Card Games in CYBERSPACE!!!??? (Yu-Gi-Oh! Virtual Duelists) (Need Lady Chars!)

Started by Laughing Hyena, December 12, 2011, 04:54:35 PM

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Latooni Subota

Seems like you need girls! Even if you don't, i'm gonna bully and harass you till you let me in anyways! XD

I'll give this a shot. Give me a little while and I'll have a character up, and start looking up my old deck build ideas. Do note I am woefully out of date with actual YGO plot. I've read more manga than actually watching the anime, and I only know a little of 5D, and nothing beyond :x
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If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.

Laughing Hyena

You'll do fine I think so welcome aboard Latooni. If you need help I'll happily help you in PMs and feel free to ask others if they wouldn't wanna join this also. Anyone else needing help with their decks or such?


Quote from: Latooni Subota on December 15, 2011, 09:37:30 PM
Seems like you need girls! Even if you don't, i'm gonna bully and harass you till you let me in anyways! XD

To be fair, I rarely decide on a gender until the last moment >.>
Call me Shadow
My A/A


I need some for putting together a good Dragon oriented deck.  I have a few more cards added to my list but I'm mixing it up with effect type monsters and field clearers as well such as Dark Hole, Yomi Ship, Mirror Wall, and stuff like that.  Any ideas after I post what I have so far?
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Laughing Hyena

Several actually. Especially that you could use various ways to bring out some really big guns really damn fast.


Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
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Latooni Subota

First attempt at a character up! Tell me if it's terrible or not. I'm gonna go start digging for deck ideas. X3

Name: Tamase Tama
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Personality: Tama is a little bit of a split personality. While dueling she tries to put on a brave look and gets boisterous, in other aspects of her life she's pretty thoroughly meek. A sheltered life due to her condition helped reinforce her meekness, and led her to letting people take the lead for her quite often. Still, when in the freedom of the cyber world she tends to try and really push things and live life as if she's making up for lost time. When it comes to relationships she doesn't have much experience . . at least with others. When sheltered with unlimited net access, you tend to peek at things you shouldn't. A lot.

Backstory: Tama is a young Japanese girl born to surprisingly wealthy parents in the electronics industry (Parents that are terrible at picking names for their children!) . Unfortunately, she was born with the genetic anomaly known as albinism, though not a complete case. Almost ironically, she actually has a greater level of photosensitivity, leading to an outright UV allergy. As such she was kept sheltered, with special anti-UV windows and all her classes being held virtually with an expensive private school. To be honest, it wasn't a very fun life for Tama. What good is wealth when you can't go out and enjoy the sun?

Tama passed the time by learning all manner of things, since she had an unusually good ability to rapidly pick up new things. Languages, basic programming, and more importantly: games. She thrived with old games like Go, Shogi, and Mahjong just as much as she thrived with more contemporary games like Dungeon Dice and, more recently, Duel Monsters. Though she could only play via the internet, she had fun regardless of winning or losing. With the advent of the Duel Visor however, she found the next best thing to being able to walk outside and play. Now she could interact with people in a system almost exactly like the real world! . . . and she realized that this type of virtual contact was WHOLLY embarrassing, leading to drop in her win ratio. Still, she was gonna try her best to get along in this brave new world, and succeed!

Ons: Being submissive, bondage, toys, and any number of things I've forgotten.

Offs: Scat, bloodplay, gross bodily harm, death.

In Character Kinks: Voyeurism, being treated roughly, 'strong' older people. (Male OR Female)


Tama is a fairly petite girl, standing at a little more than five feet tall, with a small delicate frame. That's not to say that she has no curves whatsoever, but she IS regularly outshined by people younger than her, much to her chagrin. She blames her inability to go out and get proper exercise for her small stature. Really, she should be blaming her equally petite mother and grandmother. Her avatar is surprisingly unmodified however. She doesn't really use any of the nifty extra options or outfights, instead preferring regular clothing. Still, she IS considering grabbing a cool black cape or witch's hat, to go along with her primary deck's theme. Maybe.

Master Magicians

Dueling Deck
1: Apprentice Magician
2: Apprentice Magician
3: Apprentice Magician
4: Effect Veiler
5: Effect Veiler
6: Frequency Magician
7: Frequency Magician
8: Magical Exemplar
9: Magical Exemplar
10: Crusader of Endymion
11: Crusader of Endymion
12: Old Vindictive Magician
13: Breaker the Magical Warrior
14: Breaker the Magical Warrior
15: Defender the Magical Knight
16: Defender the Magical Knight
17: Defender the Magical Knight
18: Magical Marionette
19: Magical Marionette
20: Chaos Sorcerer
21: Chaos Sorcerer
22: Endymion, the Master Magician
23: Magician's Circle
24: Magician's Circle
25: Bottomless Trap Hole
26: Bottomless Trap Hole
27: Mirror Force
28: Torrential Tribute
29: Magical Citadel of Endymion
30: Magical Citadel of Endymion
31: Magical Citadel of Endymion
32: Spell Power Grasp
33: Spell Power Grasp
34: Spell Power Grasp
35: Allure of Darkness
36: Double Summon
37: Book of Moon
38: Pitch-Black Power Stone
39: Swords of Revealing Light
40: Heavy Storm
41: Mystical Space Typhoon
42: Reload
43: Pot of Avarice
44: Pot of Avarice

Chaos Goddess
Arcanite Magician
Arcanite Magician
Arcanite Magician
Explosive Magician
Explosive Magician
Tempest Magician
Tempest Magician
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon

Destiny Draw
Chaos Sorcerer
Mirror Force
Heavy Storm
Swords of Revealing Light
Fortune Favors the Bold

Dueling Deck
1: Fortune Lady Light
2: Fortune Lady Light
3: Fortune Lady Light
4: Fortune Lady Fire
5: Fortune Lady Fire
6: Mirror Force
7: Fortune Lady Wind
8: Fortune Lady Wind
9: Fortune Lady Water
10: Fortune Lady Water
11: Fortune Lady Water
12: Fortune Lady Dark
13: Fortune Lady Dark
14: Fortune Lady Earth
15: Fortune Lady Earth
16: Solitaire Magician
17: Beast King Barbaros
18: Rai-Mei
19: Rai-Mei
20: Summoner Monk
21: Magical Exemplar
22: Magical Exemplar
23: Effect Veiler
24: Effect Veiler
25: Effect Veiler
26: Dark Simorgh
27: Future Visions
28: Future Visions
29: Future Visions
30: Fortune's Future
31: Fortune's Future
32: Fortune's Future
33: Gold Sarcophagus
34: Gold Sarcophagus
35: Allure of Darkness
36: Nobleman of Crossout
37: Time Passage
38: Time Passage
39: Different Dimension Gate
40: Torrential Tribute
41: Compulsory Evacuation Device
42: Return from the Different Dimension
43: Scrap-Iron Scarecrow
44: Chaos Sorcerer
45: Starlight Road

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x2
Arcanite Magician x2
Tempest Magician x2
Chaos Goddess x2
Colossal Fighter x2
Stardust Dragon x2
Black Rose Dragon x2
Orient Dragon

Destiny Draw
Mirror Force
Dark Simorgh
Chaos Sorcerer

ONs and OFFs be here:

If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.

Laughing Hyena

First off Latooni I love this character. Already theres a ton of personality. Soon as you get a deck, you are totally in.

In either case Vergil I'll PM you the details.


I'm likely going to have a character who plays as well as I do.... Not very well at all.
Call me Shadow
My A/A

Latooni Subota

ONs and OFFs be here:

If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.


Quote from: ShadowFox89 on December 15, 2011, 10:34:44 PM
I'm likely going to have a character who plays as well as I do.... Not very well at all.

Don't feel bad ShadowFox.  I have only played a handful of games with friends when I was still in college so you're probably more experienced than I am lol.
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Laughing Hyena

Nice to know the lot of you are looking forward to this. Feel free to ask others if they are interested in this. The more the merrier.


Posting interest, I've actually been keeping an eye on this since it originally was posted...

I know pretty much nothing about the game so I'd be looking to start off as a friend of someone else who starts to join in as things go along.


I haven't played for several years, and even then I did poorly xD

Anyway, I'll likely post bits of a character up at a time.
Call me Shadow
My A/A

Latooni Subota

I tried to get a few friends interested, but they prefer MTG to YGO, or aren't card gamers, so they said no. :x
ONs and OFFs be here:

If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.


Well, if you don't mind being my gal's personal slave I could show you the ropes lol.  Joking aside, just ask and we'll help you get through all this my friend.  Welcome aboard.  I'd recommend finding a way to watch Yu-Gi-Oh since while the rules are different, most of them are pretty accurate from show to actual game, it's just knowing the difference is what matters.  Anime Freak or Anime Ultima should have all of them if not most of them online.
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Quote from: Latooni Subota on December 15, 2011, 11:13:44 PM
I tried to get a few friends interested, but they prefer MTG to YGO, or aren't card gamers, so they said no. :x

Huh, I'm actually interested because I spent a fair bit of time playing MTG

Laughing Hyena

Yugioh is on Hulu. And take my advice and avoid season one of the original series as it does not follow the actual rules at all.  (It was before the actual trading card game came out)

Latooni Subota

Well, to be fair, you should watch the LATER series of YGO. To be perfectly honest, i'd suggest watching GX. There's a LOT of material in the first 'series' to go through, so you'd be better off with something a bit more self-contained. Watch 5Ds if you want to know about CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES :o

Edit: I'm a little torn between choices. Since I think someone pointed out their wanting to do a Fortune deck, i'll go with something spellcaster-y. So much variety!
ONs and OFFs be here:

If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.


I actually was going to do a Spellcaster deck, but my second choice can be an Elemental Hero deck, or trying my hand at Synchro summons since that's a territory I have no experience in personally other than the few episodes of 5Ds I've watched so far lol.  I don't know, what do you guys say?
Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
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Latooni Subota

Well, synchro summons can go in a LOT of decks now. I'm probably gonna make a deck based around the three Synchro spellcasters and Endymion tricks. (I really wanted to do a Fortune deck though! So cute! lol )
ONs and OFFs be here:

If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.


I have my first deck finished up but I still need to get my Fusion and Extra junk in there as well.
Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


Deck should be done, thanks mostly to Hyena. I'll write up a rough character draft and post her/him (flip a coin!) tomorrow.
Call me Shadow
My A/A

Latooni Subota

Just a quick question, do you want us to stick to sixty card decks? (not counting Extra/Sideboard stuff of course)

Or can we make our delicious 40-card decks? :x
ONs and OFFs be here:

If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.