Project TERRA; A space colony survival horror. HUMANS NEEDED (interest check.)

Started by Vergil1989, July 08, 2012, 10:49:44 PM

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((Wiki and other links are inspirational only for the most part.))  Doom Wiki  Dead Space wiki  OOC Thread

There's a few points I want to make before I get this going.  In games like Doom or Dead Space, (I'm sure there are better examples but I don't know them at the moment lol,) they seem to build up to the moment when the shit hits the fan by telling the viewer or player, depending if you watched the movies/animes as well as played the games, that there were strange things going on well before your guy showed up or whatever.  People flipping out for no reason, there were constant computer errors and failures, electrical surges, strange voices/growls being heard in the dark and other disturbances as well were being reported well before the 'fun' really began.  You'd think someone would have paid attention and done something about it well before it got to the point it normally does in situations such as the ones shown in Doom and Dead Space.  But if they had then we wouldn't have such a fun time blowing away Necromorphs and Demons now would we?   >:) >:) >:)  Joking aside, this isn't going to be as nearly as complicated as my last attempt at a game.  This will be a freeform little get together that will lead up to the 'fun' as the entire base, ship, or whatever I put together for this ends up in a Hellish world or said world comes to ours in some form or fashion.  This will be supernatural and horror filled and I want characters to be 'human' in the sense that they feel fear, bleed when hurt, etc etc.  Basically real people but if you want to play an alien by all means go for it.  Just no Chuck Norris power people running around is what I'm getting at lol.  Anyway, here we go.

((If someone can find a better example I'm all for it but that's what I got right now.))
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The Earth was no longer habitable.  Years of pollution and catastrophic nuclear war made that happen, so our ancestors turned towards the stars.  Our people, once divided, united once more when the first Colony Arks set sail for the emptiness of space, taking hundreds of thousands of people with them.  Each Ark was devoted to certain fields such as preserving as many species of plant and animal life as we could so we could seed our new homes when we found them.  Another held most of the military forces that had also united when our world's government had.  Despite past differences, humanity as a whole would move on and work together or we would die alone.  Then came the Colossus Ark, the last Ark that had been late in development but was finally ready to lift off into the empty void.  The CA was the biggest of all of the Arks, holding close to two million men, women, and children.  Our numbers, once in the billions, had come to this because of our own foolish greed and arrogance over religion, land, wealth, resources; and we were paying for it.  The first aliens we came into contact with made sure to drive the point home further once we were able to understand them.  It turned out that we had been watched from afar, and now that we had achieved FTL yet had all but destroyed our home world, we were allowed to pass peacefully through their areas of space yet until we found a way to fix that which we had destroyed, we would never be accepted.  Thus, research began in earnest in trying to find ways to purify our former home of the toxic radiation and the pollution that was still there.

Despite the open criticism most of the alien species we came into contact with shared, there were a few that were not so openly hostile and actively tried to help us.  New breakthroughs in gene therapy that cured diseases otherwise thought incurable, food production enhancements, and more soon became possible because of their aid.  All of them however were cautious when discussing weapons technology, and most of us couldn't blame them.  Some of us however had not learned from past mistakes and tried to take what they wanted by force.  When we couldn't stop them, our new neighbors did.  Even on the brink of extinction as we were, some of us it seemed were eager to finish the job.  It didn't take long for us to figure out a means to terraform new worlds, purifying and making hostile planets habitable for our species.  But by then we had grown used to life on the Arks since it had been close to three hundred years since we had been on a planet's surface.  Even so, a lot of us were ready to head home or at least feel dirt between our toes again.  Colonies soon became the norm, small pockets of habitable domed metal structures planted on a world's surface until the terraformers could finish their jobs in a decade's time.  But as is oftentimes the case, not everything went according to plan.  This is when we opened a door to a place that should have never been opened when we found ruins on a distant star system far from Earth that not even our alien neighbors knew about.  This is the weeks leading up to the darkness that would pour out of our newest blunder...


I won't create any alien species since I want to see what you guys and gals can come up with first.  I'm letting you have a pretty big amount of freedom here but I do ask that if you play something already established such as a Twi-lek or something like that that you make it fit for this.  No Star Wars, Mass Effect, or whatever references beyond the race name please.  The galactic community at large do not trust humans since they all but destroyed their own Earth and this next part is a bit of a ref from The Day the Earth Stood Still, but anyway, there are few planets out there that can support life, so every planet that can is protected jealously, you could say.  With the advent of terraforming though, that might change but it's a slow process, taking at least a decade if not more depending on the environment and atmospheric conditions, so the neighbors aren't holding their breaths anytime soon.  Considering we accomplished something they couldn't only seems to add fuel to the fire for some of the aliens out there but most are receptive of what we were able to do already.  Anyway, just a few things to consider for when you're making your people if you aren't doing human.
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I'll toss my hat into this ring. I even have an alien character I could use. She's already a bit cracked, so having her go insane would be fun. For me, I mean. Not the others. >:)


LMAO good to hear then.  Kind of sounds like Zhan from Farscape the way you say that.  :P  Anyway, I'll be updating the first post here with more info now that I'm actually not falling asleep at my desk and all lol.
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Sounds fun. I'll throw my hat in as a human...probably a doctor/medic type.


Cool beans, glad to hear it.  Thanks for the interest Caela as well as MzHyde.  If I can get a few more people I'll try to get a character profile for both the humans and the aliens.  The alien side will be a little more complicated however since it will require that you come up with a lot of your own stuff unless you pull from a wiki page of some sort, in which case I'd still ask that you remove any active references to whatever they came from lol.
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Sorry for the double post but wanted to get the character profiles up while I was thinking about it.

Human Information;

Position;  (Medic, scientist, marine, etc.  Anything is cool just be sure to know your stuff lol.)
Equipment;  (Be sure it fits your Position.  As a side note, only the Marines have regular access to weaponry above a pistol.)
Medical History;  (Anything from gene therapy to any psychological issues, feel free to include it here.)
Background information;  (Either raised on the Colossus Ark or on the Colony itself, beyond that feel free to do as ya like as long as you have two paragraphs with five sentences each.  Thanks!)

Alien Information;

Home Planet;  (Name and any details you want to include with it.)
Physical Traits;  (Anything of note such as part of your brain is located in your head tentacles for example, you have orange skin, whatever you can think of.  I do ask for some detailed notes here.)
Technology Notes;  (No teleportation but beyond that feel free to include what you wish, just the highlights or detailed info is up to you.)
Society Notes;  (Again, highlights or detailed notes.  You come from a military oriented government, religious, sexual freedom or suppression, feel free to include what you wish.  I do want SOME details though, so I know what I'm dealing with.)
Position;  (Medic, scientist, soldier, etc.  Anything is cool just be sure to know your stuff lol.)
Equipment;  (Be sure it fits your Position.  Given that humans are guests to most of the universe, we are still required to follow their rules when visiting their homes.)
Medical History;  (Anything from gene therapy to any psychological issues, feel free to include it here.)
Background information;
Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
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Oh gods I am so in on this! ^^ *gets to making a character*


Glad to have ya Karasu, can't wait to see what ya got lol.
Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
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Alien Information;

Name; Luvbi Durward
Gender; Female
Age; 30 in human equivilant, her actual age is around 137
Appearance; <Clothing reference if she's traveling <Wing Reference and generally how she'd look naked
Orientation; She will often claim straight hood but perhaps she is Bi-curious.
Species; Rysoarian
Home Planet;  The home planet of this race is rather.. well odd. No one outide of the race itself knows where it is and many say it doesn't exist. However their home planet they will refer to as Heavana (Hey-Vanah)
Physical Traits;  Wings are the main sign of your typical Rysoarian, as well as a pair on their back, they also have a pair attached to their ears.
Technology Notes;  Technology doesn't reign supreme with the race
Society Notes;  Mostly dominated Wing color, the ruling family of the Rysoarians are generally a blue winged couple. While the majority of the race is indeed female, Males would have wings similar to this here: (A royal male will have golden tips born on their wings)
Rysoarian Racial powers and abilities:
Blue wings: Minor healing, Telepathy, Extra-Spatial Awareness (If a Temporal Anomaly changes the timeline, she might be somewhat effected at first but gradually her original memories will return and she'll be one of the few who knows something has changed), Sense presence (Able to sense the presence of powerful beings others may not notice), Glamour (The ability to appear as something completely different)
Being the rarest of all Rysoarian, the Blue winged ones are quite coveted by the races that know of their existence. In few instances wars have been started over such a prize as this. A universe wide rumor spreads abut the sparse ports, usually along the lines of: "If one owns a blue Rysoarian, one shall have fame, fortune, and glory at their fingertips." Certainly never proven but often times this means enslavement for the Soft spoken blue wings.

Black Wings: Psi-Poison (Touch), Pyro Illusion Psi-Pain (touch).
Those with Black wings act more like succubi, often taking the name and augmenting their wings to look more like demon wings by manner of illusion. Able to inflict pain and poison with a touch and create the illusion of fire, these blacks are quite feared.

White wings: (Still in development) Stronger Telepathy than blue wings, Psi-shock (Touch).
Zealots by nature, these wings are feared because they will not hesitate to burn anything they feel impure and unclean, they are rare simply because they get themselves killed more often than not with their "holier than thou" attitudes.

Position;  Medic/Scientist (plant life Specialty)
Equipment;  (Be sure it fits your Position.  Given that humans are guests to most of the universe, we are still required to follow their rules when visiting their homes.)
Medical History;  Luvbi has certainly endured physical torments, Brands can be found every now and again on her flesh, most are old white scars and generally kept covered by a low glamour that is usually constant and done involuntarily
Personality; Luvbi is a shy Rysorian, she beleives to be the last of her kind and is thus fearful of that, but also because she has learned first hand of how cruel the universe can be to her kind. (Gives one a complex doesn't it..) PTSD is the simple term for it, but nothing shows on her record since she refuses to see a doctor.
Background information; Luvbi was born to two Blue winged Rysorians, standard birthing in a rather unstandard location. Her parents raised her until she was old enough to do glamour and understand why she had to keep her wings hidden away from anyone else and her parents left her on a rather random planet. She grew up and sure enough on her 18th birthday, during her first ever Sexual act, her glamour dropped, revealing her for what she was. When her first lover saw this he passed it off as nothing and even complimented her on the lovely wings but sold her out to slave trading merchants who were looking for some nice stock. She suffered greatly beneath the hands of several masters, escaping each time by some nice person who ended up getting killed for his or her trouble.

All of this gave her a very bad outlook on societies to be sure. Eventually she went on to become a licensed alien doctor and holds the title of scientist, specializing in plant life. Mostly because she can do this in relative solitude, though she is prone to breakdowns usually unseen. Normally she will be withdrawn and absolutely refuse to talk about her past, other times signs of it will show in the occasional flinch at a harsh word or even a simple friendly touch, other times she can be caught crying for what appears to be no reason. Luvbi so far has kept  this past behind her and hidden herself among the humans on their colonies. Now she is employed as a scientist and medic, and will show  friendly face and kind advice medical wise to any that wish it, so long as those questions do not delve to deeply into the skeletons in her closet.

Nom De Plume

Hey Vergil, if you're looking for some good inspiration and mechanics for a sci-fi survival horror, check out Eclipse Phase. It's a little more, ahem, advanced than Doom or Dead Space (case in point, you're a transhuman versus a original flavor human (usually)) but it's very horror-centric. Plus, all the core content is open source, so there be no piratin' involved (yarr).

Otherwise, I always like to reference Event Horizon for freaky hellspace related stuff  >:)

I'd be interested in trying this out, at the very least so you can have a red shirt to dispose of as quick-as-you-like, but I'm trying not to spread myself too thin over a bunch of games. If that's alright with you, I'll throw something together for you to check.


Name;Caxar'lia-la Da'raqui (Cee Dee)
Appearance;About five-five, green skin and quite buxom. Long, pointed ears. Bright blue eyes. Black lips. Antennae-like appendages. Short 'hair' matching her skin tone on her head, completely hairless elsewhere. Generally dressed in a skin-tight white uniform that leaves her arms and thighs exposed. Matching boots and arm coverings. The arm coverings have small buttons hidden in them, allowing her to call up various holographic screens and displays that float in the air just in front of her face. These images can be spun and manipulated.
Species;Plant-like, for certain. She refuses to outright state her species, but based on her composition and mannerisms she may be some kind of offshoot of a sentient plant species from Planet 42.
Home Planet;Unknown, though the previously mentioned Planet 42 is a lush world completely overrun with jungle. Almost all plantlife on Planet 42 is sentient and much of that is predatory. Hardly anything besides the plants themselves survive there. Criminals will sometimes attempt to flee to Planet 42 since no one will chase them, but these thugs are usually never heard from again.
Physical Traits;She does not seem to have any blood, never needs to eat and can sustain herself on water. Inside, she is composed of thousands of bio-organic cells clustered together. Needless to say she is very.. complex. Her intelligence is immense, as is her skill with anatomy and all known forms of science (and three she seems to have made up at some point - seriously). Surprisingly, she has three sets of vocal chords. This is why people just call her 'Cee Dee', since in order to pronounce her name properly humans would have to rip their own vocal chords out and re-install them backwards and upside-down. Her voice has a slightly hypnotic quality to it, making those that listen to her compelled to agree. This wears off as someone gets used to listening to her, but to new people and in times of duress, it can be effective.
Technology Notes;Highly advanced. The tech she seems to have brought with her is lightyears ahead of it's time and part of the reason she's earned her position as Science Officer. Her suit houses advanced scanning, mapping, information gathering, communication and strategic equipment. It all operates based on her DNA signature. At the push of a hidden little button on her collar, the suit can suddenly flow like liquid, travel UP her body, and leave her completely nude. Not scientific, but very handy for getting naked.
Society Notes;As one of the few of her kind wandering the stars, her culture remains mostly unknown. She seems to be very sexually free, believes in no major religion, and lives for discovery and exploration. Perhaps this is why there are so few of her kind around. Insatiable curiosity and a penchant for heedlessly attempting risky scientific experiments is not good for a species' survival rate.
Position;Chief Science Officer, Surgeon (while Medicine is not her forte, she has enough knowledge and dexterous enough hands to be of help.)
Equipment;Nano-Fiber Intelli-Suit
Medical History;Humans would describe her as having O.C.D. - she likes things in even numbers, must have order, hates unanswered questions.
Personality;Most of the time, very chipper and happy to assist. She has a surprisingly dark sense of humor and often tells wild stories of her previous adventures. It can be hard to tell what's truth and what's lies with her, as all her tales seem to have that little kernel of truth that makes the wild parts a little more believable. She can be very casual about violence, and the need to kill.
Background information;Her species, being travelers and often not at their phones, were vastly under-represented when it came time to help the humans find a new home without messing it all up. Cee Dee was, in actuality, the ONLY of her kind to answer the call. In reality, she probably took the position out of sheer curiosity. Can the humans really find and settle a new world without repeating the same mistakes? She really wants to know.

Her expertise in terraforming, botany, farming, and wilderness survival made her a choice candidate. Sadly for the crew, she tends to stick her nose into just about everything onboard. Weather for good or ill (thankfully, mostly for good) she has been trying her hand at everything from engine repair to making the nights meal. She is rarely seen just standing idle, as boredom drives her crazy. 


Two problems, the first is that your history is too short.  I said two paragraphs of five sentences each.  The second is that humans made the first successful terraforming sciences unless I just read your thing wrong, in which case I'll shut up lol.  Anyway, I like Cee Dee otherwise and I am happy to have her around.  ;D

Event Horizon was an epic movie, drastically understated if you ask me but anyway, I've never heard of Eclipse Phase but I'll definitely take a look at it.  Feel free to drop a link for it if you like if I don't get to it first lol.  At any rate Nom De Plume, I'd be welcome to have you my new friend.  And I don't plan to dispose of any PC characters without first talking it over with said PC first.  NPCs however will probably be dying by the dozens, if they don't end up in a worse situation such as ending up transformed into some kind of freaky ass creature, or something else entirely.  We'll see how that goes.  :P

Another game that comes to mind for this is Colony Wars, not so much for the horror aspect but simply the idea of trying to find a new world and all that during the middle of a massive galactic war which left Earth on the brink of extinction.
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I think you read it wrong. I never said she made terraforming, I said she was an expert in that field. Also, her background is nine sentences. What more could I add that wouldn't be meaningless? I can't really think of anything else and she has quite an extensive profile already. Can't you spot me a sentence?

Nom De Plume

It's a pretty easy find, but I really ought to have put this in my post in the first place; the Eclipse Phase site.

As for the character, I'll put something up soon and we'll see if I'm needed to fill up your roster. I'll probably roll as some sort of mechanic or engineer, just for the sake of novelty.


Easy there MzHyde.  I apologize if I came off as a bit nit picky or anything but sure, just separate them into a 5 and 4 paragraph sections if you wish.  Beyond that, you're good to go my friend.  And NDP, I already found it but thanks for throwing it up anyway lol.  And cool, both ideas sound alright to me.
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Very interesting!  ;D

Are you still looking for people to play?


I always look for new people and I rarely ever shut an interest thread so yeah, you could say I am lol.
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The OOC will be better organized, promise but for now this is the planet we're on and the domed colony as well that we're working in and living in, etc.  Anyway, I'll add more info when it's appropriate, promise.  Still need a name for both though and I'm out of ideas on that part lol.

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(And yes, that is Atlantis from Stargate Atlantis before anyone asks lol.)
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Alright, awesome. I shall begin making a character! *Walks away*


Glad to hear it Thrasius.  Can't wait to see what ya got.  ;D
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Nom De Plume

McGillain, moments prior to a vicious nosebreaking.
(That was a joke, but seriously; busted up nose.)
Name: Brahm McGillain (Mic-gill-Ayne, emphasis on capitals)
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Orientation: Straight
Position: Engineering- AI and Robotics; previously combat engineer.

  Standing at nearly six-six in height, Brahm is the model for combat experienced personnel. Densely muscled and pitted in shrapnel scars, he has allowed his dusty red hair and beard to grow out. The former is to hide his lack of ears, the latter, he says, because "you can't sport a beard in the navy unless you want an officer to grab you by the chin and knee you in the nose." His face is a mash of classic scottish-dominant features, though his normally straight, narrow nose is simply a mash- probably resulting from an attempt to grow aforementioned beard in the navy. He usually dresses in clothes that looked like they were once neat and cleaned thoroughly, years ago, but have now seen more casual (and careless) use. If he isn't wearing simple, formfitting athletic shirts and some loose pants, he might be seen in his old military uniform, sporting the few honors he earned prior to his booting.

-External digital transcription systems. Ear cups designed to support microcomputer optical links, external over-eye display and a suite of audio receptors.
-Variety of robotics tools, interface computers and AI processing/development units. Exoskeleton for moving some of the larger repair bots.
-Gyrojet "Bullwhip" pistol, fashioned after an Old-Earth relic (S&W M500 .50 Magnum, six rounds.) High sentimental value.
-Various old world relics, part of his family's inheritance.

Medical History:
  McGillain is deaf, due to explosive trauma to his middle and inner ear. He uses ectos (external computers and display systems) to transcribe speech, issue warnings and visualize sound patterns. The inner ear is at least partially replaced with cybernetics (mainly to deal with issues of balance, due to the impossibility of repair without proper wetware.) He has two circular, metal plates grafted over where his ears should be, preventing changes in air pressure from disorienting him. This causes a great deal of contention between him and the medical officers who installed the devices. Preferable to redirect services directly to pharmaceutics.

Depression caused by loss of hearing, possible PTSD due to military service. Medicated fairly heavily. VERY reticent about biomodification, refuses ear treatment despite former knowledge of gene therapy (myopic, various heart conditions prior to in vitro genetic workup) and current cybernetics.

  Although not xenophobic, McGillain reciprocates the alien's passive-aggresive hostility. In fact, he treats just about everyone the same; he's gruff, blunt to a fault and a little insecure. Among the well-learned he feels treated like little more than a technician or repairman instead of a peer (despite his work coding and designing AIs and robots essential to the function of the colony.) Those less knowledgeable find him, at best, like the pompous science officers and their "oh so precious/important" pet projects, and at worst a soldier out of his depth.

  His attitude worsens among those who've undergone extensive (read: any) biomodification. He is an evident bioconservative, and a proponent of "no, I like the machines on the OUTSIDE, thank you very much" philosophy.

  He's not entirely incapable of making friends, though. After getting past the shell he envelops himself in, he can be quite personable and willing to kill some time. Fine drinks, hydroponic tabbacco and women, discussions on topics of new-age human philosophy, robotics and weaponry and a hand or two of whatever passes for poker on that particular district of space are good ways to get him to open up. He has a soft spot for anything antique, and despite living in the relative squalor of his machine shop, he has a small fortune of old Earth relics that would have many collector foaming at the mouth (including, funnily enough, some old world comics and smut mags.)

Background information:
  One of the latest generations raised on one of the military Arks, Brahm was conceived, designed and born for military service. Coming from a long line of Scottish heritage, he was taught pride, purity and to be tough as nails from the start. Although his above average intelligence painted him a pariah among his peers, he found ways to beat his way into acceptance. By the time he reached the equivalence of a high school diploma, he had surrounded himself with surrogate brothers. These would-be blood siblings would become his brothers in arms throughout the rigorous boot camp enforced on all children as a rite of adulthood. He was recognized for his smarts, but reprimanded for his contemptuous attitude; they had a hard time beating that out of him. He was relegated to the combat engineering corps instead of a position as officer.

  During an assault on a colony by crazed zealots, McGillain was tasked with the improvisation and deployment of a small contingent of kamikaze drones. While on the field, he and his squad were ambushed, and the high-explosives detonated prematurely; McGillain lost consciousness due to the omnidirectional concussive blasts. When he came to, he was in a hospital in some colony, having been in an extensive coma and having lost his sense of hearing. He quickly regressed, becoming petulant, angry at the world and withdrawn. He was released from service with a what amounted to a purple heart, a clap on the back, severance pay and a job with the colony's maintenance crews.

I took a couple liberties, I hope you don't mind.


You went well beyond what was required and I must say I am quite impressed by your profile my friend.  Welcome aboard and the liberties you took were perfectly cool by me so no worries on that.  I'll try to organize things better tomorrow but for now I'm already liking this group.  On a side note, I normally allow people to play two characters, in this case it would be one human and one alien.  Just thought I'd throw that out there real quick lol.
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Name: Ziris

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Appearance: Ziris

Orientation: Heterosexual

Species: Esterion

Home Planet: Esteria, although called a planet, is more of a collection of solitary asteroids floating in space inhabited
by the Esterions. There is little atmosphere and almost zero gravity, making it difficult for humans to visit/study

Physical Traits: Ziris has translucent, blue tinted skin with the texture resembling a thicker version of human skin.
Much like the human body has a skeleton, Ziris's skeleton is organized in such a fashion that it resembles combat
armor, making him very resilient to damage. His head lacks any human like features but whenever he talks, a darker
shade of blue flashes brighter depending on how he fluctuates his words. Since he has arms shaped more like a blade,
he cannot use any fire arms or melee weapons, using his arms as melee weapons instead when need be. He can run
just as fast as any normal human being but he excels at jumping, using his incredibly strong legs to do so. Compared
to a human being, he is very tall standing nearly 7' 0".

Technology Notes: At first, his species was a very slow developing race. However, since his race is so passive, it really
didn't matter to them. This all changed with the first development of the Reticule. This allowed them to do things that
they thought were otherwise impossible. The Esterions started to thrive but, unfortunately, this is the only major
breakthrough they have ever had. As of now, they are at a stand still as far as their technology goes but the Reticule is
still a wonder amongst different races alike. Esteria regularly sends out Esterions to human civilizations to exchange
technology to help them, and the humans, advance.

Society Notes:  Over time, they developed artificial gravity field generators that kept them to the planet and their
bodies adapted to what little air they had to breath. Esterions are a somewhat passive and usually do not let emotions
get in the way of decisions. Despite them being docile, they are a very strong and hefty race and can take damage, as
well as deal it, well. As far as their military goes, they have one but it has been well hidden. The Esterions have never
used their military before and they would only use it if they were having a world crisis.

Position:  Although he is mainly a solider, he can help determine what's wrong with a person or what's broken on a
piece of technology thanks to his reticule.


  • Reticule - The reticule is the Esterions most advanced technology by far. All Esterions have a reticule
    implanted in them, around where their face is, at their time of birth. This was intended to quickly communicate
    important information to another Esterion very quickly.  It could also allow them to understand and speak different
    languages, should they ever encounter any visitors. Although transferring information is still something it does, it's
    main purpose now is to assess medical and technical damage.

Medical History: Nothing

Personality: Ziris doesn't get angered very easily, although, he can get angry when fighting or when somebody is
hostile towards him or his allies. However, he will not engage in combat unless somebody attacks him first. Outside
of combat, he has shown signs of having some emotion and is known, as is his race, to be very straight forward. He
always says what is on his mind, even if he knows that it will get him or his party into trouble. Ziris believes that
strategic planning and precise execution is key to surviving any situation.

Background information: Ziris was one of the chosen Esterions to be sent to one of the various human colonies.
Upon arriving, he met with his contact and exchanged the information they had requested and, in exchange, they
would give Ziris the information he wanted. When they refused and tried running with the information, Ziris did
not attempt to go after him, seeing as it wasn't worth it. However, when he tried to return back to Esteria, they would
not grant him permission to return until the information they requested was received or reimbursed with money.

Ziris was taken back to the colony. The man that had stolen the information was long gone so Ziris went to the head
of the colony to ask for reimbursement. The leader refused Ziris and so, Ziris was forced to make the money on his
own. In his search, he had overheard about some crew who needed participants and that the pay was above usual.
Ziris headed to the location and did not hesitate to sign up. Apparently, they were elated to have him on the crew,
seeing as they needed a solider. It might take him awhile, but he was going to get this debt paid off...

(Hope this is alright and let me know if anything needs changing)


How quickly will the colonists discover something is wrong? If they had the time to build a structure the size of the one i your second picture, they would have been there for several years already, no?
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination."
My ons and offs- My F-list


Indeed RedEve and it'll take an accident such as a rockslide or some such thing during a mining operation for them to uncover the ruins which will start the trouble when they start snooping around.  I haven't decided how this will play out exactly but needless to say, it will be interesting lol.  And Thasius, your guy there is pretty cool and I say he's good to go.  I'm almost done with my own alien and am about to start on my human commander as well.  I still need a name for the base and the planet but beyond that the OOC and stuff should be up before the day is over with.  And as I said once before, everyone can play both a human and as an alien if they wish, can manage it but that's up to you guys and gals.  So far I am liking the group I have already but I do need more humans since we have a few aliens already.  I'd like a nice balance between them lol.
Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page