FBI Department of Unusual Cases (Currently Full)

Started by GloomCookie, January 03, 2012, 06:33:50 PM

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Deep within the Federal Bureau of Investigation lies a small office, home to four special agents.  These agents are never seen by the other agents, except when they're passing through.  Each one seems normal enough, but that's only a facade.  No, these four agents make up the FBI's Department of Unusual Cases.

Working together to solve the most unusual crimes and bizarre happenings, the agents are a mystery to all but a select few in the FBI.  And it turns out, they've got a case in Neche, North Dakota.  The case is delivered without any notes other than the basics on the town of 469 people.  The team is dispatched, believing it to be nothing more than a wild-goose chase.

This story revolves around the agents and their hunt for something strange in the wilderness of North Dakota.  What will they find?  That's a mystery.  Will they report just a wild-goose chase?  Or will it turn out to be the major case of their careers?  I won't hand you the answers, because most of the clues are going to be subtle and hard to grasp at times, so read everything carefully.

Federal Bureau of Investigation Case Archives

Important Links:
Dept. OOC Channel
Dept. Headquarters (Washington D.C.)

Major Locations:

The Grain Belt Bar & Inn
The main location where the agents will be staying.  Only place to get liquor in Neche.  Owned by James and Mary Vosper.  Common clientele: Carl Cook, Dorothy Hughes, Henry Schaler, Carl Menke.

John Stegman Farm
Location of the incidents.  No exact details have been reported, but what information is coming out of Neche is enough to ensure the four agents are sent to investigate.  Might be a wild goose chase, but then again might not.

Major NPCs:

Sheriff Blaine Koops
42 year old sheriff, main law enforcement for Neche.  Works out of a small converted trailer on the edge of town.  Neutral disposition towards the FBI.  Personally asked for assistance from the FBI when North Dakota State Police proved unable to resolve the issue.

James and Mary Vosper
Owners of the Grain Belt Bar and Inn, only place in town to rent a room or get liquor.  They are friendly enough and don't mind renting to the FBI, since tourism is slow.  They shut the bar down at 11 and often lock up, meaning anyone outside past 11 can expect a cold night.

John Stegman
Elderly gentleman who lives in a small house and tends his fields with his tractors.  Lives with his eldest son and daughter in law, currently no grandchildren though one is on the way.  Simple man with no education but is friendly and approachable.

Agents assigned to the case:

Photograph (Must be of a real person in a suit please)


[b]Brief Bio:[/b]

[b]Reason for joining the FBI:[/b]
[b]Reason for being in the Unusual Cases Dept.:[/b]

[b]Special Notes:[/b]

Stock Photos
Please use [img height=500]img URL[/img] on all photos to ensure they don't get too large.

Just because he's awesome:
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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


OOC: Let me know if this is the sort of thing you're looking for.

Name: Marcus Otango
Age: 32
Gender: Man
Ethnicity: African American

Brief Bio: Born in Cape Town South Africa, during the last days of the aparthied. His mother worked day and night as a housekeeper and au pair for a white family that lived in the segregated suburbs and as a result, had little time to raise young Marcus.

There was a lot of worry over Marcus when he was a baby, because despite being better fed than most and healthy by all accounts, he would cry constantly. It wasn't until later in his life that it was discovered that he was crying because he could feel the suffering of others all around him. In his infantile brain, this suffering was his suffering due to his "Condition".

Marcus is an "Empath" meaning that he can tangibly feel the emotions and feelings of others. The way that average people feel heat and cold, Marcus feels emotions in that way. He can even feel residual emotions in places where events that illicit strong feelings take place. He was very young when the entire village pooled their money to have him sent to America and finish his schooling. His unique ability led him to solving mysteries and he majored in criminology at a prestigious University known for graduating furure Federal Agents.

Personality: Marcus still retains a slight accent from his African roots, and is generally shy around new people. He's overly polite and generous to a fault, when people dislike him or are angry with him, he feels it and it hurts him deeply.

Reason for joining the FBI: Marcus wants to rid the world of pain and suffering.
Reason for being in the Unusual Cases Dept.: His special abilities as an Empath lend themselves to Unusual Cases and tough mysteries.

Ons: Emotional connections, kindness, mercy, generosity, good grooming, love.
Offs: Hate, Anger, pain, neglect, inequality.
Special Notes: Marcus can see and feel the feelings or emotions of others, even after the initial event has concluded, though time is a factor.
I've been in a rut lately, but I'm working on catching up. Sorry for any delay.


Welcome DomShark to the game and it's great having you :)

I hadn't planned on powers but I kinda like the angle you've gone with.  I'll let very minor powers into the game, such as empathy, surface mind-reading, things of that nature.  Stuff that might slip under most radars but enough to land someone in the role of a special investigator, where their skills are found out and utilized.
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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022



I'm very interested... Does this fit the bill?

Name:  Olivia "Livvy" Orson
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: German, Italian, and various Scandinavian

Brief Bio:  Livvy was born just outside Steel City Pittsburgh, where her father worked as a contractor for a construction firm.  Her mother, often to busy with entertaining the neighborhood ladies with a rousing game of cribbage, often left Livvy to her own devices.  Something of a deviant, she wandered around construction zones, playing with tools and left over items that men left during break and whatnot.  A tinkerer in her youth, the workers saw her as an amusing mascot more than a nuisance, and were more than happy to have her around. 

At the age of 15, tragedy struck when one of the night shift crew disappeared, only to turn up several weeks later, rather unfortunately, in a cement mixer.  Most of the other workers, and even the police, dismissed this as an accident, likely a result of a drunken evening.  Livvy, who was fond of the employee, suspected foul play.  Though she never did solve the mystery, but the event inspired her to pursue criminal justice and the like.  She eventually went on to become a detective, and soon after, joined the FBI.

Personality: Years of spending time with an older male crowd have left her a little less than clean-mouthed, and a little more mind-in-the-gutter.  A mix of dry wit and childish charm. Just because she's older, it doesn't make her a jot more stern, which tends to throw everyone for a loop, especially when she starts tossing the innuendos left and right.

Reason for joining the FBI:  In honor of her lost friend
Reason for being in the Unusual Cases Dept.:  Livvy has an eye for that which isn't always accepted as "real" in the world. 

Ons:  Strong partners, handcuffs, The Chase
Offs: Humiliation
Special Notes: Livvy has begun to hone a talent for something she calls "brief material insight".  If you give her a personal object, like house keys, she can sense very simple thoughts/emotions from when the person last used the item.


That's very good, yes.  That's two agents ready to go :)
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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022

Destiny Ascension

"Build courage when courage seems to fail, gain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith, create hope when hope becomes forlorn."
Andraste's flaming sword! I know where babies come from!

Le Immortelle

This looks fantastic! I'll have a char up sometime today!


My interest is peeked! Are you only looking for just four players or open to more?


Quote from: Alysanthia on January 05, 2012, 01:30:16 AM
My interest is peeked! Are you only looking for just four players or open to more?

Four to start out with.  If it really takes off, might let a few more agents in.
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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


Cool, hope it takes off and good luck with the game. :)


So much interest, but so few profiles...  :-(

Linna, will you be playing one of the agents?
I've been in a rut lately, but I'm working on catching up. Sorry for any delay.


This sounds interesting. I'll definitely see about getting a character up sometime today.

Updated: 03/24/19
Updated: 06/24/12
Updated: 07/20/15
Posted: 11/24/14
Updated: 03/04/19


Yes, but not in the way you think ;)

Name: Walton
Age: 4
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Domestic Short Hair

Brief Bio: Walton was part of a private company's attempt to test intelligence boosting drugs on animals.  Most were complete failures and wound up with crippling bouts of pain so intense they had to be put down.  Walton managed to survive along with a sister, Georgia.  The company fell on hard times and, during a government audit to file for bankruptcy, they discovered Walton and Georgia.  The company went under but Walton and Georgia were seized by some legal wrangling by the FBI, and the two were placed in the Department of Unusual Cases since, well, both can talk and reason.  Walton has above average intelligence, even scoring a 130 IQ, and often accompanies agents in the field.  Georgia, however, stays at the office because of spinal issues from a botched case.
Personality: Walton is perceptive and very quick to call agents on bullshit.  While he holds no ambition towards running the department or ever doing anything spectacular, he does sometimes lie in the sun and daydream of an office with a big fancy desk and a beautiful secretary to pet him and feed him tuna.

Reason for joining the FBI: Seized when a laboratory shut down.
Reason for being in the Unusual Cases Dept.: He's a talking cat.  How unusual is that?

Ons: Beautiful girls, tuna, warm spots
Offs: Stupidity, bestiality
Special Notes: Walton has a special transmitter implanted subdermally to let him radio other agents.  It is limited, however, to only 3 miles.
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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


Walton has to be the coolest Agent ever. He's awesome!

Edit: Got my char bio done. Hope the picture is okay, it's the best "suit" pic I could find at the moment. Let me know if you'd prefer another. :)

Name: Ellen Aglionby
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: British, Scottish

Brief Bio:

Ellen was born in England but, after losing her parents in an odd accident at the age of 4, she was moved to America to live with an aunt of her mother's. She was always a quiet child - something that disquieted her outgoing aunt - and was more into her books and studying than having a social life.

She never liked being around others as a child because she has the ability to read surface thoughts, mostly vague impressions of what they are thinking. It upset her when all she heard was pity and sadness after her parents' deaths and later on when other kids teased her for being "weird."

Her education was varied, but excellent, her aunt able to send her to top schools due to being from a well off family. She graduated young, at 16, and went on to university where she finished her Bachelor's and Master's in a short period of time - her concentration being myths and legends, an interest garnered from the way her parents were killed. Ellen was working on her Doctorate when she was recruited by the FBI.

Over the years she's managed to hone her talent and can get clearer readings when she concentrates. However, this is something she only uses when she feels there's no other choice, as it always makes her slightly uncomfortable.

Personality: Quiet, mostly keeping to herself, she's highly intelligent and not afraid of showing it. However, there are times when she misses the most simple of things because she's lost in her head. She has few friends, but she's fiercly loyal to those that she does. Because of her upper class upbringing, she's very polished and proper.

Reason for joining the FBI: She likes the small bit of power it gives her, especially when she's in research mode.
Reason for being in the Unusual Cases Dept.: There has to be a way to explain the way her parents died and she's determined to find it.

Ons: Intelligence, Respect, Being well bred (as her aunt liked to say), Romance
Offs: Domineering people, hurtful teasing, being treated as a child
Special Notes: Ellen can read surface thoughts, a talent she prefers not to use because of the odd "aftertaste" she gets from it.

Updated: 03/24/19
Updated: 06/24/12
Updated: 07/20/15
Posted: 11/24/14
Updated: 03/04/19


I'll try and get a post up tonight to start us off while we wait for the fourth profile.
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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


Quote from: Linna on January 06, 2012, 12:32:04 PM
I'll try and get a post up tonight to start us off while we wait for the fourth profile.

Fun! I take it that Walton doesn't count as one of the 4?

Updated: 03/24/19
Updated: 06/24/12
Updated: 07/20/15
Posted: 11/24/14
Updated: 03/04/19


CAT!   :D

This is unfortunate.  Livvy may become continually distracted.


Quote from: Linna on January 06, 2012, 12:32:04 PM
I'll try and get a post up tonight to start us off while we wait for the fourth profile.

Are you still looking for another player or have a person already and just waiting?


Quote from: Alysanthia on January 06, 2012, 07:47:23 PM
Are you still looking for another player or have a person already and just waiting?

Still seeking as I understand it.
I've been in a rut lately, but I'm working on catching up. Sorry for any delay.


If that is the case, I'd be happy to whip up a sheet and join the game.

I was thinking that the game was already filled up which is why I didn't make one when I originally posted.


Walton serves as sort of a way for me to dump exposition and provide plot points.  He'll more than likely stalk off into the night to investigate on his own and report in every so often, and move the plot along.  So no, he doesn't count as one of the four, so we need one more :)
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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022



Ok guys I started us off in Washington D.C. at headquarters and you get to meet Walton and Georgia.  Links are on the front post.
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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022