Two, Two, Two

Started by Jesse, December 11, 2011, 03:00:52 PM

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(This is an old ghost story my Dad once told me)

A little girl hopped down the railroad track. Her leg bounced her as she went on down the way, her rainbow dress swirling around her. She repeated, "Two, two, two..."

A little boy watched her from the side, frowning as he tried to figure out her game. Eventually, he decided to join her in hopping, and they recited together "Two, two, two..."

A rumbling sounded, but the boy paid it no attention. The little girl hopped off and watched as a train ran over the boy, leaving a blood-spattered impression in the tracks.

She got back on the tracks after it passed, bouncing once more as she started up again. "Three, three, three..."

Beguile's Mistress

*falls on the floor laughing*


That's just cold!  Laughing


So she recites the number of children killed?  >:)

Kilgore Trout

reminds me of a joke I love to tell:

A man walks home from work each day past a long stretch of high brick wall. As he passes he hears the chant of, "Ten! Ten! Ten!".  Every day he hears, "Ten, Ten, Ten!" , as he passes.

He walks past the wall for months.

"Ten! Ten! Ten!" always, "Ten! Ten! Ten!"

Finally, after almost a year, his curiosity gets the best of him.

He grabs an old milk crate to stand on, and, on tippy toes, and with great joy, finally pulls himself over the edge of the wall to see just what, "Ten, Ten, Ten" was all about.

An inmate of the insane asylum smacks him in the head with a brick. He drops to the sidewalk. Dead.

There is a brief moment of silence, and then the chant starts up again:

"Eleven! Eleven! Eleven!"
You know, the truth can be really powerful stuff. You're not expecting it.