solid with Plunkett, and only waited for someone to be in; like, like the meaning of a word waiting for a word to be the meaning of. - John Crowley, Engine Summer.

To manipulate a man is a careful project. Too light a hand, and he follows his own whim; too heavy a hand, and he will turn on you. - Thief II: The Metal Age.

Story Tale

Ooh.. hmm.. hmmmmmm.. I would prefer someone with nothing to loose.. They seem like a happier (if not delusional) bunch

Charles Manson or Jeffrey Dahmer


Manson! So I can tell people I slept with Manson, and when they go, "Charles or Marilyn?" I can do this:  O:)

A blonde in a pink thong, or a brunette in a blue one?
The sphere was solid with Plunkett, and only waited for someone to be in; like, like the meaning of a word waiting for a word to be the meaning of. - John Crowley, Engine Summer.

To manipulate a man is a careful project. Too light a hand, and he follows his own whim; too heavy a hand, and he will turn on you. - Thief II: The Metal Age.

Story Tale


That's my answer!

And I'd say, a ballerina, cause a gymnast would wear me out!  ;D

A siren with no reef, or a princess with no castle?
The sphere was solid with Plunkett, and only waited for someone to be in; like, like the meaning of a word waiting for a word to be the meaning of. - John Crowley, Engine Summer.

To manipulate a man is a careful project. Too light a hand, and he follows his own whim; too heavy a hand, and he will turn on you. - Thief II: The Metal Age.


A princess with no castle. "Looking for a big, strong erection are we, m'lady?"

A nun or a woman in a burka?


A nun, of course. If you're gonna go to hell you might as well go to the one ruled by a goat dude.

A girl named Anna, or a girl named Kino?
The sphere was solid with Plunkett, and only waited for someone to be in; like, like the meaning of a word waiting for a word to be the meaning of. - John Crowley, Engine Summer.

To manipulate a man is a careful project. Too light a hand, and he follows his own whim; too heavy a hand, and he will turn on you. - Thief II: The Metal Age.


A girl named Kino Purely cos I just get that anime girl look in my head!!

A girl in a corset or a girl in lingerie?


None of it, sorry!

Someone intelligent or someone attractive?


Someone attractive for one night. I'll keep the intelligent one for longer, though.  O:)

Someone with a physical deformity, or someone with a mental deformity?
The sphere was solid with Plunkett, and only waited for someone to be in; like, like the meaning of a word waiting for a word to be the meaning of. - John Crowley, Engine Summer.

To manipulate a man is a careful project. Too light a hand, and he follows his own whim; too heavy a hand, and he will turn on you. - Thief II: The Metal Age.

Love And Submission

mental deformity, Crazy chicks ate the best in  bed.

pete townshend or roger daltrey

Discord: SouthOfHeaven#3454


Townshend, of course! Crazy bastard!

Pete Sampras or Steffi Graf?
The sphere was solid with Plunkett, and only waited for someone to be in; like, like the meaning of a word waiting for a word to be the meaning of. - John Crowley, Engine Summer.

To manipulate a man is a careful project. Too light a hand, and he follows his own whim; too heavy a hand, and he will turn on you. - Thief II: The Metal Age.


Both please...

J.R.R. Tolkien or J.K. Rowling


Tolkien! Rowling kinda bores me.

A girl with nothing covering her back, or a girl with nothing covering her thoughts?
The sphere was solid with Plunkett, and only waited for someone to be in; like, like the meaning of a word waiting for a word to be the meaning of. - John Crowley, Engine Summer.

To manipulate a man is a careful project. Too light a hand, and he follows his own whim; too heavy a hand, and he will turn on you. - Thief II: The Metal Age.


...nothing covering her back.

Someone bound, or someone gagged? >:)