Out of the Dark/World of Darkness

Started by ShamshielDF, February 24, 2012, 01:44:26 PM

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The story thus far  During the 15th century, aliens from a galactic hegemony visited Earth.  Most of the members of this Hegemony were pacifistic, vegetarian species (most of the aggressive carnivores having self annihilated in their nuclear ages).  Observing the barbaric ways of the humans during the hundred years war, they leave to report to their council what they encountered.  Their ships are slow, and so is the bureaucracy, and thus it is nearly 600 years before they return.

The galactic council, fearing what would become if the humans ever reached the stars, send a colonization expedition back to Earth, consisting of one of the few aggressive, predatory races to have survived to join the Hegemony, the wolf-like Shongairi.  The Shongairi decide, though, that humans may make a better slave race to serve them, rather than simply destroying them all.  Thus, the Shongairi break into Earth's communications networks, learn all that they can about the current state of the world.  They become concerned at humanities rate of technological progression, exceeding even the next fastest race by six fold.  The decision is made by fleet command to force humanity to submit, as all races they've encountered thus far have a submission reflex, and use kinetic energy weapons to destroy every major city, capital and military installation.  Then they begin dropping ground forces on Earth.


I've been intrigued by the idea of blending two things that I love: The World of Darkness (Old WoD/20th anniversary) and David Weber's Out of the Dark

You don't have to have read Out of the Dark, but it would be helpful.  Likewise you don't have to have encyclopedic knowledge of World of Darkness, but knowing the system would be a major boon.

In the novel, after the ground attack begins, humanity is able to destroy almost half the ground forces with modern weapons systems before the aliens opt to design a bio-weapon to destroy humanity outright.  That's about the time that Vlad the Impaler (and first vampire) decides he's had enough and strikes back at the aliens.  Of course, this game will be lacking in Vlad...

I've been considering this idea for several months and trying to decide the best way for it to work, and would like to work with players or a co-GM to hammer out some details of the game.  I think a group of four to eight characters would work best, overall; vampires completely outclass the Shongairi as much as they do humans.

Characters should be made using the 20th anniversary rules.  As a personal favor, I would ask people to avoid game-breaky characters.  I will be allowing much more combat oriented characters than I normally do for such games, given the nature of the game.  We probably will just RP through such things rather than worrying about every die roll.  Dice will still be used, but I'm not going to get nitty gritty about the fights.

Some issues that I'm pondering for the game world at the moment and would like peoples ideas on:
-Standard WoD cannon, or perhaps a major shift away (ie. Vampire's have clans based on ancestry, but there is no overarching clan structure/political entities, just local groups of vampires or such) (EDIT: For simplicity sake I'm going to stay with the core world, though the bombardment will occur shortly after the week of nightmares.)
-Just Vampire, or should others be allowed (Werewolf would be the most logical addition) (EDIT: For the time being I'm going to say vampires only.  If someone volunteers to help with ST'ing another venue we may revisit this in the future)
-If others are allowed, I would like to have some sort of agreement between the races (Vampire elders meet with the wolf elders and say "truce until we kick the aliens off the planet")

Character sheets can be posted here or using an online sheet like this.  And if anyone would like to help/co-GM I would be greatly appreciative.

{This space intentionally left blank by the management}
Ons and offs!
President of the CharlieSariel fanclub ^_^


Sounds pretty different from any other WoD game I've ever touched. I would love to give it a try. :) I've never read the book, but it sounds cool, and I have a decent WoD knowledge.

Personally, I'm not too sure of how allowing werewolves in the game would end. While I'm hardly ever concerned about balance, there is a huge power difference between the two races, and it could cause dissonance for some players. Just my thoughts.

With regards to the Camarilla/Sabbat/other organizations, I'd say it could definitely be interesting to do away with them and run as a more decentralized organization. Might make for more variety and options when it comes to what to do, rather than simply 'The Council of Thirteen says to do this."


Even if we go with WoD as written, the central authority of the Camarilla and Sabbat both would be effectively gone with the bombardment.  As would most of the major courts of vampires, realistically.  The survivors would be the vampires that lived outside the major cities or were out of town for one reason or another when the attack occurred.

As for the wolves, I can see a few ways for it to work, such as buffing the vampires, but I'm also not as familiar with Werewolf.  Suffice to say a lot of their abilities would be in flux as the spirit realms are in chaos after the attack.  Half the world population was killed in the space of an hour or two, which is going to cause a lot of problems in the umbral realms.  Personally, though, I'm not big into wolves and I never played the system.  If we opt to allow wolves I would need to have someone that could deal with them.
Ons and offs!
President of the CharlieSariel fanclub ^_^



This is very appealing to me. Although, as much as I would like to participate, i should first mention that its been at least 7 years since I last played anything concerning the WoD realm. And when I was roleplaying characters from WoD, it was almost like we borrowed all of the details pertaining to the universe, but played with out dice. Never read the novel Out of the Dark either..  :-[

Basically, i'll declare my interest, but I won't push myself on this game so as to avoid taking the spot of a player who is familiar with the WoD universe. IF you are really needing spots filled, and you're willing to offer a bit of guidance or coaching, then please don't hesitate to let me know that this is a possibility. 

I've been really hankering an action paced roleplay. Need some combat in my life. ;)


This has my interest, but I have to think on a concept.

Out of curiosity, do you know Mage or Orpheus at all?  I'll probably have a vamp concept soon enough, but just pondering.
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Dobby:  I would be happy to help people that are less familiar with the system to get something put together.  Don't let that stop you from being part of the game!

AndyZ:  I'm somewhat familiar with Mage, though not to the degree that I'd be willing to try running it on my own without assistance.  As for Orpheus, I don't know how well that would work out.  As I said before, my read of things is that the spirit realms would be in chaos after the strike.  I'm willing to hear out ideas, though.
Ons and offs!
President of the CharlieSariel fanclub ^_^


Old WoD You say... I was just thinking of starting up a VtM group RP... I have a Lasombra that does so miss getting out and about
Psychopaths cannot feel love.
Not in the traditional meaning.
To a psychopath DOMINATION is the closest sensation to love.
Though it is much greater.
Its intensity is all consuming.
(Note... I am a touch under the weather so replies may be slow for the next day or two, I do apologize.)


ShamshielDF, you're a sweet heart, thank you!
I'll work on a CS, and be standing by on this thread. Also, I won't hesitate to offer ideas and thoughts as you all continue to establish game parameters and details. I do enjoy me these processes.


It actually sounds interesting in an over the top sort of way, expressing some tentative interest.

As far as some of your questions..

I'd really prefer just vampire. Crossover is a giant excruciating headache I'm not fond of.

Also looking to ask, is this neonates? ancillae? elders?


I've dealt with crossover fairly extensively and I know from experience it can either be a monstrous nightmare or sort of fun, if you're willing to let some things slide.  Generally speaking, my experience is primarily with Vampire, though.

As for the approximate age/power of the vampires, probably neonate/ancillae level.  Depending on how things shape up I may throw in some additional freebies to help round things out.  Elder rules (Age and such) are explicitly forbidden.
Ons and offs!
President of the CharlieSariel fanclub ^_^


Ahh, hokay. Honestly no real interest in starting character type stuff. Good luck with it all though.


Google, if you start a game, please let me know.  Well, if anybody does, really. >.>

I also wanted to ask if anyone wanted to pool backgrounds.
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If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Would this be using old or new world of darkness? I've played a bit of new, but have never touched old.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


I would be running oWoD (20th Anniversary Edition Vampire), for those that are wondering.  It's very close to original oWoD with a few changes to the skills list and how a few abilities work.  Most of it is fairly minor, though.
Ons and offs!
President of the CharlieSariel fanclub ^_^


Alright. If anyone runs a nWoD game, let me know.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Sorry I haven't PMed this char in yet.  Had a bit of a block.
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Latooni Subota

Sci-fi elements and 20th Anniversary Vampire? Yes please! You can definately count me in on this!

*Giggles and skips about, rummaging to try and decide on a character concept.*

So many fun vampires to play as :D
ONs and OFFs be here: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=64984.0

If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.


Quite alright.  I think, at this point, we're going to just simplify life and say Vampires only.  I'll probably retain the original WoD world up to the bombardment, at which point almost all political structures (mortal and kindred) become moot.
Ons and offs!
President of the CharlieSariel fanclub ^_^

Latooni Subota

Wonderful! At the moment I'm going to go with a not-stupidly-insane Malkavian, who is on the pretty (See: Very) side with a bucket of social skills, and some physical skills to back them up. Probably 13th generation, maybe 12th?
ONs and OFFs be here: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=64984.0

If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.


Ah, we got someone else looking at Malkavian, eh?  Okay, I'll think on something else.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.

Latooni Subota

No no, it's okay. You were here first, so you can be the Malk. My concept works perfectly fine for two other clans, after all! I'll go something else.
ONs and OFFs be here: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=64984.0

If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.


Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.

Latooni Subota

ONs and OFFs be here: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=64984.0

If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.


I'll ponder this...oWoD vampire appeals to me, sci fi not so much. 


Have you made a final decision on whether or not you will be allowing anything outside the realm of VtM for this?