Interest checK: Family RP.

Started by Wolfy, May 26, 2012, 07:29:39 PM

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kingmaster1's pretty this going to turn into an action story or something? Is he going to try to kill Marcus?...The whole crime boss thing just doesn't seem to fit this story....


Nah, he's just napping. No interaction with anyone yet so I have to keep myself entertained since I feel like a 3rd wheel.



Are you guys actually looking for more players?  I sent Wolfy a PM about the game over a month ago when it looked like you were losing female characters.  I think you've filled those positions, but I keep seeing this thread jump to the top of the Group Roleplays Wanted thread, so I figured I'd ask.


Sorry Ari, we are pretty stocked on female characters. And the reason this keeps jumping up is because we don't have an OOC to post stuff so we put it here. Of course if anyone else is okay with it I'm always fine to have another lady around :P


That was the point of bringing in Lan. So we weren't stocked up on vaginas without anything to fill them. I think we're okay on girls, thank you though.



We now have an OOC Thread, you silly post here for OOC chatter.