City of Angels? Not Exactly. [EX]

Started by thebobmaster, January 14, 2012, 10:26:52 PM

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The year is 2035. The name of the city is Berenia. It is not considered to be a pleasant place to live. Crime is high, and the city is run by a mafia family. However, this family has been around a long time. In fact, it's been around longer than anyone alive can remember. And while members of the family are seen exiting and entering the mansion in the middle of the city, no one else has been known to enter willingly, or exit at all. Human, anthro, male, female, all had been seen at one point being dragged in, but never seen again. How is this family still in power, after more than 30 years? Why is no one other than family seen entering consensually, or leaving, either dead or alive? And how is this family of 8 known humans able to maintain a mansion with no outside help?

These are all questions that will be answered during the RP. What I'm looking for is a few people to play members of the family, and a few others to play a group of vigilantes, fed up with the crime level in the city, heading in to confront the family and take them down.

At least, that's how it starts. Where it goes...that's a whole new story. Let's just say, like Transformers, there is more than meets the eye to this family.

This RP will have violence in it, along with plenty of non-con elements, as well as plenty of other extreme elements. How much of those elements depends on the limits of the players. Keep in mind, however, that this RP will have gore in it, though not necessarily occurring to the players. And as for the family...let's just say they like to keep it all in the family. Though how far that extends...another layer of the mystery.

Here is a sample sheet. You don't need to follow it exactly. However, these are the minimum elements I want on your sheet.

Name: First and Last Name (if you are planning to play a member of the family, PM me about this)
Gender: Duh.
Species: This is a slightly in the future alternate history, so while there are humans, you can also play humanoid anthros.
Age: Approximate age.
Side: Are you for the family, or against?
Description: Picture or text. If you are doing text, be descriptive.
Limits: What are your limits?
Death: For, or against? Keep in mind, however, that even death, when it comes down to it, is not what it seems. In fact, it is a slumber that may not be eternal at all...

If you have any questions, or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact me via PM. This is a player-run game as much as it is a GM-run game, and I am open to suggestions on how to improve it.
Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

RP Ideas:New and Approved!