Golden Age of Piracy - Recruiting!

Started by Oneiros, June 01, 2012, 08:14:45 PM

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The Golden Age of Piracy. Think Pirates of the Caribbean, but less Johnny Depp (you'd think he was the only pirate in the whole sea). The exact year is a bit tricky, but assume sometime between the 1670s-1740s. We'll narrow it down. Though I don't expect 100% accuracy, I'd like it to be grounded somewhat in reality. So no magic curses that turn you into skeletons under the moonlight or anything. Beyond that, anything else goes. Treasure! Wenches! Booze! Mutiny! And though not firmly rooted in history, treasure maps!

I'd love to get a group game going. Maybe a few different ships, some military, some merchants, some pirates from different areas - I definitely want to include some Barbary pirates (who captured white prisoners to sell to Muslim slavers), maybe set up a couple of pirate towns.

People who know me and my friends know this is probably going to stray heavily into M/M territory, but I have no problem with everyone joining in. There are historical accounts of women pirates, both openly female and disguised as men, and there's prostitutes galore in the pirate towns, so everyone can find something to have fun with. Pirates are a debauched group however, so it'll probably end up in either NC or Extreme, so be prepared for that.

I shall toss a couple of links towards you all, and let you decide if you want in or out.

I'd love to get enough interest to get several ships going. Remember, not everyone can be a captain! And even if you do become captain, you might not STAY captain.

Code for character sheets:

[float=left][img height=300 padding=10][/img][/float][b]Player:[/b][url=*link to ons/offs*]Player Name[/url]
[b]Orientation:[/b] Gay/Straight/Bi/Other (Feel free to note dom/sub/switch if you like also)
[b]Nationality:[/b] What country your character was born in, whether or not their allegiance lies there any longer.

[b]Allegiance:[/b] Are they pirates? Navy? Neutral?
[b]Ship:[/b] You can leave this blank until we sort everyone into ships
[b]Rank/Occupation:[/b] This can also be left blank until we settle everything else.
[b]Equipment:[/b] What kinds of things (non-weapon) do they carry on their person?
[b]Weapons:[/b] Keep it to things available around 1680-1700-ish. I won't be super strict and check every single thing, but no modern weapons. Mostly there were single-shot muskets and flintlock pistols around - and they were rather inaccurate. A pirate generally relied on his sword.

[b]Description:[/b] Physical description, anything that might not be obvious in your picture if you have one.



[b]Anything else:[/b]

OOC Thread
Character Sheet Thread
Saerra is Co-GM'ing this game with me.

Flaming Dead Man

My pirate's already looking for some booty.

Or maybe to be some.  We'll see.  ;D
Wanderings (Updated 2013.08.21.)
(Check this forum for the posting list, as well.)

Partner Search Thread (Updated 2013.08.21.)


I love a good pirate romp! Count me in as interested! I will withhold character musings for a bit, not sure I want to be a ship captain, I'm much more of a follower than a leader. But I will do what is needed!



I'd probably be interested in playing a female pirate of some sort.


Excellent! I know I've got a couple of people who are interested but not online right now. Feel free to invite anyone whom you think might be interested.

I'm thinking we can fill the 'important' ranks with players, and let NPCs take care of all the piddling crap on the ship.

Ranks/Jobs that might be considered important:

First Mate
Cabin Boy (not necessarily an 'important' job on the ship, but perhaps interesting story-wise)


Oh I love the Age of Sail. If you'll have me I'd like to express my interest.

I am a Brit, and so I think I should really play someone in the Royal Navy shouldn't I  ? How about if I'm a young(ish) Lieutenant who has been given a temporary command of a captured pirate ketch ?

A ketch]([url][/url] is quick enough to be able to cause a bit of trouble for unwary pirates, but is also quite small, so apt to get into trouble if not handled expertly. I am more than happy to be a trouble-maker or get captured early on. As long as there is some feminine interest wherever I find myself hanging my hat, I am sure I'd struggle through. (also happy, after OOC discussion, to be the victim of some M/M abuse if thats the way its got to be too).




I wanna know how many ships are being planned because filling all those positions multiple times might be a tall order?


Welcome aboard, napanee! I was worried we might not have anyone interested in being the 'good guys'. ^^

As for the amount of ships: as many as we get people for. Ships come in lots of different sizes, some might have smaller crews, where multiple jobs are taken up by each person. Every single person isn't going to have their own ship, obviously, but every player can have more than one character. We'll basically add ships on an as-needed basis, as they fill up once we start making characters, we'll add new ones.



I might be interested in the position of First Mate, if no one else wants it.  A tough as nails woman who got where she was by killing a good number of men.  Though I also like the idea of a stow away of sorts, a woman of fine bearing who ran away from an unpleasant marriage and ended up on the wrong ship.


Doctor and maybe a slave ship captain later


Awww, well, if another ship opens up, I'd love to take on role of doctor/surgeon, well they would accept a woman is debatable!


She could always disguise herself as a man! ;) I'm thinking we'll probably have at least two pirate ships the way things are going. If we don't get enough interest in playing merchant/navy ships, we can just NPC them out for people to attack. And if you want, your character can start on a merchant/navy ship, then be captured. They'd be likely to keep a doctor around, they're useful!


>.> I will change my choice for you, I respect a female doctor on a ship... That could be a lot of fun.  :P I will go with gunner.


Ooo, Fedora, I love the idea of being captured off a merchant ship! Being disguised as a man is also fun. I may steal both ideas to use in tandem!


I was thinking I could play a Navy Captain, a girl who's been recently promoted and has a lot to prove, and as such tries to be as ruthless as possible against the pirates and wants to drive them to the bottom of the sea to prove she's as able as any male captain in the great navy. We could engage in battle and such, she could come to the help of attacked merchant ships, perhaps capture a pirate here and there for interrogation...



*plants hir flag on the 'Navigator'*


Damnit, I don't know what I want to be, but I definitely want to be involved. *Ponders*

Well regardless! *Plants a flag*


Clearly you are a cabin boy who was kidnapped by pirates. ;)


I might be interested... not sure who I'll play yet. Always a tough fit to get female characters on a semi-realistic pirate ship.

Maybe I could play various disposable NPC's. :p
My Request Thread
Ons & Offs/Role-Plays Current and Past
FemDex: Index of Fictional Women
F-List Profiles: Constance Carrington, Damashi, SCP6969
Prepare For The Next Eight Years
Find me on Discord at: mnblend6567
Credit for Avatar goes to "LoveandSqualor" on Deviant Art. (and Hayley Williams)


We could always, if we get enough female characters, have a small ship totally manned by a female crew. It'd be an interesting ship and storyline.


Ahh, of course!

Either said kidnapped cabin boy, or perhaps a whore looking for excitement who 'convinces' someone to let him on-board.

Not sure which.


I approve of kidnapping! You can't go wrong with that =D


How many is this we've got ? Enough ? I'm anxious to set sail. My mainbrace can be spliced as soon as the word is given!

If it makes sense to have most of us on one of a few ships in close proximity to each other (else there will be a whole lot of sailing and not a lot of shooting), then I am happy to be miserable in the hold of a pirate ship from the very start - though I absolutely can't guarantee I won't try to escape.