back in my day..

Started by DrGrim, February 20, 2012, 10:34:32 AM

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Back in my day...

Only drug dealers and doctors had pagers and cell phones.

We were indeed better for it.

  ▫  A.A  ▫  O.O  ▫  Find & Seek   ▫ 


back in my day
I did not procrastinate on my homework
and we was better for it


back in my day..
friends were there for each other
and we was better for it


Back in my day....
Music was very varied and you could hear just about anything int he radio...
and we were better for it


Back in my day..
The wise old wind delivered secrets to ears that patiently waited..
And we were better.. yessssss indeed we were.. for it.
*See Pillory*


Back in my day..
Girl scout cookies cost less
And we was better for it lol


Back in my day..
there was no such thing as privacy fences.
People knew their neighbors and liked them.


Back in my day You could drink tap water and they didn't have four hundred brands of it in the stores

And we were better for it

“We have multiplied our possessions but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We’ve learned how to make a living but not a life. We’ve added years to life, not life to years.” – George Carlin
Despickable's A&A 
Despickable's Wiki Page
[/url][/url]Despickable's Ons and Offs


Back in my day..
a keyboard was used to hang keys on.


Back in my day..
The rafters were a place a thing like me could kinda chill out at while contemplating things for a while..
And we were quite better for it, oh yes we were.
*See Pillory*


Back in my day...
Math was new and people had hobbies
And we were better for it.  ;D
"I believe in dragons, good men, and other fantasy creatures." - Slovotsky's Law #42

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”― Neil Gaiman, Coraline

“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.” - Terry Pratchett (Rest in Peace, Master Storyteller)


Back in my day You went for a walk for exercise and there were no such things as personal trainers

And we were better for it

“We have multiplied our possessions but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We’ve learned how to make a living but not a life. We’ve added years to life, not life to years.” – George Carlin
Despickable's A&A 
Despickable's Wiki Page
[/url][/url]Despickable's Ons and Offs


Back in my day..
chivalry was everywhere
and we was better for it


Back in my day...

...guys weren't fearful of being chivalrous.

...and we were better for it.

  ▫  A.A  ▫  O.O  ▫  Find & Seek   ▫ 


Back in my day..
Cartoons were a good and proper reason to wake early..
And we were better for it.
*See Pillory*


Back in my day...
kiddie cereals were shamelessly all about the sugar ("Sugar Smacks" anyone?)
and we were better for it...indeed
O.Os~A.As (around but not seeking)
Ideas (up-to-date)
How the men of Elliquiy have ruined me[/td][/tr][/table]


Back in my day..
A sweet invitation softly spoken in a doorway was nearly as intoxicating as the faint call of a whispering pulse..
And oh yes.. we were so much better for it.
*See Pillory*


Back in my day children had imagination and had fun.
Not all these Techie toys.
And we were better for it


Secret's Bio | Tanja's Bio

I see hell in your eyes. Taken in by surprise. And touching you makes me feel alive.

♦ Kitty's Brain ♥ Pockets's Lucky Charm ♥ Doom Cookie Monster ♥ Shade's Spanking Machine ♥ Najdan's Sinful Little Devil ♦


back in my day kids played with toys that did not require batteries
and we were better for it
May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


Back in my day..
The urge to lick the end of a 9-Volt.. was almost overwhelming..
And.. not sure.. but I think.. we were better for it.. even if slightly shocked.
*See Pillory*


Back in my day...
Kids ran around and played outside
and we was better for it


Back in my day big women in tight tank tops jumped up and down then ran down the aisle toward Bob Barker on The Price Is Right! And we was better for it. [Women who owned their bodies and confidence, and weren't stick figures.]   also, back in my day, models weighed more than seventy pounds and ooooh we was soooooo much better for it. 

Secret's Bio | Tanja's Bio

I see hell in your eyes. Taken in by surprise. And touching you makes me feel alive.

♦ Kitty's Brain ♥ Pockets's Lucky Charm ♥ Doom Cookie Monster ♥ Shade's Spanking Machine ♥ Najdan's Sinful Little Devil ♦


Back in my day...
we worked for dreams, left on quests, and money was a means
and we were truly better for it.
"I believe in dragons, good men, and other fantasy creatures." - Slovotsky's Law #42

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”― Neil Gaiman, Coraline

“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.” - Terry Pratchett (Rest in Peace, Master Storyteller)


Back in my day...
the cartoons they played on television were actually good
and we were better for it.