Harry Potter RP!!!

Started by Cal1496, March 22, 2012, 01:45:18 PM

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Oh ya, I'm doing it.  I am trying to make the over played and epically failing Harry Potter RP.  And I know what you're going to say,

"But Cal!  Thousands of better organized and more crediable GM's have tried this thousands of times, and haven't made it work!  How can a shlub like you possibly pull this off?"

And my first point to that answer is;  shlub?  Really shlub?  That hurts.

Second, is that I limiting quite a lot of things in this RP because I know the biggest problem I've seen with the Harry Potter setting is it is to wide spread.  Everyone is trying to fit there character into everything going on, and it just can't happen.  Especially with people as young as eleven involved.  Which brings me to the first major rule this RP will be featuring.


All PC character students will be in there final year of Hogwarts.  And despite Harry Potter canon I am saying that the 18th year is your last year at Hogwarts.  There will be younger students at the school of course, but no one will have one as an actual character. 

This solves not only any age issues persons might have a problem with, but allows every character to be caught up in whatever kinda weird and magical kinkiness you could imagine.  Which with you people I think can be quite a lot lol

Teachers can be anywhere from I'm gunna say twenty-eight and up, but there is some wiggle room there if you have a good arguement.

Off the bat Head Master will be taken by myself, as well as Care of Magical Creature's position.  Though if anyone wants it we can come with a system where they split the work load.

Time line and setting:  It is now.  Right now actually.  The year will be 2012 and all the events of of the Harry Potter series will have happened.  That means that the Battle of Hogwarts was fourteen years ago and any students would have been four at the time.  Teachers, well that is up to you.

Now to save stepping on anyone's personal image of actual canon characters, and what they might have done after the series, none will be featured in this RP.  All the teachers will have moved on and will be replaced by new ones and so forth.  Being that the events took place in every characters life time though I will allow for things like, "I met Harry Potter once"  "My daddy was killed by death eaters!!!!"  And just general references to things of the past.  But we are not here to strictly too or continue canon material.

DO keep things general though.  We could all do enough research into this so that our characters can fit seemlessly into the canon universe with no problem.  But that it isn't the point of this.  It is to be a wizard or witch at a kick ass school and have fun lol

So bare that in mind and just remember you are here to play out magic school life as a witch or wizard.  Not have a dick measuring contest with other writers as to who can make the most referencse to the canon material.

Now hopefully that has done the job of either getting you really interested, or decided that it isn't for you and you'll move along peacably.  So with that said I open things up and can hopefully get some interest going.

While the things mentioned are set, I am to any other idea's people might have, so feel free to just throw them out there and get the convo going.

Thanks for reading guys and gals!

Ember Star

Actually the rules of this site state "No character physically or mentally under the age of 16 can partake in sexual activities" not 18, therefore you can have sixth year students and still be within the age limits of the site
"One thing you who had secure or happy childhoods should understand about those of us who did not, we who control our feelings, who avoid conflicts at all costs or seem to seek them, who are hypersensitive, self-critical, compulsive, workaholic, and above all survivors, we're not that way from perversity. And we cannot just relax and let it go. We've learned to cope in ways you never had to." ~Author, Piers Anthony


I'm always interested in a HP Role play ha ha
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash

Ember Star

Anyways. That aside. As Krys Snape said. I'm always interested in an HP RP. HP is the reaosn I became an RP'er in the first place. First rp I ever joined was a HP one.
"One thing you who had secure or happy childhoods should understand about those of us who did not, we who control our feelings, who avoid conflicts at all costs or seem to seek them, who are hypersensitive, self-critical, compulsive, workaholic, and above all survivors, we're not that way from perversity. And we cannot just relax and let it go. We've learned to cope in ways you never had to." ~Author, Piers Anthony


ha ha same here I used to RP on an HP site actually
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash


Okay here is an idea a student that actually doesn't like magic much sure she learned to use it, likely has specialties in areas where she can use it around Muggles as in subtle enchanted items and the like that can pass for a normal item and who wants (and likely working on) a Muggle career. Nothing fancy maybe she took classes during her breaks or goes to a Muggle career school and is working on some magic areas she likes.

I'm thinking a half-blood that lived in the Muggle World so figures that is as good as the Wizarding World, likely better magic gives her an edge if used well over her non-magical counterparts she just needs to be careful.

Come on at least its different.  ;D


I'm so joining if I'm allowed. I looove HP RP's. Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff ftw. Bwahaha.
My frozen dairy beverage bringeth all the gentlefolk to the yard and they claim, 'Surely, tis better than thine! Surely, tis better than thine!' I'd instruct you, though I must levy a fee.


ha ha I'm a Slytherin all the way
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash


First all, welcome everyone.  Thanks for posting!

Though site allows mental and physical age of sixteen, still sticking with the eighteen rule.  And to be frank, if you don't like it, ship off. 

Sidenote:  Krys, please do not think I mean anything negative towards you for mentioning the true rules of the site, just being the blunt prick I am and stating the rules of this RP in the best offensive fashion I can  ;)

That done with, Ruby just know that while your character may have interest in the muggle world and living in it with a definate edge, she/he will have to attend full semesters at Hogwarts in order to be considered a graduate.  So while they may have as much interest in the muggle world as they may want, in order to be taken seriously in the wizard world as a fully educated person they will have to had attended Hogwarts like every other witch or wizard.

And Snowe, unless you have cursed my kin in some fashion I am unaware of I see no reason why you wouldn't be able to join lol

And just to settle this now, Krys is right is that Slytherin is the place to be.  They just know how to have more fun.


Ha ha it wasn't me who mentioned the site rules but if it was I wouldn't mind your bluntness lol and Slytherin is definitely the place to be  ;D
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash


It's kind of against the point of having a HP RP when, well, none of the fun of wizarding school is introduced. So..is there really any reason?
My frozen dairy beverage bringeth all the gentlefolk to the yard and they claim, 'Surely, tis better than thine! Surely, tis better than thine!' I'd instruct you, though I must levy a fee.


Quote from: Cal1496 on March 23, 2012, 05:03:19 PM
First all, welcome everyone.  Thanks for posting!

Though site allows mental and physical age of sixteen, still sticking with the eighteen rule.  And to be frank, if you don't like it, ship off. 

Sidenote:  Krys, please do not think I mean anything negative towards you for mentioning the true rules of the site, just being the blunt prick I am and stating the rules of this RP in the best offensive fashion I can  ;)

That done with, Ruby just know that while your character may have interest in the muggle world and living in it with a definate edge, she/he will have to attend full semesters at Hogwarts in order to be considered a graduate.  So while they may have as much interest in the muggle world as they may want, in order to be taken seriously in the wizard world as a fully educated person they will have to had attended Hogwarts like every other witch or wizard.

And Snowe, unless you have cursed my kin in some fashion I am unaware of I see no reason why you wouldn't be able to join lol

And just to settle this now, Krys is right is that Slytherin is the place to be.  They just know how to have more fun.

This massage and holistic therapy school in Oxford offers weekend options once a month leading to a basic diploma in the field and extras, I could easily work around school summers for workshops and during the school year study to this career. Likely she will have ample time to study magic hell technically she would only be there since she keeps failing key OWLS most students can leave after the fifth year if they are not seeking a wizarding profession. I figure she will have a place in Oxford for her Muggle career prep and stay at Hogwarts the rest of the time.

Anyway she likes magic she would likely be damned good at teleporting, charms and enchanting things especially to be subtle and likely the class expert on all things Muggle just well she is normal witch and well has goals of her own. I'm likely going to be focusing on charms to alter fate in her favor and everyday magic she likely figures the big things like policing is not her job that is why there are professionals among magical folks.

http://www.oxfordschoolofmassage.com/] [url]http://www.oxfordschoolofmassage.com/ [/url]

So I'm thinking she would go here part-time around school it would be easy enough one weekend a month for the main course and summers spent on workshops related to it and of course she could go online outside school to take a business class or others she might need.

Its just for roleplaying she will be different just trying to get into a career they can't teach her in her world and is an ordinary witch. Depending on the starting age she could be beginning her training at sixteen, might need an arrangement and a portkey if she can't teleport. If older likely completed her diploma and is fleshing out her education in related areas. Is there any wizarding law the school can't allow her to study a muggle career and also study magic?


HP is the first RP I ever GMed, and I miss it so. But there's a problem! We're going to have a ton of Slytherins... And one Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff. At this rate, anyway. I stick with Krys in Slytherin land.


Quote from: gsptGoddess on March 23, 2012, 09:26:51 PM
HP is the first RP I ever GMed, and I miss it so. But there's a problem! We're going to have a ton of Slytherins... And one Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff. At this rate, anyway. I stick with Krys in Slytherin land.

I can move to Hufflepuff they tend to be good buddies and all.  ;D


I absolutely love HP and feel I write best in that universe I have a few OCs for the HP role plays so if a Gryffindor is needed I have one or two I can use for the RP but my main OC for HP is a Slytherin I'm willing to double characters if everyone's ok with it
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash


Your name says nothing to explain your love, Krys.   ;D

I could also double on characters, depending on what's needed.


Haha no never I'm absolutely obsessed with Bellatrix and Snape love them two  ;D My OC is actually Snape's daughter hehe
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash



All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash


You are correct Krys, it was not you lol

Sorry to both you and Evil Kitten for that mix up.  My only defense is that I was drunk...Very, very, very drunk.  I mean it is 1:27AM where I am right now and this is the most sober I've been in like two days lol  Just lots of golf, lots of booze. 

Love March summer weather!!!

As for everyone doubling characters, no problem with that at all.  I mean I am going to have at least four on my own so, ya have as many as you want and can handle.

If there are no more things people want to address, I'll get to work on thread.

Here is the code for the profiles if anyone is interested in filling it out now.  And below is one one of my characters.  No ones needs to have there's be that long lol

[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Character Nicknames (if any):[/b]
[b]Status at school:[/b]
[b]Anything else you would like to add:[/b]

Username: Caliesil
Character Name: Isabella Mooren
Character Nicknames (if any): Isabel
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Status at school: Student
Personality: Somewhat quiet, she is a smart witch that knows her stuff and does well in nearly all her subjects but particularly excels at potions being that she, unlike many of her fellow students, has the proper amount of patience needed for the delicate art. Outspoken only in the class room she can hold her in own in debates and can show quite a bit of vim when needed.  Outside the class room she is a bit more reserved and the term loner can apply to her in most situations being that she adores the quiet and loves devoting it to reading.  Fiction is her favourite, mostly that of muggle writers because she’s found that wizard writers unfortunately lack imagination.  An Aurora series does however reserve a special place on her bookshelf, and her guilty pleasure is the muggle magazines she has her mother send by owl every month, a tradition she must carry on due to her sister leaving last year.  Some students still find it weird that the pictures don’t move.
Appearance: A very slim but well filled girl, she takes after her mother in almost every sense except that her hair has more curl due to the few genes that her father put into the equation.  The difference of hair is the only thing that prevents Isabel from being an exact replica of her mother, they both share the same dark black shade of hair and the length which reaches just a few inches past their shoulders.  Isabel keeps her hair in a pony tale most of the time and it is a constant battle between her and her mother as to which way it should be worn; Isabel arguing that it doesn’t get in her way and is just a lot easier to deal with for the long days at school.  Her mother while an accomplished witch always did care a bit more about her appearance than her studies and back when she went to school it was that which gave her the attention she craved.  The same can be said for her sister being that even with the assistance of magic Lucia had taken as much time to get ready as any other muggle girl.  Isabella’s skin is very tan, that of a Spanish princesses in ancient paintings with the softness to match, her face also reflecting that image for she is a beautiful creature and would radiate it even more if only as her mothers says, ‘She put in a little effort’.
Bio: Born into a family with a witch for a mother and a muggle for a father, Isabella has gotten a very good handle of both sides of the fence being that she is able to switch from one to the other in an instant.  She would be ashamed to admit that a good portion of the summer is spent catching up on her favourite tv shows that her dad still to this day tapes for her and keeps himself from watching until she gets home.  Her mother see’s no point in this, as to this very day the woman doesn’t understand tv or really any form of technology for that matter.  Irish born and raised, her father Patrick is much more like his daughter in personality than looks.  He is not that tall of a man and is heavier than most.  But none can over look the fact he is a good man who keeps his family afloat, by the modest means of running his own pub in the small Irish village where Isabella grew up.
Spanish born and raised, Camilla is an accomplished witch born into a pure blood family that is slowly becoming less so, the fact being they don’t much worry about muggles and those families that are pure have usually more than one connection to the dark arts have caused the acceptance of muggle marriage to grow in the Spanish pure blood family.  Camilla herself has admitted more than one wizard or witch on her family tree has turned to the dark arts and it is just a fact nearly all pure families face.  Now while none were shocked when she married a muggle for she’d always been fond of muggles even if she didn’t really understand them, her choice in muggle did turn a few heads and raise a few eye brows.  Just as her daughters, Camilla is absolutely stunning even to this day.  The fact she tries to exude this only makes it all the more prominent, and in the Spanish School of Witchcraft and Wizardry it was commented she could get any man in the entire world, wizard or muggle it didn’t matter.  As said before her choice of Patrick turned a few heads for though a kind hearted man, she is way out of his league!  And while in aristocracy this may be common, Patrick had no money to offer or power to give; the term beauty and the beast had never been so true.  When the two did get married and settle down, Camilla instead of pursuing a carrier at the Ministry which would have been easy with her family connections, opted for running a wizard and witch section of her husbands pub.  This allowed the other wizarding families in their small village to get a feel for perhaps the old way of life rather than the human one they’d all adapted too.
Isabella was born two years into the marriage and is actually not the oldest for her sister Lucia had been born only seven months after Patrick and Camilla were engaged and wed.  This of course brought a few smirks to the families faces and some of the older members of her mothers side argue that the only reason Camilla married Patrick was because he knocked her up. 
Lucia left Hogwarts last year and is currently traveling abroad in the world, she too looks exactly like her mother and Isabel has often times been mistaken for her sister when she lets her hair down.  Now unlike Isabella who takes after her fathers personality, Lucia takes after her mothers more stylistic and fashion conscious mind set.
It was a happy home and Isabella has nothing to complain about because while she has lived in a shadow cast by her sister they are different enough so that each shines in their own unique way.  Now with Lucia gone on to bigger and better things Isabel can start this year with a fresh slate and perhaps find the time to make a real name for herself.
Wand: Ten and three-quarter inches, rosewood shaft with lacewood handle and unicorn hair center. 
Anything else you would like to add: Would one day like to be a animagus.


Would it be ok if I was a teacher in multiple subjects one of them being made up?
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash


Oh if anyone is being a teacher my character will likely need a law savey faculty advisor so she can persue her muggle career studies while at school. And what age minimum is there sixteen or eighteen it will matter to my background and all since the site age limit is sixteen. It would offer more fun.


Gunna go with eighteen.  Mainly just so everyone is not only in the same grade, but all apart of the graduating class as well.  This is every student characters last year at Hogwarts, so that is something to think about as well.

And what subject were you thinking of making up? lol Plus I see no reason why teachers couldn't teach more than one class type.


Here's My Student Character

Username: Krys Snape
Character Name: Aries Bane
Character Nicknames (if any): Aries
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Status at school: Student
Personality: He's a very easy going young man that likes to have fun but when it comes time to work he is all about his studies. Aries is pretty shy when it comes to people he doesn't know but as soon as you get to know him he finds his voice and will talk your ear off but not in an annoying way.

Bio: Aries grew up in a muggle home with his Wizard father and Muggle- born mother. At the age of 11 he developed his powers and recieved his letter for Hogwarts. Over the years he learned many different skills and grew as a wizard. He was really young when the war happened so he doesn't remember much about it only that it changed the wizarding world forever. He now helps out his fellow students with whatever he can and also plays quidditch he's been a Beater on the Gryffindor team since his second year.
Wand: 12.5" Yew, Dragon Heartstring
Anything else you would like to add: N/A
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash


I was thinking Muggle defenses like teaching wizards and witches how to defend themselves without magic
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash