Balamb Garden (Final Fantasy VIII) -Please Use Recruitment Thread in First Post-

Started by Florence, June 27, 2012, 10:28:05 PM

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This is sort of a vague interest check thread. I have kind of a crazy schedule at the moment, but if there's some interest in this, I would definitely love to make room for it.

Anyway, if you're not familiar with Final Fantasy VIII, I can try to make this as friendly as possible. The general idea is that Balamb Garden is an elite military academy. Many of its students are orphans, but not all of them. Students can enroll between the ages of 5-15, and graduate between the ages 15-19. If a student doesn't graduate by the age of 20, they are released from the Garden. Many graduates enlist in various armies around the world, as Garden trained soldiers are highly valued, and Garden is politically neutral. The best graduates, however, may join SeeD, an elite mercenary group that operates out of Balamb Garden.

SeeD utilize GFs, powerful beings which can be junctioned into a person's mind, which then allows them to junction paramagic, to not only cast spells, but to increase their own abilities. While there are three Gardens (Balamb, Trabia and Galbadia), only Balamb Garden accepts and houses SeeDs, though students from the other Gardens can transfer to Balamb for their final SeeD exam.

Here are some links for further information:

The basic idea I have would be to set the rp something like... 30 years or so after the games. A good time later. The cast would be 100% original characters. I'm thinking sort of a school drama type thing. Following some students of Balamb Garden, nearing their graduation (both because it'd be cool to see their SeeD Exams, maybe have them graduate and see them go on missions... and cause I don't want them being too young), just following their interactions, good times and bad.

Also. If this does happen. If there's any one thing I can't stress enough. Gunblades don't shoot bullets. Here. Look it up :U

But seriously, I'd like to know how people feel about an RP like this. Any questions or suggestions are welcome. If people really seem to like this, I'll make time in my schedule.

[b]Enrollment Age:[/b]


[b]Special Attack:[/b]

If you're interested and want to post up a character, please fill these out and post them up here, thank you.

Main Thread: <- Recruitment thread.
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.

Latooni Subota

Go ahead and mark me down as interested. I always did love the source material for FF8!
ONs and OFFs be here:

If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.


You can put me down as well. VIII has always been one of my favorite Final Fantasies, and always one of the most underrated, for some reason, but a Garden would make for a great RP setting.


Tentatively interested.  I haven't played FF8 in over a decade and my copy is scratched so I can't retry, but I've been wanting to play a char with a gunblade for some time now.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Wow.  This was my favorite part about FF8.  Will there be some type of system?
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


I'm not thinking there will be a system, no. I usually prefer free-form, and I'm not really familiar enough with any system to run a game using one. I'm glad to see some people are interested. I really want to try this rp.
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


Mark me as interested as well.  I'm like Andy, though, haven't played 8 in ages and likely won't have the opportunity any time soon.


I'm in 2 group roleplays currently and I wasn't planning on joining a 3rd, but this is FF VIII, so I'll make an exception. Not a week goes by that I don't think about this game, despite it having been 13 years ago that I played through it completely. Two years ago I even started up the game again and played it for a while, but unfortunately real life intervened and prevented me from completing it. Despite the graphics (compared to current day games) it's still one of the best games I ever played. I always loved FF VIII best for its storyline of all the games while I liked the rich gameplay elements of FF VII a bit better. Still, it took me a really long time to even settle on that compromise, hehe.

A couple of questions I have though;
- We will use magic from the game and not self made-up magic?
- Will each student will get one GF at most? (Or none at all?) If we use GF's, must they be game based or can we make up our own ones too? (Though in style of the game.)
- Will there be another Lunar Cry as well?
- Will there be any interaction with the old cast members/ are we allowed to make references to the past? (The majority of the characters would still be alive and be close to their 50ties.)
- Will we all be part of SeeD? (the primary reason for the organisation was to defeat corrupted sorceresses, you could use this as a plotline too.) :-)

I'm interested in this roleplay and looking forward to seeing it get started.


By the way, I would set the minimum age of students to 16, that way it'll prevent any possible problems when it comes to adult related content. :-)


Okay... in order...

I'm going to say FOR THE MOST PART, magic from the game. However, I'm willing to use new ones if everyone agrees they work, or fill a niche that's maybe missing in the original list. I mean, who's to say that Squall and his party found and used every single spell in existence during the game? New materia appeared in Crisis Core, that wasn't in FF7, after all.

I'm open to suggestions on the GF front, but the way I imagine it now, each student gets 1 GF. I know Squall started with two, but for me, one just flows better. Plus it makes GF seem more personal, and special. As for what to use as GFs, I think it'll be a part of the character sheet. You can apply for one from the game (but please, be realistic, they're not going to hand a student Eden), or make up one of your own. Original GFs can either be based on existing monsters in the FF franchise, or completely original, but please try to keep from copying anything else (No Jack Frost or Angel or anything from Shin Megami Tensei for instance), and keep it... ya know... Final Fantasy-ish.

I'm not sure yet, it could be worked into the plot. But if I decide to include one, I think I'll leave it a surprise :>

Old characters I'm on the fence about. I mean, there may be a cameo from some of them (maybe Squall will show up to give a speech if the character's make SeeD, or something), but I want the focus to be on the new, original characters. You can certainly make references, though. I would prefer if no one applied to be a relative of one of the characters, but their adventures would be well known, even if the details might not be. The Lunar Cry, the whole war with Galbadia, Edea and Ultimecia and all that... I'm pretty sure all of that was big news.

At the start, I want to say the main cast are students, probably working to become SeeD. Over the course of the story, maybe we'll witness them graduating and becoming SeeDs. I think it would make it all the more awesome to see them as SeeDs if we get to know them as students first. Kind of like how cool it is to see some of the characters in Naruto as badass ninja after getting to know them as little bratty kids. xD

And on your next point, I agree. I was intending to set the age limit as that. I don't intend for this rp to revolve AROUND sex, but... well... hormonal teenage students in a school, training to become mercenaries where they could die any day... well... stuff happens :P
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


QuoteI know Squall started with two, but for me, one just flows better. Plus it makes GF seem more personal, and special.
Agreed, I think one would be best too. Squall was an exceptional student anyway, by no way is he the rule.

QuoteOriginal GFs can either be based on existing monsters in the FF franchise, or completely original, but please try to keep from copying anything else (No Jack Frost or Angel or anything from Shin Megami Tensei for instance), and keep it... ya know... Final Fantasy-ish.
I think it would work best if people apply for a GF and fill in a form about the name, its element, ability, etc. and that you approve or disprove it. That way we can keep a certain quality across the board. Perhaps you can set up some guidelines that ought to be followed. We wouldn't want completely overpowered GF's to join (like your Eden example), that'd just make things boring.

QuoteI want the focus to be on the new, original characters. You can certainly make references, though. I would prefer if no one applied to be a relative of one of the characters,
I think you should make that a rule yes. The reason I asked those questions was to get this all cleared up. ;)

QuoteAt the start, I want to say the main cast are students, probably working to become SeeD. Over the course of the story, maybe we'll witness them graduating and becoming SeeDs.
I think that would work well yeah.

Quotedon't intend for this rp to revolve AROUND sex, but... well... hormonal teenage students in a school, training to become mercenaries where they could die any day... well... stuff happens
Sounds like a plan yeah. I prefer it not to be the main thing either, but it's always fun to form and develop relationships with one another. ;D


I agree with your point on GFs. I might post up some applications and stuff shortly, honestly, since it seems this idea was received rather well.
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


I just worry about arbitration, since there was a lot of competition in FF8, and not just Squall and Seifer.  Students were graded on combat, knowledge, timed trials and other things, who knows what else.  While the judgment/following orders grades can be done off of RP, I would like to know how we are going to do that in this game.  Also, will we start with GFs, or just design the one we want to get in game?
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


Well, Squall gets two right at the start, it seems logical they train with GFs longer than just that (given that he had already forgotten his childhood). So I would say everyone starts with one. It won't be uber powerful though. Remember that you did have to level up your GFs in VIII.

As for all that technical stuff... we can cross that bridge when we get there. Its honestly not that big of a deal. I want this to be more about story than competition.
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


Quote from: kckolbe on June 28, 2012, 02:46:41 AM
I just worry about arbitration, since there was a lot of competition in FF8, and not just Squall and Seifer.  Students were graded on combat, knowledge, timed trials and other things, who knows what else.  While the judgment/following orders grades can be done off of RP, I would like to know how we are going to do that in this game.  Also, will we start with GFs, or just design the one we want to get in game?
I thought it'd be really cool to roleplay the adventure of how we get our GF. Most GF's were earned through an exciting sub plot and rarily were they gotten just like that. For example, Ifrit, Oden, Cactuar, etc.

It could make for a really cool adventure to get your GF through the story and really add something to the game. ;D


In FF8, were there only the brief summons which did an attack and then the GF instantly left, or would they be able to stick around a while?  Having the latter like in later games could be awesome, but I could also see how it would get confusing if you have two characters you're controlling during battle.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Alright, well, we COULD make it an adventure, that is completely true. In fact, I like that. We're gonna do that.

Also, as for how they work, I'm gonna say AT FIRST they can only be summoned for brief attacks. But perhaps the students will eventually learn to summon them longer. :o
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


Quote from: AndyZ on June 28, 2012, 03:04:04 AM
In FF8, were there only the brief summons which did an attack and then the GF instantly left, or would they be able to stick around a while?  Having the latter like in later games could be awesome, but I could also see how it would get confusing if you have two characters you're controlling during battle.
In the game they only sticked around for the duration of their attack, did their thing and then disappeared again :-)


Quote from: Finn MacKenna on June 28, 2012, 03:05:39 AM
Alright, well, we COULD make it an adventure, that is completely true. In fact, I like that. We're gonna do that.

Also, as for how they work, I'm gonna say AT FIRST they can only be summoned for brief attacks. But perhaps the students will eventually learn to summon them longer. :o
That could be cool yeah. It'd also allow us to focus on developing our own characters first and then maybe later learn more about GF's. Maybe we'll even up travelling to their dimension? They probably reside in a different reality/ plane of existance from our own (hence they're summoned) and we could end up discovering a lot more about their background?

A lot about GF's remained unexplained in the game and this could be another plot line. ^_^


That's not a bad idea, either. We'll see how the story goes, though, I have a few ideas on the matter.
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


The above were merely suggestions yes, they were things I thought could make nice plotlines, but it's up to you whether you want to use the ideas or not. I'm looking forward to what you're coming up with. ^_^


Enrollment Age: (When was your character first accepted into Garden, must be between 5-15)

Weapon: (What's your character's weapon of choice?)
Specialization: (What's your character's focus in combat? Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Magic, Medicine, Martial Arts, etc.)

Personality: (Doesn't need to be exact, but just enough to show you have an idea worked out for the character.)
Backstory: (Feel free to leave things out to keep things interesting, so long as its something  that others wouldn't know, but if its something major, or if you're not sure if its major or not, PM me to be safe.)
Appearance: (Descriptions, images or a combination of both.)

Description: (Give a general description of the GF, its appearance, its nature, the basics.)
Bonus: (What kind of benefits does it give the user? Magical Power, Physical Strength, Stamina, special abilities? If using a GF from the game, it doesn't have to match up EXACTLY with what the GF does in game, as long as its in the same general area.)
Special Attack: (Hell Fire, Diamond Dust, Thunder Storm, etc. Please describe the effects of the attack. Keep in mind that, since RPs are less strict than video games, the attack doesn't have to be identical every time. It can change to suit the situation, as long as the general idea of it remains the same.)

Let me know how those applications look. Be sure to tell me if I forgot anything. I know they're nothing pretty, they're sort of something I whipped up quickly. I can pretty them up if you'd all like.
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


Maybe it's an idea to have 2 different special attacks that we can choose from for the GF? That way they're more versatile, while also prevent them from being overpowered. If that makes sense at least? :-)


Well the idea I had was that it would be sort of a general thing. I probably could have been more specific. Like... Shiva can freeze the whole area in front of her, but she could direct it as needed, maybe use a smaller, more powerful attack, or a larger, but weaker one. Stuff like that.

I don't really think there's a need for two. I don't want summoning to be a HUGE thing, either. I think I'm gonna say that, at first, at least, summoning a GF tires out the user. That way every single scuffle doesn't end up with GF's being summoned. I'd like to see people fighting traditionally, too. With weapons and magic and whatnot.
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.
