Once upon a crusade....

Started by Phunnie Bone, March 03, 2008, 09:15:57 PM

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Phunnie Bone

After watching a friend play some of Assassin's Creed, I suddenly feel like engaging in something having to do with the Middle East during the Crusades. I love the idea of the assassin, or hashashin, and I like the culture and setting of the crusades so much that I'd like to try something out. Problem is, I don't have all the details fleshed out just yet.

I'm hoping to play a female member of the hashashin, in which I can use my knowledge of the setting, culture and language. My partner, in or out of crime, need not be an assassin him/herself and can even be one of the vile infidels that have invaded my homeland. Beyond this, I haven't thought it out, nor do I enjoy thinking of an entire plot when with someone else.

Would anyone be willing to see where this leads us?
"..words concocted from the lyrical locksmith, deadly as ten droplets of ricin toxin.."

Ons and Offs

The Great Triangle

I find a middle eastern setting very interesting, it could lead to some rather interesting situations.  What sort of thread do you want it to be?  A lot of smut with historical details, a balance between friskyness and plot, or a pure historical roleplay with adult elements?  I would be open to all of those, although I wouldn't really like the first one very much.

For anoter thing, how important is a realistic historical setting to you?  I think that the incorporation of Djinni into plot of the story could spice things up quite a bit, since you listed supernatural creatures among your ons.
Meow!  I'm a kitty; made of fire.

Ons and Offs


Ooh, scandal in Jeruselum! I'm in if you have a room spare :)

OT: ...Dude... resize your avatar. Its huuge

Phunnie Bone

I'm not a big fan of more smut than plot. I'd rather the 'friskiness' occur naturally and periodically but not so much that it will dominate the thread. I'm looking for a fairly strong historical feeling, considering it's occurring during the Crusades.

As for the Djinn, I'd be more willing to accept this in a more ancient setting perhaps. If you'd like to do something that's a little more ancient I'd be more than happy to include that. I just don't think it would be very applicable that late in history.

If you're mind is set on playing the Djinn, however, I'd be more than willing to accommodate.
"..words concocted from the lyrical locksmith, deadly as ten droplets of ricin toxin.."

Ons and Offs

The Great Triangle

I don't really mind playing in a strictly historical setting.

It looks like your game proposal accomidates your assasian, her partner, and a GM.

I would prefer not to GM this game, since I have trouble not getting plot ADD and that just won't fly in a historical setting.  I wouldn't mind playing a disgraced dervish-acrobat living a life of crime after a certain... scandal.

Meow!  I'm a kitty; made of fire.

Ons and Offs

Phunnie Bone

I'm not sure we necessarily need a GM, though if that's the role Sabbat is willing to take, I'll accept. I'm reluctant to turn anyone away, considering how hard it can be to get started around here.

This can be a touchy subject, particularly because of the religious implications involved. If you do play this dervish acrobat, will he be among the white immigrants or perhaps one of the native Arabs?
"..words concocted from the lyrical locksmith, deadly as ten droplets of ricin toxin.."

Ons and Offs

The Great Triangle

Since a dervish is a practitioner of Sufism, a perticularly strict monastic order of Islam roughly similar to the mendicent orders of Christian Europe, but focused on medicine and rhetoric rather then natural philosiphy, my character would pretty much have to be from the middle east, most likely Persia or India, since those places are where the Dervish traditions first started.

Sufusm's moral code requires one to be honest and expressive above all else, even any customs and rules of manners and decorum.  To help express themselves, Sufis often study poetry and learn to become very witty, which even still generally only keeps one of these mystics in public life a couple steps away from a messy execution (at least according to legend.)  The Dervishes are an order derived from the Sufis, who in addition to studying rhetoric, engage in strict physical training and strict celibacy to become closer to God.  Naturally, a Dervish who left his order could become a very dangerous man with his knowledge and training.
Meow!  I'm a kitty; made of fire.

Ons and Offs

Phunnie Bone

Oooh! I thought you meant dervish, not Dervish. As in, you had a lot of energy. Okay, I do believe that will work. Being a former Dervish, I can't assume that you'd be a member of the hashashin. I'll work something together, then.
"..words concocted from the lyrical locksmith, deadly as ten droplets of ricin toxin.."

Ons and Offs

The Great Triangle

My concept is that my character did something totally unforgivable, such as sleeping with a married woman or taking part in a courtly intrigue, but wasn't man enough to take his capitol punishment, so he fled to the west, ending up in Jeruselem, where he now works as a second story man.  With his physical training, he can manage burglaries quite easily, and also leverages his sword training to get the occasional job where intimidation is useful.  However, he only learned to use a sword as a form of meditation, and his swordfighting style is utterly useless in combat, but impressive enough to scare less knowledgeable enemies off anyway. 

I still haven't figured out whether Persia or India would make a better origin for my character, but I'm leaning towards Persia because its culture is more similar to the rest of the Islamic world.  As the story begins, my character is more or less in a depressed fugue, quite intentionally risking his life in an incredibly dangerous role.
Meow!  I'm a kitty; made of fire.

Ons and Offs