Gibberish n Gobbledygook

Started by Les Man, January 18, 2012, 01:06:00 AM

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Les Man

You may not use real words in this topic, you may only make up nonsensical, meaningless stuff.  For every real word you use, Jay and Silent Bob will come to your house with a boombox and kick your ass one time.  (Yes, I already lost this game, lol.)

Jibbledy ribbledy jurg.
"I will give you the world..." The Pen That Is Mightier: D'autre Personnes Vit (Likes & Dislikes)
Le Ons & Offs pour Les Man.
Just a taste: The Philosopher and the Stone (Writing Sample)

Beguile's Mistress


Kasnitzle debble bettiberg zanepertrig exrewmeritic qurety.
Looking for writing prompts, 500-1000 words. Will do one a day.

Les Man

"I will give you the world..." The Pen That Is Mightier: D'autre Personnes Vit (Likes & Dislikes)
Le Ons & Offs pour Les Man.
Just a taste: The Philosopher and the Stone (Writing Sample)


Quoting Klaatu:

Klaatu Barada Nikto
*See Pillory*

Les Man

(Greetings Space Brother!)

*quotes Lovecraft*

Ia Ia Cthulhu fhtagn!  Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
"I will give you the world..." The Pen That Is Mightier: D'autre Personnes Vit (Likes & Dislikes)
Le Ons & Offs pour Les Man.
Just a taste: The Philosopher and the Stone (Writing Sample)


Afah seefah cuttamany cuttalong longta dutah cataw bentaw benaminny bencha aluminah whachaw!



Les Man

UB!  Jimmin rabley ofe derdiplufirous.
"I will give you the world..." The Pen That Is Mightier: D'autre Personnes Vit (Likes & Dislikes)
Le Ons & Offs pour Les Man.
Just a taste: The Philosopher and the Stone (Writing Sample)


*Smiles*  Finikkity Cuchekous.

I dont know

Slabbrest domixus, clanrest bwaklans kepidur ykus kesghur snartrup heltig soportroop waxniff flemmgwua granelis.

Les Man


"I will give you the world..." The Pen That Is Mightier: D'autre Personnes Vit (Likes & Dislikes)
Le Ons & Offs pour Les Man.
Just a taste: The Philosopher and the Stone (Writing Sample)

I dont know

uTahieso uiasne'to ugaibberiseho, uaeao usaecreeto ucaoedeo uhaiddeeno uwaithieno

Les Man

pio'uiau wirblef kachikish teennemenamenamanamu.

Radandom rutoriyafi sublef
"I will give you the world..." The Pen That Is Mightier: D'autre Personnes Vit (Likes & Dislikes)
Le Ons & Offs pour Les Man.
Just a taste: The Philosopher and the Stone (Writing Sample)

I dont know

Les Man

"I will give you the world..." The Pen That Is Mightier: D'autre Personnes Vit (Likes & Dislikes)
Le Ons & Offs pour Les Man.
Just a taste: The Philosopher and the Stone (Writing Sample)


Yiff-liff na-na whe-whi-wo pahsnicklepah whiiing!


"It's my only politics... anti-wife. Any woman who devotes herself to making one man miserable instead of a lot of men happy don't get my vote"

John Wayne as Sam McCord

Les Man

"I will give you the world..." The Pen That Is Mightier: D'autre Personnes Vit (Likes & Dislikes)
Le Ons & Offs pour Les Man.
Just a taste: The Philosopher and the Stone (Writing Sample)


Yibfit waddalwah shisbah py-ip


Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP


Skizzybottlin!!!   *Kruffishes*  ;P


Oh frabjous day!  Callou Callay!
“I bleed myself to be your drink:  Is not the blood of poets—ink?”   ―William Soutar
My Ink Blood Spilled | Who I Am | Where I Am (A/A) | Intro | Avi Source
My Poly/Kink/Random Blogs | My Drawer | My Concupiscence (O/O)
I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman.” ~Nin  Working on: Ink Blood Spilled

Les Man

"I will give you the world..." The Pen That Is Mightier: D'autre Personnes Vit (Likes & Dislikes)
Le Ons & Offs pour Les Man.
Just a taste: The Philosopher and the Stone (Writing Sample)