Would you rather go to bed with....

Started by Captain Maltese, May 01, 2008, 04:05:30 PM

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I'd let Elvis rock my world :P

Buddy Holly or Roy Orbison?


Buddy Holly. He's got a song about him, how bad could he be?

Jay Leno or Jennifer Lopez?


lopez i guess, oh wait. i just know :)

xandi or cassiopeia? ;)


oops...forgot my question.  lol
Lindsay Lohan or Britney Spears?


Lindsey Lohan. I'm not going to have Britney dramabombs dropped on me after my night of fun.

Michael Owen or Owen Wilson?


If I were gay, probably Owen Wilson.  Don't think I know who Michael Owen is.  And actually, I think if I were gay, I'd rather Luke Wilson.  Which leads to my question:
Owen Wilson or Luke Wilson?


Luke Wilson, he seems a little deeper with the conversation ... and I like a little conversation with my breakfast :P

Charlize Theron or Cameron Diaz?


Charlize Theron

Jason Statholm or Jet Li?


Jason Statholm, but it would be a one time only thing >.>

Vin Diesel or Jason Statholm?


Vin Diesel

Matt Damon or Mark Wahlberg?


Mark Wahlberg. Sarah Silverman already has Matt Damon! :P

Vin Diesel or Dwayne Johnson?
"The imagination is the spur of delights... all depends upon it, it is the mainspring of everything; now, is it not by means of the imagination one knows joy? Is it not of the imagination that the sharpest pleasures arise?" - Marquis de Sade


Vin Diesel

Ewan McGreggor or Liam Neeson?



Unfair question!  Next!  lol
Cameron Diaz or Sandra Bullock?
(not sure where the connection is, other than just pulling two random celebs out of my head)


Cameron Diaz, only because Sandra reminds me too much of my bff, it'd be weird :P

Jessica Biel or Jessica Alba?

*personally hates them both*


Jessica Alba...umm, make that both.
I'll repost that question for the next person:
Jessica Biel or Jessica Alba?


Jessica Alba

Jeniffer Jason Leigh or Elisabeth Shue?

Harley Quinn

Love Elisabeth Shue as an actress and always thought she was beautiful, but no girls for me, so neither.

Johnny Depp or Christina Ricci?

Ons/Offs - Absences

Note: Since I get mistaken for this other member a lot, my username has a space and is Harley Quinn - I am not HarleyQuinn


Both! Though one would definitely get more attention~ Hee~


A tentacle monster, or an accountant~
"My mind is not in the gutter, I just happen to have a really good view of it from my high horse"



tentacle monster, unless my taxes need done...

a 20 year old virgin who's never been kissed, or a 30 year old stripper?

Harley Quinn

20 year old virgin.

Doctor or Lawyer?
Ons/Offs - Absences

Note: Since I get mistaken for this other member a lot, my username has a space and is Harley Quinn - I am not HarleyQuinn


Doctor.. He could be useful if I need medical help!

A Jedi or a Sith?


Jedi.. he might use the force, and won't kill me afterward

a police officer or a bank robber?


A bank robber! He's probably already rich from all those robberies!!

A droid or a jawa?