Problem! Lilac, help?

Started by VioletMaui With a Problem, February 12, 2008, 03:12:19 PM

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VioletMaui With a Problem


It's VioletMaui here. This thread is directed towards Lilac .

I have a bit of a problem - I managed to lock myself out of my account, because I changed my email address, and I'm not receiving a validation code at all. :S Is there any way to get me back in, or do I need to make a new account? :( I hope not.



Post the e-mail that it should be and I'll change it to that, then I'll delete this.


Fixed, try getting your activation code sent now.

Violet Maui

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me. So tie me up and throw me down, to show me that you like me."

Offs & Ons :: PM if interested!



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CjaC passed away on February 17th, 2008, thus her account restriction. We remember her fondly.

Violet Maui

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me. So tie me up and throw me down, to show me that you like me."

Offs & Ons :: PM if interested!



At Vekseid's request, I changed my e-mail address. But I'm still waiting for the activation e-mail to re-activate my account. I can no longer log in until I've re-validated my account. Can anyone help me out?


Ignore my post, I did get the e-mail eventually, it just took longer than I anticipated.
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