Star Trek: The House of Navarro (Interest Check)

Started by TheRedFear, January 15, 2012, 11:38:14 PM

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During the final year of the Dominion War, Cristoval Navarro passes over the oppurtunity to take command of the first Prometheus-class vessel to coast out of drydock, and instead chooses to take the worst command in the fleet...the USS Parkston...or the 'USS Pariah' as Officer Clubs throughout the fleet affectionately call it. A refitted Nova-class, the Parkston serves as something of a final proving ground. A ship crewed by the rejects and castaways of Starfleet. Men, women, and 'other' who would have been drummed out of Starfleet but for one saving grace. Someone, somewhere, with alot of influence thought they were worth saving...worth being given one last chance to prove themselves worthy of wearing a Starfleet Uniform.

The Parkston goes on to accomplish amazing feats, until a battle with a Dominion Supership results in Captain Navarro being grievously injured. Over the course of a touch-and-go surgery to save his life, the Parkston's doctor discovers Captain Navarro is geneticly augmented. The discovery effectively ends his career. As the Parkston returns to earth for Captain Navarro's court martial hearing, the Dominion makes an agressive push taking several sectors previously held by the Alpha Quandrant Alliance. Over the course of a single day's battle, the Parkston suddenly finds itself stranded deep behind enemy lines. Necessity demands Captain Navarro be released from the brig and retake command.

Forced to survive on salvage, wits, and balls the Parkston fights a guerilla war behind enemy lines for the Dominion War. As the war comes to a close, Captain Navarro finds himself disinclined to return to the Federation and face criminal charges for the crime of having been born. Those crewman who wish to return to the Federation are placed on shuttles and runabouts. The Parkston then turns around and heads for the border between Klingon and Romulan space, knowing that they can easily elude Federation or Klingon task forces by crossing the Romulan Border, and the Romulans would be too busy recovering from the toll the war had taken on them to be bothered with a lone renegade starship. The Parkston crew officially claims the title of Pariah as a mark of pride for their ship.

Over the years to follow the Pariah's crew forges a reputation amongst the fronteir worlds of Klingon and Romulan space. The Pariah serves as messengers, escorts, and smugglers. These worlds, largely populated by the conquered species'("Jegwuphi" in the Klingon tongue. 'Conquered People') of their respective empires are often all too pleased to shelter the Pariah crew from Klingon or Romulan reprisals. One day, inspired by his feirce reputation, a Klingon Warrior challenges Navarro to a duel and loses. Months later that warrior's bride...Brion... tracks Navarro down and forces him into a Disruptor-Wedding. Due to a bizarre quirk of Klingon Custom and Law, the only way for her to regain control of her House is to marry the man who killed her husband(Hey, it worked for Quark...).

Over the years to follow, Navarro slowly brings the newly dubbed 'House of Navarro' back from the edge of extinction by infusing it's ranks with Jegwuphi. Brion dies during childbirth, bringing two twins into the world who look like the Klingons of old due to their mixed parentage between a Klingon and Augmented Human. In the eyes of man her death delegitmizes Navarro's prescence on Kronos and his influence in Klingon politics. Though custom and law remain on his size, they want him gone. And Klingons rarely shy away from bloodshed.

What was once a federation ship of outcasts and rejects now stands as a Klingon Great House...of outcasts and rejects. Surrounded by Klingons who want them gone, the Dak'tagh's and the Bat'leths are being sharpened.

1/19/12 Update:
The Consensus seems to favor pursuing the "House of Navarro" aspect of the game. Those of you who wanted to focus on an earlier time period...suck it. Hah!

Playable Races/Factions:
Human/Federation - Obviously. Plenty of humans were part of the original Pariah crew, or might have been rescued by the Pariah during the period of time during the Dominion War when the ship was trapped behind enemy lines. And it's certainly not impossible that there could be plenty of human criminals hiding out in the rough and tumble borderlands between Klingon and Romulan space. Most any Federation species in general would fit under those guidelines, though i'll probably specify some of the more popular choices further down the list.

Vulcans/V'Tosh Ka'tur - Another no brainer. Plenty of Vulcans in Starfleet so they could have been original Pariah crew or rescued. What's that? This is Elliquiy and you don't want to play a stodgy emotionless Vulcan who never wants to get laid? NEVER FEAR! There is in fact a small sect of Vulcans known as "V'tosh ka'tur" who allow themselves to experience emotion while still maintaining control over their baser instincts. Considering Vulcans are usually such perfectionists, if any kind of Vulcan would find themselves assigned to the Pariah it would likely be one of that sect.

Andorian/Aenar - Generally an aggressive, combative species Andorians are also one of the founding members of the Federation so they make sense as former Pariah crew/rescues. Aenar are a psychic albino subdivision of Andorian who usually don't leave the homeworld but there are occasional exceptions.

Augments/Neo-Augments - Somewhat outlawed in the Federation, it's not necessarily a crime to be an Augment(although it's very much a crime to create one). But as an augment in Federation space you're pretty much banned from Starfleet, Politics, certain kinds of science, and most other career choices worth pursuing. Augments who are psychologically stable enough often head as far from Federation Space as possible to escape the stigma of their birth and find a place where their ambitions can be acheived. Captain Navarro is an Augment himself, or more specifically a Neo-Augment. His mother and father were geneticists who wanted to prove that modern genetics technology was as far beyond the genetics of yesterday as a Sovereign class starship was compared to a Constitution class. Their son was the first of the new breed of augments, and they created a few dozen others for select co-conspirators and allies who helped them gain the resources they needed to enhance their son. Captain Navarro has made a point of trying to find and recruit augments, both the old and new breed and give them the oppurtunities snatched away from him when his augment status was discovered.

Ferengi - this takes place some years after the events of Deep Space 9. Nog may have been the first Ferengi in Starfleet but it's entirely possible his example could have inspired others. Especially after all the social reforms Rom instituted as the new Grand Nagus. And of course Ferengi always go where the money is...and Klingons will put up with Ferengi for top quality Bloodwine and other merchandise. So there's plenty of business in both Klingon and Romulan space to exploit.

Romulans - Very tricky. Keep in mind that much of the storyline unfolds in Klingon space, and more than any other race in the galaxy the majority of Klingons violently hate and loathe Romulans. The same would be true of Romulan halfbreeds. That said i won't reject a romulan idea. The Romulans are currently in the middle of a Civil War however. Their homeworld was destroyed and factions are now fighting it out to see who will rebuild the Romulan Star Empire from the ashes. Keep in mind it wouldn't be impossible for a Romulan to masquerade as a Vulcan...

Orions/The Orion Syndicate - Under Melani D'ian(who is available for play if someone wants her), the Orion species has been recently reunited and reassumed majority control over the galaxy-spanning criminal organization "The Orion Syndicate". We've seen Orions in Starfleet, Orion Pirates, and now they're actively in control of a major crime syndicate which has forged an alliance with the Klingon Empire. So Orions, or members of the Orion Syndicate(of any species) would easily fit into the game.

Cardassians - Again this takes place some years after the Dominion War. Many Cardassian civilians remember how the Federation saved them from the Klingons, and then saved them from the Dominion. But the Pariah would have left the Federation before Cardassians began applying to Starfleet. Still it's not impossible that some Cardassians could have been liberated from Klingon prisons by the Pariah during the Pariah's time as a smuggler ship. Or that some Cardassians could have come to Klingon space looking for payback for what Klingons did to Cardassia prior to(or even during) the Dominion War.

Gorn - Recently conquered by the Klingons, the Gorn are the newest unwilling members of the Klingon Empire. However they did sufficiently impress the Klingons during the war to be granted a rare honor. Gorn are allowed to join the Klingon Defense Force(Klingon Military).

Naussicans - Naussicans remain an agressive, violent, thuggish people found in all corners of the galaxy, usually as pirates and enforcers.

Soong-Type Android - rare but not impossible. You wouldn't have been an original member of the Pariah crew unless you could pass for human(or any other race Soong decided to pattern you after), but we're probably not gonna allow too many of these. That said there are other non-Soong Android choices out there.

Hologram - there is at least one fully sentient race of extra-dimensional photonic beings out there, so this would be tricky but not impossible. Voyager's Doctor hologram also spearheaded an effort to win civil rights for Holograms throughout the Federation so it's not impossible. The Pariah in fact DOES have a Female EMH(Emergency Medical Hologram). PM me if you'd like more info on her.

Species 8472 - Or "The Undine" as they call themselves. They come from another dimension all together where space is "Fluidic". their natural form is quite "monstrous" by the standards of most Alpha Quandrant races, but they can take smaller humanoid forms. They require regular treatments in their humanoid forms. The Undine would be a bit tricky to play in that the Undine are planning a longterm invasion of this dimension. Any Undine currently in the game would be a Deep Cover operative/spy/saboteur. Of course sometimes such deep cover operatives have been known to go native...

Hirogen - A few hundred Hirogen have recently arrived in their never-ending pursuit of worthy prey to Hunt. They've allied with Commander Sela's faction in the Romulan civil war, but at the end of the day the Hirogen go where the best hunting can be found.

More to come....when I damn well feel like it. Maybe if I really wanna showoff i'll even add example pictures of each race. 8-)



Cool. Also keep in mind we'll loosely be following the timeline of events outlined in the Star Trek Online MMO.

Personally i'm leaning toward kicking things off in the 'House of Navarro' phase of the storyline. A Klingon House overflowing with non-Klingons and the struggle to survive both politically and militarily in such a hostile environment.

Potential players could take multiple rolls. Members of the Pariah's original Federation crew(Or other Federation crewmen they rescued and brought on board during the year they spent behind enemy lines during the war).

Or people who joined the crew during the years they spent smuggling, escorting, and generally engaging in shenanigans along the Romulan/Klingon border(Alot of people don't realize that there are plenty of Non-Klingons and Non-Romulans in the Romulan/Klingon Empires...they're just conquered races, so they don't usually get to serve in the military. That doesn't mean they're not there though)

You could also play Klingons who were already in the House and chose not to abandon it, or Klingons who were actually drawn by the House's audacious accomplishments in battle.

And of course you can play any one of the many Klingons who OPPOSE the "pollution" of Off Worlders in their affairs.

Because we'll be loosely following the Star Trek Online timeline, Gorn and Orions, along with Undine infiltrators would also be good choices for players.

Dominion refugees could also be possible options. And Section 31 certainly wouldn't overlook someone with Federation sympathies so deeply entrenched in Klingon politics.


I agree, the House of Navarro phase would be more interesting, I think. That's what caught my attention. I don't think I'd want to be a member of the original crew but I need to give some thought to a character.

I'm familiar with the Star Trek universe in general but have not played the MMO. Is there a site you would recommend where I might be able to get a quick review of things?


Sadly the original webpage with all this info is no longer available but Memory Beta has most of it.

Or if you dont want to read all that here's the important parts.

The planet Romulus is destroyed(as per the invents of JJ Abhram's Star Wars movie). This leads to a civil war amongst Romulans as different factions fight for control. Commander Sela(one of the key players in the Romulan Power struggle) forges an alliance with a band of nomadic Hirogen Hunters who's far-ranging journeys have brought them to the Alpha Quandrant(making Hirogen a viable choice for players as well).

At some point the Undine(The "Scorpion" Aliens first encountered on Star Trek: Voyager, who almost wiped out the Borg and were planning to invade) have been shapeshifting themselves to masquerade as Alpha Quandrant aliens and infiltrating various governments to destabilize them...much like the Dominion changelings were doing during the Dominion War.

The Gorn and Klingons go to war. Eventually the Gorn are conquered and absorbed into the Klingon Empire, and allowed to join the Klingon Defense Force. (Presumably the Gorn impressed the Klingons during their war to be allowed this rare privilage for conquered species).

Through scheming and assasination Melani D'ian gains control of over 30% of the Orion Syndicate...marking the first time in decades an actual Orion has been able to reclaim control the largest portion of the Syndicate. By forging alliances with the Klingon Empire and Breen Confederacy, Melani manages to completely take control of the entire Syndicate and re-unify the Orion species. Orion Syndicate now has a working relationship with the Klingons.

Klingon-Federation relations crumble, especially when Jm'pok kills Chanellor Martok and becomes the new Chancellor of the Klingon High Council. Eventually the Federation and Klingon Empire are once again at war.


im keen. this could be interesting even if no sex etc happened.

If we are misfits, remember kingons attacking a startfeet vessle => declaration of war right ?

If we smuggle and have a rep of being misfits etc ANYWAY, can we do it properly and actually defect from starfleet complete and just steal the ship ?

This would free us to use cloaking technology that the romulands and kingons use, and we can start modifying it howevever we want to make it more like a pirate ship and go rogue ?


I'm interested in a Star Trek game.  I'll warn that my Star Trek knowledge is limited to Next Generation, Voyager, and every movie after and including Generations, but that's probably enough to know basics.

Quote from: TheRedFear on January 18, 2012, 12:36:58 AM
At some point the Undine(The "Scorpion" Aliens first encountered on Star Trek: Voyager, who almost wiped out the Borg and were planning to invade)

A minor correction here: they were originally called Species 8472, which is what the Borg called them.  The episode was called Scorpion because a large theme of the episode in question was about the fable of the Frog and the Scorpion. 

I realize I'm probably the only one reading this who actually watched Voyager, so if people are doing wiki searches on stuff, I figured it'd help to explain.  Obviously no offense intended in correcting.
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Quote from: AndyZ on January 18, 2012, 10:08:24 AM
I'm interested in a Star Trek game.  I'll warn that my Star Trek knowledge is limited to Next Generation, Voyager, and every movie after and including Generations, but that's probably enough to know basics.

A minor correction here: they were originally called Species 8472, which is what the Borg called them.  The episode was called Scorpion because a large theme of the episode in question was about the fable of the Frog and the Scorpion. 

I realize I'm probably the only one reading this who actually watched Voyager, so if people are doing wiki searches on stuff, I figured it'd help to explain.  Obviously no offense intended in correcting.

lol no offense taken. I was aware of their Borg designation but figured few other people would be. Although if memory serves Harry Kim DID call them Scorpions once


Quote from: TheRedFear on January 18, 2012, 10:35:35 AM
lol no offense taken. I was aware of their Borg designation but figured few other people would be. Although if memory serves Harry Kim DID call them Scorpions once

They just ended up calling them Species 8472 throughout Voyager, apparently deciding that one agreed-upon name was good enough.  The sudden name change to Undine apparently counteracts that, but then, I imagine that many would object to being called a number.

What's the full range of available species?  I'd be interested in playing some sort of android, but I have no idea if Data ever made any more progeny, or if anyone else figured out how to do so.

Either way, my knowledge is sufficiently limited that I'd likely be best off playing something where I can have an easier time learning as I go.
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Thank you, RedFear, your info was very helpful! I still haven't decided anything for sure but would you like us to start PMing you ideas or post them?

AndyZ, I've watched Voyager but it was so long ago I don't always remember details like what a specific race was called. I liked it though!


Quote from: AndyZ on January 18, 2012, 10:49:25 AM
They just ended up calling them Species 8472 throughout Voyager, apparently deciding that one agreed-upon name was good enough.  The sudden name change to Undine apparently counteracts that, but then, I imagine that many would object to being called a number.

What's the full range of available species?  I'd be interested in playing some sort of android, but I have no idea if Data ever made any more progeny, or if anyone else figured out how to do so.

Either way, my knowledge is sufficiently limited that I'd likely be best off playing something where I can have an easier time learning as I go.

Yes. Undine is what they call themselves(at least according to the Star Trek Online game. And since there aint likely to be a new official show or movie featuring them for a while...if ever... might as well go with that).

As for available species, damn near anything within reason. Invent your own species if you like. Just be reasonable. If you want an alien race that controls the weather you should probably be looking for an X-Men game instead of Star Trek. But an alien who can give off short range bioelectric discharges? That's reasonable...and already canonicaly exists in Star Trek as a matter of fact.

A Soong-type Android is probably hard to justify...but not impossible. They never specified exactly how many models Soong created before he made Lore and Data. But keep in mind that like B-4, the models before Lore and Data would likely be deeply flawed in some way.

Of course if you want an Android you don't have to make it a Soong-type. The original Star Trek had several different android "races" who could MUCH more beleivably pass for human than Lore and Data ever did. OR if you do want a Soong-type Android...well this storyline does pick up years after the last canonical installment of Star Trek. It's quite conceivable that...using Data/B-4 as a template, someone else has finally figured out how to create new Soong-type androids. In fact if you read the "Path To..." link above I beleive someone does precisely that at some point in the new timeline.

Also Undine and Hirogen(previously thought to be Delta Quandrant-exclusive) are in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants now, where most of the canonical Star Trek series take place. At least in the Online game who's timeline we're loosely following.  So they're options too.

Also being augmented himself, Navarro does make a point of seeking out other augments and inviting them to join since he knows they face certain unfair restrictions in Federation space.

Quote from: Niferbelle on January 18, 2012, 11:00:10 AM
Thank you, RedFear, your info was very helpful! I still haven't decided anything for sure but would you like us to start PMing you ideas or post them?

AndyZ, I've watched Voyager but it was so long ago I don't always remember details like what a specific race was called. I liked it though!

And go ahead and post your ideas here Niferbelle. Never hurts to brainstorm with others :)


Quote from: Kate on January 18, 2012, 09:49:27 AM
im keen. this could be interesting even if no sex etc happened.

If we are misfits, remember kingons attacking a startfeet vessle => declaration of war right ?

If we smuggle and have a rep of being misfits etc ANYWAY, can we do it properly and actually defect from starfleet complete and just steal the ship ?

This would free us to use cloaking technology that the romulands and kingons use, and we can start modifying it howevever we want to make it more like a pirate ship and go rogue ?

The crew of the Pariah are basically considered traitors to the Federation at this point. Well, more like criminals than traitors. Sort of like the Maquis. In fact technically now they're officially members of the Klingon Empire, now that their Captain has taken over a Klingon Great House.


OK, here is my initial idea. It's a bit unorthodox but this seems like a good game for those kinds of characters and it won't be screwing with any cannon I don't think.

Jak'kala aka Jak

Jak was the daughter of a Romulan captive and the Klingon warlord holding her. Shortly after Jak was born, her  mother escaped, leaving her daughter in a rather precarious position in a Klingon household where Jak was raised as a slave and had a very hard life as a child. As she grew older it became apparent to her 'father'  that she could be very useful indeed and he assigned he special tutors who began an intensive program of training. Displaying a native intelligence and gift for subtlety perhaps inherited from her mother, Jak was taught several languages and all the skills she'd need to become equipped for intelligence gathering. Eventually she became her father's most valuable spy as he would send her to 'entertain' allies and rivals alike, within and without the Klingon Empire, and she would use those opportunities to gather information.

Knowing that the more accomplished she became, the harder Jak would  be to keep in line, her father filled her head with talk of glory for House and Empire, even implying that if she were able to prove herself, eventually she might have a place in the House and earn some status despite her lowly origins. She believed this at first and distinguished herself but over time she began to see her father's talk for what it was -- empty, it's only purpose to keep her in line -- and that's when she  began to look for a way out.

Jak joined the House of Navarro a couple of years ago. She brings with her intelligence skills, broad knowledge of languages and cultures they'll be interacting with, and with additional training, has become proficient with the com systems aboard ship which has become her station. She also places high priority on improving her martial skills. She is loyal to three things -- herself, Navarro, and the House. (Red, I plan to PM you with ideas about how she actually came to become part of the House)



Background: The Soong-type cyborgs were always a hot topic in starfleet, efforts to reproduce
their abilities always fell short. However some nuances of his genius always fell out of the attempts. Although mastery of his technical brilliance was unlikely to be matched, even the smallest hints of his methods greatly improved the creation of androids built on his premises.

Rumor of such was one of a few technological aspects starfleet had that interested the romulans
and a political project to combine the federation, romulan and snippets of insights Data himself provided of the Song-type models resulted in Anna and three other advanced andriods being made, all with a unique lean of specialization.

None of which eclipsed Data, however they were masterpieces of current knowledge and had aspects
that were advanced in all measures short of Song, primarily concerning powersources and bio-mechanics. Unfortunately the Romulans insisted that all work be released to them for the aid they provided and the political advantage of increased trust was lost, and further gaps in culture between the federation and the romulans deepened.

While bickering over ownership, a Vulcan engineer released the three androids and gave them a shuttle to escape. This incident known as the "Greeman dispute" resulted in all parties blaming each other for their loss and an effort to downplay the failure existed on all sides. Still all have copies of the work and left with greater technical knowledge on the subject, albiet with bitter tastes.

Anna - Scout / Combat focus.

Anna  was intended to be a model that replaces the need for people in volatile security positions as well as doubling as a scout for unknown environments. Much of the social issues that marred Data is removed, such as the desperate need to understand emotional landscapes of those about her, and longing to be human.

She does however experience some emotions to more easily identify others states, primarily to determine how dangerous or volatile opponents are. After escaping Anna sneaked on board the ship and deeply desires her identity to be kept secret from starfleet.

Elven Sex Goddess

I am very much interested in this.   Here is a character concept for the game.   

QuotePotential players could take multiple rolls. Members of the Pariah's original Federation crew(Or other Federation crewmen they rescued and brought on board during the year they spent behind enemy lines during the war).

Bela Sancinati Lieutenant (junior grade)  was in charge of security of a small Federation star fleet science station.   When the station came under duress and Pariah came to the distress call sent out by the station,  she was one of two survivors rescued from the station.   

Since then she has remained.  An when the house of Navarro is forged,  Bela swore allegiance to the house.   Her primary duties is  security and tactical operations,  such as search, retrievals and rescues.   Escort, guard duties and any other tactical operation she might be tasked with.     

She of course is Earth Human.   

Bela Sancinati


Great characters so far.

I need to correct an earlier comment I made about Soong-type androids.

I forgot that there is at least one Soong android SO convincing, SO perfect that she convinced doctors, lovers, and HERSELF that she was human for decades. Yes, decades. She even aged like a normal human and had a built-in termination switch that would make her die naturally of "old age" after living a long and full life.

I completely forgot about her. And I forgot that Soong himself lived for decades after creating Lore and Data so it's not outside the realm of possibility he could have created more androids.

That being said, don't forget there are plenty of other sentient android "races" in Star Trek. There's even at least one known Photonic(Holographic) race of beings.

Much like the Star Trek Online game does, I encourage prospective players to feel free to invent their own races. Just don't go crazy with it. Like I said, if you can dematerialize things with your mind and summon hurricanes you're probably thinking more along the lines of X-Men than Star Trek.

Interesting Sidenote...there have been several X-Men/Star Trek crossover novels and comics. All non-canon of course. Still...good times. Heh.

I'm going to go back up to the first post and Edit in a list of playable races. Perhaps i'll divide them into categories of which would make sense and which would be acceptable, but take some interesting storytelling to justify. May take me a few days to finish though, so standby.

Also it appears I have somehow ended up as something of a GM/Moderator for this game. Not sure how that happened. Anybody interested in Co-Modding with me. Cuz I kinda suck as a moderator.


having a Species 8472 as part of the crew would be intersting :)


I guess Kate already grabbed the android, unless she wouldn't mind another.

Feeling pretty sick today so not sure if I'll get much charmaking work done today though.
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Been rewatching Scorpion to see if I'd be interested in playing Species 8472.  Short answer: not really.  However, it did make me interested in a Hologram.  So I checked back on here, and Hologram is one of the options.  Rawk!  I'll be PMing TheRedFear for info on the EMH.
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Tisha - Hologram (Human appearance)

During one of the routine trades with the Ferengi, they offered over one of their holographic programs in order to sweeten a particular deal.  Some rumors circulated among the crew at the time that someone had met up with this particular girl and developed a bit of a crush, but that since her memory banks were wiped prior to the exchange, whatever affection had existed was never to be.

From what those who have researched her program have been able to piece together, she started out as a simple waitress hologram, but through extended use on a 24/7 holodeck, has developed enough sentience to understand her holographic nature, but not enough to start to question the existential matters that eventually form when holograms put serious consideration into their own existence.

She has a number of subroutines which might seem contradictory were they to run simultaneously within her program.  She has the capacity as an Emergency Medical Hologram, she can work as a bartender and counselor, and in a pinch, she possesses a Security subroutine to allow her to work as part of a security detail in an emergency.

She spends much of her time as the bartender upon the ship's lounge, but when needed in sickbay, a simple command is all that is necessary to have the computer instantly transport her and upload the Emergency Medical Hologram subroutines.

Between the extended use and multiple subroutines, a number of glitches have begun to make themselves known within her program.  For one, the original Ferengi program had followed the standard clothing practices of the species by removing all of her clothing.  Although this detail has been corrected, the occasional glitch causes her to become fully naked without warning.  Although rare, and apparently associated with deep searches within her memory banks, a significant number of the crew has already had the chance to see her.  Thankfully for her sake, her program rejected the modesty subroutines which would normally cause embarrassment.

Her personality also varies notably depending on which subroutine is currently active.  While working as a bartender, she appears more submissive, attentive and sometimes playfully flirtatious.  While acting as an Emergency Medical Hologram, sympathy shows strongly within her face, but her manner is much more professional, dedicating herself to aiding the injured.  When her Security subroutines are active, she's focused like a hawk, no-nonsense and aggressive.  Although her memories are unaffected, she does not recognize any inconsistencies within her personality unless they are specifically pointed out, which often causes some form of glitch.

If I ended up grabbing a role which someone else wanted, let me know and I can tone down her subroutines.  I don't have her 100% figured out yet but you can see the basic idea.
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Quote from: AndyZ on January 19, 2012, 04:57:30 PM
Been rewatching Scorpion to see if I'd be interested in playing Species 8472.  Short answer: not really.  However, it did make me interested in a Hologram.  So I checked back on here, and Hologram is one of the options.  Rawk!  I'll be PMing TheRedFear for info on the EMH.

If you(or anybody else) is considering the viability of 8472/The Undine you should watch "VOY: In the Flesh"...not "VOY: Scopion"


AndyZ - by all means take another android

remember these androids did leave together you could be one of the other two models in the background i presented....

as long as yours has a different specialty / lean all good (easier to visualize another andriod character than some hologram that's hard)


Appreciated, Kate, but I have an idea now and I'm good ^_^

Going with the name Tisha and the picture above.

When do you want to start things off, TheRedFear?
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Probably sometime saturday or sunday to start. Give other people who want to jump in a chance.


Testing pic of Qo'nos for our first IC thread...

Also, does anyone know how many players we have to have to determine if we go in the Small Group or Big Group category?

Edit: Hmmm...the pic vexes me. And I will not be vexed....