Survival Of the Sickest- Pro Wrestling Males, Females, Futa's Welcome

Started by AlphaWolfQuin, February 06, 2012, 12:10:49 PM

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I haven't seen or been part of many wrestling role plays and I figured I would start a thread to see how many people may be interested in a group role play about pro wrestling. Now this doesn't have to be WWE or TNA based we can come up with our own company and wrestlers. I plan on using both an OC and Randy Orton and possibly a diva but not sure on that yet. I am open to people using wrestlers from WWE and TNA I actually like mixing things up a bit and putting OC wrestlers with actual WWE/TNA Superstars.

Here's what non wrestling characters we'll need:

-Fans (Both crazed and normal some can be stalkers I think it'll add excitement)
-A company owner (If making our own company)

I'm obviously looking for Wrestlers and Divas I am definitely ok with people playing multiple characters. I would like to set a limit of 10 people for this Role play and when we have 10 people I will make a posting order depending on characters and where everyone wants to come in. The reason I want a posting order is so people don't get all scrambled during the role play I've seen a lot of group role plays end up cluster fucked due to there being no order.

This role play can involve relationships, sexual encounters, and all that other great stuff. I want to go into the lives of the wrestlers not just the wrestling part of it. I'm open to pretty much any pairings, MxF, FXF, MxM, FxFuta, MxFuta, etc.

I really think that if done right this role play can turn out really fun and everyone involved can have fun doing it.

I hope to get some replies from people who are interested and be able to work from there  ;D
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash


I would have some interest in this, definitely. There used to be an erotic wrestling RP thread many moons ago that produced quite a bit of fun.


OK Awesome now we just need a few more people then we can get characters and stuff going
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash


I've been in a rut lately, but I'm working on catching up. Sorry for any delay.


All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash

Laughing Hyena

Im in on this and I have plenty of OC wrestlers. that i used in the old RP the EWF (Erotic Wrestling Federation)


Alright awesome we have four people so far! We can start posting some character bios if you guys want :)
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash

Laughing Hyena

Wrestler's Real Name: Alex Nasteal

Wrestler's Stage Name: Wayward

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Ons/Offs: Paizuri, cock worship, cosplay, submissive and/or shy women, vaginal intercourse, bondage or enslavement of a female / male on male organ penetration, scat piss, gore, toilet

Height: 7'2"

Weight: 286lbs

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Green

Bust Size: NA

Phallus Size: Length - 4 1/2 inches (Limp) / 7 inches (Stiff) ; Width: 2 inches (Limp) / 3 1/2 inches (Stiff)

Performance: Heel

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Costume Description: His costume is more along the lines of roughed up street clothes. He wears a brown leather jacket with metal studs at the shoulders and arms. His signature look however is his mask which hides the hideous face behind it. It is made of rusted metal that had been hammered into a v-shape to fit the face, with eye slits cut and sanded down to allow him decent visibility. The mask is secured to his face by means of a triad of leather straps and buckles, similar to the iron mask. He wears a black muscle shirt underneath the jacket with a long chain used for a belt and as a weapon should he feel the need to cheat. Large steel toed boots line his feet but are rarely revealed by the baggy cotton pants worn above.

Finisher: Highway to Hell - (Basic/Power) A sadistic combination that starts with a kidney punch to make the victim drop to a knee before Wayward backs up a few feet and then runs using his opponents knee as a springboard to land a solid knee to the face of his opponent usually resulting in a knockout or draws blood... sometimes both.

Signature Move: Hangman's Tree - (Basic/Submission/Erotic - Illegal) A cruel signature move where the opponent is hung upside down by the top ring rope at the turn buckle.  Depending on Wayward's mood he may try and use the turnbuckle ropes as a way to bind the hands strip his opponent down and have his way with them, curb stomp them until they fall off, or go outside the ring and pull on both arms with the turnbuckle post used for leverage.

Short Lariat Clothesline - (Basic/Power) Wayward leads off into an armbar and may add a quick strike to the face to keep the opponent off balance before whipping him into a quick clothesline to floor the opponent.

Background: Alex Nasteal became fascinated with wrestling at a very young age as it allowed him to get away from the reality that he was a slow learner in academics yet he seemed to have been blessed in physical aspects as he was one of the bigger kids in school which spared him some of the ridicule that came along with it. His focal point of ridicule was his face, it was twisted in ways most would find incredibly hideous. And it was hard to even find dates or such. Many girls would consider the likes of him the portrait of a "rapist or nerd." This frustrated him on many levels.

However there was always the pro wrestling circuit that appealed to him. You didn't have to be good looking to work the crowds. So he turned to that soon signing up at a pro wrestling university and learning what he could until he was ready for the independant circuits at age 16 in Mexico. It was there he took a speed limit sign which was rusted and used it to forge his first mask to hide his face. He had then worked his way up to earn some attention soon forging his wrestling identity as Wayward, known for his intimidation, ruthless nature and sadistic mind, and his disrespect for the rules, the referee and the crowd.

Controversy sparked who he was as he never removed his mask, or how far he went. He was always a heel and he excelled at making the crowd hate him and making the faces look great. When he signed on after winning a tryouts tournament with rather underhanded tactics and picking up the tricks quickly due to pent up sexual frustrations (He actually finally lost his virginity on the finals), his moniker remained the same save for one difference. He favored venting his frustrations upon those who dared to get in the ring.

Wrestler's Real Name: Walter Anthony

Wrestler's Stage Name: Pulse

Age: 23

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Ons/Offs: Paizuri, cock worship, cosplay, submissive and/or shy women, vaginal intercourse, bondage or enslavement of a female / male on male organ penetration, scat piss, gore, toilet

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 205

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Bust Size: NA

Phallus Size: Length - 4 inches (Limp)/ 8 inches (Stiff); Width: 1 1/2 inches (Limp)/ 2 inches (Stiff)

Performance: Face

Wrestling Style: Powerhouse

Costume Description: Pulse is a fine looking specimen of a man with a deep copper tan to him with a prominent scar on his right cheek which is in most cases just a small blemish. His build is impressive but also sleek and limber. His eyes are a river blue color and he always seems to wear a smile upon his face. His ring attire is pair of tan pants with red ring boots along with a black leather belt upon his waist.

Finisher: Flatline (Power) - A devastating finisher that starts off like a sleeper hold, but Pulse throws his feet out backwards to spike the opponent head first into the mat. Is capable of knocking out an opponent who winds up on the receiving end.

Signature Move: Reach the Pinnacle (Erotic) - Taking his palm bone against the woman's clitoris and three of his fingers into the vagina he makes a hook or come hither gesture with the fingers and rapidly vibrates the hand to overwhelm the woman with stimulation, usually resulting in a squirting climax.

Heart Stopper (Power) - A spectacular display of strength that starts as a double under-hook suplex but switches at the halfway point into a high angle power bomb that spikes the head and back of his opponent into the mat.

Background: Whilst relatively young in the wrestling career, Walter originally got his start as a cheap porn actor who has perhaps starred in such films such as Blackmail 3: The Ropes that Bind, Submission of a Queen, and Moonlight Molester. Horrible roles that glorified strong men over submissive women and found he was decent enough at it but it felt exceptionally dirty for his tastes. Especially since most of the time he was 'Raping or molesting the women'. Jaded as he was he had a conscience and so he quit the Viva Resistance company for greener pastures.

Hearing of the Federation and making use of a high school wrestlers experience, he signed up for a series of Dark Matches. Dark Matches were basically matches in between live television spots to see if he had the kind of popularity needed to succeed on camera. Whilst he is in it for a fresh start some things just stay with you and he finds that his porn movie experience might come in handy. This would be his first televised match and he was eager to get started... for better or worse.



Is there any chance to get some extreme fights, like NHB or underground, illegal fights involving bondage and torture devices?

If so, I would be interested to play.

Zaer Darkwail

I think if we turn this into a perverted version of wrestling game where is part professional wrestling but also part for sexual perverssion involved.

Mostly that looser is by default determined in either tapping out, passing out or climaxing in a orgasm. Meaning submission hold specialist can pin down foe and torture the person with pain until they yield or use the advantage of the hold to grope and molest opposing wrestler until they cum (may it be done by woman to man via handjob or cunnilingus between women or fingering from man to woman etc).

The actual adult entertainment starts after the match when looser faces sexual oriented humilitation which can be then racks, bondage, toys and so on. Sometimes wrestler giving audience chance for vote from two to five options what they do with the lost wrestler.

Kind like online/live wrestling and porn combined. But that is just my few cents to coin for the idea for setting.


Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on February 07, 2012, 08:16:20 AM
I think if we turn this into a perverted version of wrestling game where is part professional wrestling but also part for sexual perverssion involved.

Wow! If we decide to go that way, I'll be filling a character sheet immediately! That would be awsome!


I'd be in as a female wrestler if you allow it, however I dislike futa and wouldn't be willing to have any sexual relation with them, just my only off really, so let me know if that would be possible. Otherwise I'm fine with the wrestling devolving into sex and such, I think that's always pretty hot.



Working on a couple of character ideas, should have things ready to post this evening (hopefully) or tomorrow (more likely). One question I have at the moment is are we looking at something with stats and rolls and a formal system, or simply role playing matches and aftermath?

Also, should we be trying to come up with the behind-the-scenes people like managers along with competitors?

As for my ideas, I'm working on a male and a female at the moment, and I have no problems with any variety of sexual encounter other than a lack of interest in heavy bondage.


You're more then welcome to join as a female and it is ok that you prefer not to do anything with futa I kept the thread open for all because I think it will be exciting. I will be posting character info soon I just have to build up my wrestlers so I have pictures for you all.  ;D
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash


My idea is we do matches as well as a story outside of the wrestling if that makes any sense ha ha
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash


Count me in.  ;D

I know little to nothing about wrestling so perhaps my character would be just a female fan?
Haven't been here in years but I'm in need of a good distraction!


ok awesome we need fans as well I'm liking the ideas everyone is throwing out as well  :-)
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash


I've been toying with the idea of an obsessive futa fan who picks out a particular female wrestler that she wants, but I haven't seen any female wrestlers yet that are looking for futa.  If someone likes that idea, and wants someone who's a little crazy stalker type in that regard, let me know and I can try to iron out some details.  I may have other ideas, that's just what I'm thinking right now.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Here's my wrestler, at least tentatively:

Wrestler's Real Name: Alex Twill

Wrestler's Stage Name: Kid Twist

Age: 23

Sex: Male

Ons/Offs: Nipple play, oral sex (giving and receiving), anal play (particularly giving)/heavy bondage

Height: 5’6”

Weight: 135 lbs

Hair Color: dirty blonde

Eye Color: brown

Bust Size: NA

Performance: Tweener (tending towards face, but cocky sometimes)

Wrestling Style: Shootfighting/submission

Costume Description: Alex wears knee-length black shorts with a red tribal pattern on the legs and plain black wrestling boots.

Finisher: Tabula Rasa; Alex hooks in a guillotine choke (jumping up if he needs to in order to get at his opponent’s neck) and drags them down, putting his knees up into the opponent’s chest as he falls back, driving the air from his/her lungs while keeping the choke hooked in.

Signature Move: Alex has not developed a sexual finishing hold as of yet.

Background: A long time MMA fan, Alex studied martial arts for several years growing up, earning black belts in sambo and muy thai by the time he graduated high school. He worked with a local MMA league, and faired reasonably well there, but he soon found that he wanted something that was intense in a different way. He entered tournaments to stay sharp, but they didn’t thrill him anymore. He also began sexual exploration and experimentation, and that was exciting as well, but he still felt…incomplete. And then he found a league that would let him combine his sexual desires with his love of combat. He practically knocked the door down getting into the league, and stands ready to make his mark.


And Andy, I'm working on a female manager (was going to be a wrestler, but decided to stick with one fighting character for now). If no female wrestlers come up, she would be available for futa stalking.

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Rayve13 on February 07, 2012, 08:54:39 PM
And Andy, I'm working on a female manager (was going to be a wrestler, but decided to stick with one fighting character for now). If no female wrestlers come up, she would be available for futa stalking.

Perhaps a former wrestler (retired) turned to manager deal?


Here's my character, tentatively at least.

Name: Evelyn Harmony Laurn

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi-curious

Hair: Long, Straight, Blonde

Eyes: Dark Green

Height: 5 feet and 5 inches

Weight: 135 lbs

Bust Size: C-cup

Background: Evelyn had little to no interest in the wrestling scene. Her company, they are create animation programs, gave her free tickets. She figures she should take advantage of the opportunity and become a fan.

Obviously still working on her. Does it sound good so far?
Haven't been here in years but I'm in need of a good distraction!


If anyone is wanting to do M/M then I think I would be interested in this rp. I'll keep checking back.


Name: Jasper Donovan
Ring Name: Fearless
Height: ‘6,10”
Weight:325lbs (Muscle)
Sex: Male
Orientation: Straight
Location: Hartford, CT
Signature Moves: Leviathan Spine buster, Black hole Slam, Super kick, Skull Punt
Finishers: Fear Factor(Screwdriver), Shooting Star Splash
(I don’t have any sexual finishers for any of my characters yet)
Entrance Music: Fearless by Ozzy
Background info: Was a bouncer for a night club for a few years then he got into illegal cage fighting. He’s a tough son of a bitch and doesn’t take shit from anyone. He started training to wrestle when he was 15 but didn’t go pro until he was 20. Women tend to like to be around him a lot. He has a charming personality outside the ring and has been told he has a huge…..wallet.

(I will be making another character sheet soon most likely going to be a female seeing we need a few more. @Jericho- I can make a male character to do an MXM pairing with you I've wanted to give MxM a try for a while now so I can do that for you :-) @rachelongaku- Your profile is great I like to develop characters more as the story progresses so like I said your profile is just fine :-)  )
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash