Sign the Petition Against ACTA

Started by De h u m a n i z e Me, January 26, 2012, 06:32:13 PM

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De h u m a n i z e Me

This has probably been done already, but if not- here's a link to sign the petition fighting against ACTA:
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I do have a cause, though.  It's obscenity.  I'm for it.  - Tom Lehrer~*~All you need is your beautiful heart
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Callie Del Noire

Unfortunately the US has already signed it if I'm reading this right.


Quote from: Callie Del Noire on January 27, 2012, 01:19:54 AM
Unfortunately the US has already signed it if I'm reading this right.

Yea, I'm sure too...I signed more on the principal of :D
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Callie Del Noire

Quote from: WhiteTigerForever on January 27, 2012, 02:08:39 AM
Yea, I'm sure too...I signed more on the principal of :D

No no.. I meant the government! I think the Feds already signed it.


Quote from: Callie Del Noire on January 27, 2012, 02:12:04 AM
No no.. I meant the government! I think the Feds already signed it.

Yea... I know and your so sweet letting people know...*hugs*.  I still just did it for the principal..XD
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Callie Del Noire

Quote from: WhiteTigerForever on January 27, 2012, 02:14:06 AM
Yea... I know and your so sweet letting people know...*hugs*.  I still just did it for the principal..XD!

I think that the 'protect IP' movement is really beginning to annoy me. Folks like Rupert Murdoch and groups like RIAA and the MPAA are doing everything they can with considering the consequences of their actions. Fair Use is constantly under attack. It's depressing.

And when it looked like it couldn't be MORE Depressiong.. I found the 'Border Searches' portion.


Quote from: Callie Del Noire on January 27, 2012, 02:19:40 AM
I think that the 'protect IP' movement is really beginning to annoy me. Folks like Rupert Murdoch and groups like RIAA and the MPAA are doing everything they can with considering the consequences of their actions. Fair Use is constantly under attack. It's depressing.

And when it looked like it couldn't be MORE Depressiong.. I found the 'Border Searches' portion.

I actually didn't know that and am glad to hear your thoughts.  I am just getting used to it all...because of the impact on the anime community, and I love anime at my age passionately...XD!  Yummy 2-d fem guys, like my husband, but he's the real 3-d thing..XD...Plus there are a lot of stories, etc that anime can do that can't be carried out well or done at all in live action movies...yet.  The few crossovers so far have always been disasters.... :(  There is only one exception I know of...and one being released in Japan in August, so we'll find out how it fairs. 
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You can sign it here as well - not sure whether it's the same.

And while all those countries did sign the ACTA, the EU parliament still has to vote it - it's happening in June if I'm not wrong. I suppose same goes for the US and the other countries - they've signed it, but they still need to vote it, accept it, create the laws and so on. 


Yea, it's the same one...and ooohooo @,@, luv <3 the avi... must rape my husband a.s.a.p.! 
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Signed and shared.

Starting to wonder if the people pushing these bills aren't just going to shove as many acronyms at us as they can as quickly as they can until people just get tired of trying to stop them.


The people supporting this bills, agreements, laws or whatever they call them, simply are either bought by a greater power or are dumb.

Fresh example as in... from today. One of the biggest Bulgarian stars - singer (don't like her), posted on her FB page 'Finally a great law in defense of copyrighted materials! Congratulations to us all!' and link to the news that Bulgaria has too signed the ACTA agreement. And she is serious about it. I posted on there explaining exactly what ACTA will do and suddenly tons of people attack me saying to stop hating the singer and so on o.o' And the star herself posted in reply 'I didn't say I support the law, I say I'm against piracy'. And I quote her own words and we go into an endless loop of me and other people who understand ACTA explaining what it is and just how bad it is, and other people just saying we hate the singer and/or we just want to continue downloading stuff. And piracy over the Internet is not even the beginning of what ACTA is. But people are just too... dumb to see that.



I‘ve signed several of these petions and acts and I hope someone listens.

Amazingly, I live in one of the few EU member statea who hasn‘t signed it.

Izzie Aditi

Quote from: Elkay on January 30, 2012, 12:04:33 PM
I‘ve signed several of these petions and acts and I hope someone listens.

Amazingly, I live in one of the few EU member statea who hasn‘t signed it.
+1 to signing and living in a country that didn't sign ACTA yet. Let's hope we never do.
“Redheads are said to be children of the moon, thwarted by the sun, and addicted to sex and sugar.”


I wish more people would sign it. The sooner the petition gets into the EP, the better - this way they will see that it is not wanted and that we, the voters, are against it.


Someone said last night in RL that the president had just signed this...I should run and check
Like the saying goes, that which doesn't kill me has made a serious tactical misjudgement.
Taymynx 's Storyboard Ons and Offs, The Happy Wife Storytelling , intro


Quote from: Izu on January 30, 2012, 08:28:26 AM
And piracy over the Internet is not even the beginning of what ACTA is. But people are just too... dumb to see that.


Exactly... piracy is illegal but ACTA goes way beyond that giving them the right to invade our personal lives at any time in any place.  We have no defense against what ACTA is able and will do.. George Orwell's 1984.... Big Brother will be world wide and watching all of us..... -_-
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Not accepting new roles but Photoshop riches await you instead.


Per Wikipedia as of today's reading:
"The agreement was signed on 1 October 2011 by Australia, Canada, Japan, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea and the United States. In January 2012, the European Union and 22 of its member states signed as well, bringing the total number of signatories to 31. After ratification by 6 states, the convention will come into force."
Like the saying goes, that which doesn't kill me has made a serious tactical misjudgement.
Taymynx 's Storyboard Ons and Offs, The Happy Wife Storytelling , intro

De h u m a n i z e Me

Thanks for supporting this, darlings. <3
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What De Finds Delectable


Signed and Shared. People must actively refute all attempts to the forcefully copulate with us and the internet. The day we get tired of fighting back is the day we lose.