Inspire me, O darkly divine muse

Started by DJGenXCide, May 14, 2012, 08:53:52 AM

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Trying to find my muse.  A female who can work with me through a story that will span great lengths and endeavors.  Looking for a darker and gritty world.  A touch of gothic and horror themes.
A woman who has similar interests would be my desire.  Please feel free to message me.

Thank you for your time.


A little more elaboration.  I am not seeking a domme per say.  But a woman who can be forward.  A character that can seduce one of mine.  Something nice and dark.  Think some world of darkness style meets dark city and some horror.

Thank you for your time.


Adding a few things.  At this point, I am looking for a steady role playing partner.  Options are fairly limitless as I have yet to really reach my limits.  Except site-created limits of course.  While I would prefer a writing partner at least open to footplay, it is not requires.

So if interested in something on the darker side, hit me up.  I have a few ideas in mind, but writing this in a bit of downtime at work.

Thank you for your time