Ashwood School of Discipline (Closed)

Started by MagicalPen, June 15, 2012, 10:42:13 AM

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The Ashwood School of Discipline - otherwise known as the Ashwood Academy - is set in an idyllic setting. It is nestled on the edge of a Great Lake in the north, accessible only via boat during the summer months and by a long overland trail during the winter. It is secluded from the rest of the world, allowing the students to focus on their tasks at hand. The school is an ancient castle, re purposed for use as an Academy, but can still withstand an assault. Being so isolated, Nomadic Tribes and North Men are known to patrol the area. The School is thus guarded by a well-paid group of Nords, familiar with the area, even more at home during the winter months when desperate men make desperate moves.

The Headmaster of the School is an Orc, a former student who decided to come back to the school as a Teacher and then assume the role of Head Master when it became available. Other teachers include everything from Humans to Dwarves. Each Teacher has a specialty - both academic and sexually - as Ashwood is no ordinary school.

Students sent to Ashwood get the most complete education possible. They are educated in the Arts, Literature, History and Maths (even the Arcane) while also discovering who they are sexually. Girls are turned into women, the perfect wives or consorts, while boys are turned into men, powerful and controlling. Some students take a little longer to figure out just who they are and sometimes it is against the common stereotypes. Otherwise quickly realize what they want and desire and soon become skilled in such things.

It is not uncommon for former students to return for further education or send their own offspring to the school. Some still come back to teach, to offer the next generation of students the same sort of skills they once learned. Ashwood is that school that is well known but only talked about in whispers and dark corners.

And Ashwood School of Discipline is recruiting students once more!


Now open to recruitment!

Acceptable Races are anything found in a Low or High Fantasy world - aka Humanoid. No Angels, no Demons. Would need to be convinced to accept Werewolves and/or Vampires.

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games

Ink Slinger

You know my charrie and interest. Just making it official
Ons and Offs                   A/A                         Cravings  
Dipping toes back in. Erratic response time


[Reserved for Characters]

All Character Sheets must be sent to me.


At this time, do not send me character sheets. I will ask for them when the time comes.

[i]Character Name:[/i]
[i]Character Race (with description if not 'typical):[/i]
[i]Character Age (Actually + Visual)[/i]
[i]Description with Picture:[/i]
[i]Character Personality:[/i]
[i]Character Background: Why are they at the School?[/i]
[i]Ons and Offs:[/i]


Character Name: Master Korpik'laani

Character Race (with description if not 'typical): Highland Orc

Character Age (Actually + Visual): Korpik'laani appears to be 34 Years Old.

Description with Picture: Korpik'laani has forest-green skin and typical Orcish features: Tusks protruding from his lower jaw, slightly pointed ears, and a tall, muscular body. He stands to be about 6'8" tall, with broad shoulders and muscled arms that are more fit for a Warrior then the Headmaster of a School. His thighs are equally powerful and the rest of his body is also well proportioned. Long, black hair flows backwards over his head and down around his shoulders. Despite his status, he is still often seen only wearing a leather jerkin and boots, the vast part of his body exposed.

Character Personality: Korpik'laani has inherited his races stubbornness and willpower. And dominance. The Highland Orcs - though numbered few - are known for their fierce battlefield prowess and the fact that they have never surrendered to any foe. Those who are captured and enslaved by them are promised years of hard living - both due to the climate and the harshness the Highland Orcs are known for. When in mixed company of other Orcs, it i always the Highland Orcs who take positions of command and power. Korpik'laani is no different. He has no tolerance for disobedience and expects everyone to operate at their fullest potential. Crossing paths with him is likely to create fear in people.

Character Background: Why are they at the School? Korpik'laani started his career in the Company of the Black Hand, a famous mercenary company known for its ruthlessness and battle finesse. But Korpik'laani, having explored the world with the Company, had grown tired of the warriors life and sought something else out. He also quite enjoyed the female specimens of other races. This led him to the doorstep of the Ashwood School of Discipline, where he initially hired on as a guard. After a few instances where he took those trying to flee and punished them, he caught the eye of the old Headmaster. Korpik'laani soon began applying his skills as an assistant of sorts to the Headmaster but it wasn't long before he was given the position - the old Headmaster dying of asphyxiation during a rather mysterious private session.

Since then, Korpik'laani has taken over many school functions and has brought in similarly minded staff.

Ons and Offs: See link.

Player: Ink Slinger
Character Name: Nichole "Nic" Fletcher, that's Ms. Fletcher to students or Mistress in certain situations.

Character Race (with description if not 'typical): Human empath and low level healer, her empath abilities allow her to empathise with others, easily understanding what it is they feel even if they don't. Her healing powers are quite minor.  She cannont accelerate the healing in others, but she can remove their pain (both emotional and physical) by taking it on herself.  She does however heal rapidly which allows her to be the play thing of her boss, Master Korpik'laani.  At the start of the game he is the only one she calls Master.

Character Age (Actually + Visual): Actual age 33, visual age is mid-20's (those healing genes keep her looking a bit young)

Description with Picture:
Nicole is quite the chameleon.  Sitting at her desk receiving new students and meeting parents she looks like any other harmless school secretary.  She has chestnut hair, dark warm brown eyes and a beauty queen smile.  She is slender but no waif.  Nic stands five foot seven and weighs about 130 pounds.  When meeting families of new students and conducting mundane school business she can typically be found in simple dresses that are quite common for the period.

With Master Korpik'laani is a different story.  She often wears very little at his request.  She has a small birthmark on her back.  It's on her right shoulder just over the shoulder blade.  It's brown and shaped like a heart.

Character Personality: Nic is often times soft spoken.  She views yelling to gain someone's attention as pointless.  Most of her emotion is conveyed through her eyes.  If she is cross with you you won't necessarily hear it in her tone but the coldness in her eyes will be well evident.  She has mastered the art of speaking with a pleasant, honeyed tone no matter what she has to say.  That is not to say she is without the ability to have a harsh tongue.  Her office, her living space are always impeccably clean and organized.  Unless requested otherwise she knows where Master Korpik'laani is at all times and does the job of being sure he sees only whom he chooses to in his office with perfection.  If he doesn't want to see you, you won't be getting past Nic.  Don't be fooled by her size.  She's got a stubborn streak broad as the day is long.

Nic is a people pleaser.  Her empathy aids her in finding what makes others happy.  She will often put the needs of others ahead of her own and work tirelessly to please those around her.  She finds herself in the position of mediator often.  Her goal for everyone to walk away pleased with the outcome albeit often compromise.

She's also a type-A control freak; everywhere but sexual situations.  Her need to please others comes out strongly in sexual situations.  When it comes to the sensual arts she is submissive and she knows it.  She also knows how to get what she wants and needs even while being submissive because she knows that subs hold their own kind of power in the relationship. 

Character Background: Why are they at the School? Miss Fletcher is a product of Ashwood school.  When marriage to a man who might improve her families position in life became impossible her father started looking for other options.  His strong willed daughter needed to know, to learn how to be a proper wife.  Nic was a stubborn child often refusing to give into the wishes of others.  At sixteen she was placed at Ashwood and discovered her stubbornness, attention to detail and drive had their places but there was a whole world of pleasure to be found in submitting to a man, a lover, a husband.

Upon her graduation she went home for a time and remained unmarried.  Ashwood had taught her the difference between a dom and an abuser.  She refused to be married off to a man who would simply abuse her want to please.  At the age of twenty-six she returned to Ashwood seeking a position on the staff.  She had no desire to be a teacher but Master Korpik'laani needed a secretary.  And the rest as they say, is history.

Ons: Bondage (cuffs, leather straps, silk restraints), rough sex, spanking (hand, paddle), whips (nothing to leave permanent marks), biting, scratching (again nothing that leaves permanent marks), large penis,

Offs: Blood, gore, vomit, bathroom play, bodily modification, mutilation, humiliation

Character Name: Storm Ogresmasher

Character Race (with description if not 'typical): Dwermer Dwarf

Character Age (Actually + Visual): Not to sure himself, as years pass differently for Dwarfs, Storm appears to be around 30 years old.

Description with Picture: Storm stands all of 3'8" tall, but is all muscle. His fiery red hair is cut into a Mohawk, revealing his Clan Tattoo on the side of his head. The ends of his mustache are braided over his long beard, and a scar crosses over his left eye. The most peculiar thing about him, however, is his wooden peg left leg, attached just below his knee.

Character Personality: The red of his hair should serve as a warning to all, as should his name. Storm has a fiery, raging temper and is likely to go off on his students for any number off things. Forced to retire from a glorious military career due to his injuries, Storm has developed a 'Napoleon' complex. His had broken many skulls during fights (mostly after a night of drinking Fire Ale) and Storm generally hates everything that isn't another Dwarf.

Character Background: Why are they at the School? Storm was born a Dwermer Warrior, to a long line of Dwermer Warriors. His body still carries the bulk of muscle that made him such an amazing fighter in his younger days. He is still more a of match for most people despite having given up his warring ways. He fought in the Deep Dark, against things better left unmentioned. He fought against his Dark Brethren and his peoples Nemesis: the Drow. He also fought on the Topside, against Orcs and Goblins and their evil kin. But what made Storm famous amongst his brethren - other then his temper - was his deep seeded hatred of OGRES.

Storm would turn into a Beserkers Rage at the mere sight of an Ogre, turning into a blurring ball of furry soaring through the air, all sharp and deadly points in his battle armor. When in such a rage, he was known to single handedly kill the brutes that were nearly 10 times his height single handed, turning the tides of many a hopeless battle. Three years ago, however, that all came to an end.

A brutal ambush by the Unseen left him the only survivor of his band. A search party discovered their bodies and took him for dead, his face a bloody mess and his lower leg missing. But he stirred just as one passed him and was rushed back to the Holde, where he was slowly nursed back to life. To compensate for his missing leg, he was given a peg leg. But he was unable to return to battle, and the memories of his dead band began to haunt him. He soon turned to his only friend left - Ale and drink.

He was caste out from the Holde due to his drunken habit to get in fights - namely, fights with Nobles. Like the Kings son. He gave the lad a real licking, despite being small for a Dwarf, but was caste Topside to make his own way. Korpik'laani, a hated Orc, found him in such a stupor and took him in by pure force, seeing something in the Dwarf. Since then, Storm has sobered up (somewhat) and is now part of the Faculty at the school.


Character Name: Hob Overhill

Character Race (with description if not 'typical): Ghostwise Hin (Halfling)

Character Age (Actually + Visual) Actual: 28, Visual: 18

Description with Picture: Hob is a Ghostwise Hin, with their typical dark hair and eyes. However, he does not have their long sideburns and instead has a baby-smooth face. He stands to be about 3'10" tall, with a lithe, sinewy frame. He dresses for comfort as well, in traveling clothes that won't get in the way of his roguish habits.

Character Personality: Hob is like all Hin (Halflings) with an extremely friendly personality. He is also fearless, as any Hin in the land of Giants is, and courageous. He would never have made it this far from his homelands if he was not a fearless rogue. Hob also likes things that are shiny and of value, though never adorns himself with such trinkets. He is also quite inquisitive, looking to explore the world and learn  more about the other races he finds in it.

Character Background: Why are they at the School? It was always said that Hob was too curious for his own good, that he was only half-a-hin and half something else. The Ghostwise Hin, for instance, are extremely reclusive and wary of outsides. Their nomadic wanderings around their territory leave no signs of themselves behind. Outsiders searching for them never find them. The Hin - the Ghostwise do not refer to subraces - usually find the outsiders, with near fatal results. The Hin are friendly with the other Hin races, of course, sharing information about the forest and animals, but the Ghostwise Hin are rarely seen by outsiders.

Hob, however, has always been curious about the bigger picture, the rest of the world. His love for the forest and his homeland be damned, he wanted to see what there was to be seen. The Hin of his Clan did not approve of his thoughts or his ways and threatened to outcast him if he didn't settle down. As much as Hob valued his family and clan, there was no way for him to settle down and be completely happy. He had an itch, and it needed to be scratched. Though it hurt him greatly, Hob left his Clan and Family behind to go on his adventure.

Around his neck, hanging on a leather thong, was a leather pouch that contained a few fragments of his Clans rock. It is the most sacred possession he has and he never leaves it out of his reach. It is the last memento of his home and clan. He guards it with his life. And it he has not lost it yet. In his wanderings so far, he has heard many tales and learned many things. He has also found that most people pay no attention to him or the other halflings, perhaps because they are child-sized. He uses this to his advantage, along with his sleight of hand, agility, and speed. He has never worked a day in his life - he does not know what the term means - but by stealing valuables he has been able to provide for himself.

He has heard briefly the mention of a school. A school full of a mixture of races. His curiosity perked, he has found his way to Ashwood and convinced the Roll Master to enter him into the school. Hob sees this as the best way to learn about Cultures and other races. Little does he know just how intimately he will get to know some of these other races.

Ons and Offs: See Link

Player: Rel Mayer
Character Race (with description if not 'typical):Dark Elf. Skin has a very dark pigment. Elf ears.
Character Age (Actually + Visual) Appears to be in very early twenties.
Description with Picture:
Faer is fairly short only standing to about 5"3". Her skin is a dark purple color, a bit lighter than other dark elves, and her eyes are tiger's eye golden color. Her body is thin and limber, easily able to stealth through many obstacles. Her hair is low and goes to about her mid waist. It's very thick and black as night. Also, her hair is slightly accented with white streaks, maybe for a fashion aspect.
Usually Faer dresses in the normal required attire for the school. (I'm not even sure if there is, but I'm just throwing that in there.) Normally, when she's out and about, she wears a very thin armor chest plate and bottoms, with nothing usually but a cloak to hide her body.

Character Personality: She's fierce, stubborn, and witty. Usually getting in trouble with many of her fellow students. She's not necessarily the bad kid, but she's the girl that doesn't speak to a lot of people. Sits off alone and spends most of her time in her studies. She rebels against what rules she can at the school, just to get her way sometimes. She's usually full of angst. The one thing she loves doing most of all is hunting. Going into the forest and shooting some game, or deciding to pick a fight with a bear. She excels in most combat situations, but tends to get bad grades on her domestic classes.

Character Background: Why are they at the School? Faer had a very rough childhood, in the area she lived in, they were very biased and rude towards her kind of people. Blaming them for something horrible that happened years ago. Because of the prejudice her family was killed in a massacre when she was very young. She was brought up in an orphanage in the same town, and always seemed to get herself in trouble. Sometimes she'd even climb the castle walls to get a glimpse of something extraordinary. Instead she seemed to watch knights train, and became obsessed with the thrill of combat. Faer practiced, showed commitment, and was given acceptance into Ashwood School of Discipline, but she had no idea it was going to be a bunch of normal classes. The only classes she ended up being good at were anything combat related or magic related.

Ons and Offs:

Player: MzHyde
Character Name:Alessa Greenbriar
Character Race:Half-Elf (Human Father, Elven Mother)
Character Age:18 (appears 16 - 17)

Description:A rather gorgeous young woman of mixed heritage. She has all the fine facial features and pointed ears of her Elven mother, but the slightly more substantial and curvy build of a human. Sadly, she also has their lifespan. Her aging is only slightly slower than normal. Alessa has her mother's long, firey red hair. The silken strands fall all the way to her heart-shaped posterior. In contrast, she has her father's soulful brown eyes. The warm smile that often graces her lips is all her own. Alessa sees a life of hard work hunting, fishing, and tending to her mother's inn, so she keeps rather fit. Fit enough while still having a bit of curve to her figure. Her hips are full, her backside a perfect little heart. The girl's chest is already a lovely handful and more - she seems to bust right out of that top she's got on! She walks with a grace that belies her Elven heritage, but laughs and smiles with an ease that is the trademark of the short-lived humans who just want to enjoy life.

Character Personality:Easygoing, hard-working, dedicated to anything she puts her mind to. Alessa is the type who makes friends easily and can quickly put people at ease, defusing even tense situations with a warm smile or a quick joke.

Character Background: Alessa's mother and father want more for their daughter than to work at an inn for the rest of her life, so they've been saving up and have finally had enough gold to send the girl away to Ashwood. The school is not spoken of freely enough for them to realize it's true nature. They only know that Alessa's education will be "complete and thorough". Alessa isn't a shy girl at all. Perhaps she'll have fun here..

Ons and Offs:Link In Profile

Player: kedagraven56
Character Name: Lysal Roe 'beauty' or 'beast' among the students, depending on her mood

Character Race (with description if not 'typical): Grey elf

Character Age (Actually + Visual) Is a young elf of 19

Description with Picture: Lysal Roe has fair and smooth skin, acid green eyes, pink lips, she wears a light green skirt with a light white shirt under her vest like black shirt and boots that are tied tightly over her thigh high socks. Se has a piercing on both ears and wears a necklace always from her clan. She had tribal tattoos on her hips and middle torso. Her long blond hair reaches the middle of her back and is almost always down until she draws or works on things and doesn't want the hair in the way. She stands about 5’5”, she has a body that is small and lean but is well toned from combat/training, Lysal is a cup size of a 34c, and her ears are pointed to 3”. She normally wears this often if not other clothing(more like the t and skirt), she wears white four inch heels in this as well:

Character Personality: Lysal is a very quiet person, very kind and knowledgeable despite her age. She likes to read and draw, sometimes drown herself in work. She is in tuned with her natural heritage, which also means she has their attitude of superiority over other elves. She likes to train in martial arts and sword play, even a bow and arrow at times. Lysal will stay kind and silent until you push her over the edge, even then it will take some amount for her to calm herself to not blow up on you. "Like the humans say, don't judge a book by it's cover." Lysal is soft spoken and has a honey/wind like voice, an even amount of sass and kindness. She takes some things personal and can hold a grudge. She likes other races but is still tied to her races characteristics.

Character Background: Why are they at the School? This elf wanted to join because she didn't just want to know about what books could teach her, or even what her people taught her, she would have plenty of time for those things. She wanted to go out in the world and learn things; along her travelings a few 'creatures' spoke of a school that taught everything and then some to her. Eager to get enrolled she went to said place, 'Ashwood School of Discipline', and found that she could be herself without judgment. Soon she got accepted and stayed there until she would be done there. She also found that entering there were a lot of good looking creatures in the building, even the headmaster.(which would defiantly be taboo for her kind to be with)

Ons and Offs: Much like my own down below(some not). If you need specific things, do let me know. She only likes men, but will be taught by women if necessary.

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games



"All who wander are not lost."  Some just enjoy the adventure of seeking the unknown.  ^^                

Ons and Offs/A/A's/My Rabbit Hole

Rel Mayer

I'm interested. I'm assuming Dark Elves (Sort of Skyrim based) would be ok? I'd prefer to do a person with small magic and melee skillz. >) Also, interested in professor position, if allowed.


Rel - that should be fine. I'll mark you down as  Teacher for now. Any specific 'subject' you'd like to teach?

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games

Rel Mayer

I actually take that back. I think I'd have more fun playing a student. ^^;; If you need teachers though, I'll be more than happy to gear my character more towards that.


Muse(s) mood: Good
Would love: Roleplays
Ons, Offs, Plot Ideas

Normally does M/M very rarely does F/F or M/F


Adrianna Paige

I would LOVE to join in on this as a student!
"True intimacy is a human constant. People of all types find it equally hard to achieve, equally precious to hold. Age, education, social status, make little difference here; even genius does not presuppose the talent to reveal one's self completely and completely absorb one's self in another personality. Intimacy is to love what concentration is to work: a simultaneous drawing together to attention and release of energy."

Robert Grudin

BDSM Bracket


Ok. Those of you who have posted here can start the character creation process.

Make sure you PM me your character sheet. Feel free to PM me with questions and the like. You can see two profiles already posted for an idea of what I am expecting.

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games


Muse(s) mood: Good
Would love: Roleplays
Ons, Offs, Plot Ideas

Normally does M/M very rarely does F/F or M/F


My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games


It's a little hard to tell who's playing what. Is the Dwarf the only new one?


He's just another Teacher of mine. Still waiting to see other peoples Bios.

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games


You should put player names or something there anyway so we know. Heh heh. And aren't the Dwemer extinct? :P
I'm kidding, please don't kick me out...


Some one might have an early trip to the Torture Chamber >.>

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games


*sigh* Detention. Just like highschool all over again. Except with more spankings.


So I have an idea for a teacher, I can PM you about it if you want. Is there still room on the teaching side?


Certainly. All roles are still open. Only received 2 Apps so far.

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games

Adrianna Paige

Hi everyone ! I'm working on my character right now and will pm it tonight if that is ok. If you don't mind, all i ask is that you guys be patient with me. It's not that I'm not new to writing, because I'm not, it's that I'm new to E and so I'm feeling alittle bit shy.
"True intimacy is a human constant. People of all types find it equally hard to achieve, equally precious to hold. Age, education, social status, make little difference here; even genius does not presuppose the talent to reveal one's self completely and completely absorb one's self in another personality. Intimacy is to love what concentration is to work: a simultaneous drawing together to attention and release of energy."

Robert Grudin

BDSM Bracket

Ink Slinger

Don't worry Adrianna! We've all been where you are. :D 
Ons and Offs                   A/A                         Cravings  
Dipping toes back in. Erratic response time

Adrianna Paige

Quote from: Ink Slinger on June 16, 2012, 08:07:44 PM
Don't worry Adrianna! We've all been where you are. :D

Thankyou Ink! That definitely makes me feel better.
"True intimacy is a human constant. People of all types find it equally hard to achieve, equally precious to hold. Age, education, social status, make little difference here; even genius does not presuppose the talent to reveal one's self completely and completely absorb one's self in another personality. Intimacy is to love what concentration is to work: a simultaneous drawing together to attention and release of energy."

Robert Grudin

BDSM Bracket


I love the new teacher!

And welcome Adrianna, I was the same way. I felt not ready for E, but then I got a bit better. Again, welcome.
Muse(s) mood: Good
Would love: Roleplays
Ons, Offs, Plot Ideas

Normally does M/M very rarely does F/F or M/F