Broken images in stickied guide thread

Started by Agaeti, April 12, 2012, 11:34:48 PM

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I just wanted to let someone know that there are a couple of broken images in the A General Guide to Elliquiy thread.  I am fairly certain (but can't be positive) that it's not just my computer based on the fact that all of the other images in the thread work.

The images in question are in the User Profiles: Avatar Information, Member Groups, Taglines, Post Ranks, Etc. post of the thread, in section G. Gender.  The example icons for males and females refuse to show up, and if I attempt to view them directly, it brings me to the splash page of the forums.  It may also be possible that they are somehow being restricted from view to unapproved members or somesuch - I don't know what kind of things might be in place for that type of thing.

I would have PMed this information to a staff member once I'm approved, but I'm afraid I'll forget if I wait for that.  Please forgive me for posting here instead.


No worries, all fixed! Thank you for the pointer, and if you notice any more such glitches, please let us know.