Non-Sexual Blackmail

Started by JuliaInNJ2007, December 04, 2011, 06:29:00 PM

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Hey! I have a few ideas for a non-sexual blackmail type of play. I like playing on YIM but I'll play on here or via e-mail, too. I'd also like these to be the same gender but they don't have to be. I just want to try something that doesn't involve sex for once. :) But they all involve me compromising my morals/someone I loathe taking power over me. In each ot them, I'd like to play after what happens in the scenario and end up transformed into an eager, obedient servant.

My ideas:

1) You and I both went to the same law school and both at the top of the class, with me just edging you out to finish #1 in the class rankings. We despised each other. I ended up working as a prosecutor in financial crimes, intent on putting away the corrupt fat cats I was brought up to fight against. You ended up landing at one of the most prestigious corporate law firms in the country, making the large paycheck you always dreamed of. We eventually go head-to-head in a court case and, just as it was in law school, the battle between us is fierce. It gets so fierce, in fact, that I fib on some evidence which you notice. And you see your chance for revenge. Not only will I drop the case... but I'm going to have to work for you in order to avoid being disbarred.

2) You're the longtime mayor of our small city and have developed a bit of a political machine. I'm a rising star on the city council who has become your loudest critic and poised to end your reign. In particular, I'm fighting a piece of legislation which you and your cronies are pushing for in which a local park would be rezoned and turned into a condominium complex which would benefit one of your staunchest allies. Just as the vote is coming up, you somehow unearth information that I haven't been so honest in my own campaign finance. You give me the order: I either apologize in public for slandering you and change my vote or face a prison sentence. And this begins a length tenure of me slowly becoming your most faithful acolyte.


Two very enticing stories.  I am intrigued to play in either one.  I know you were looking for a woman,  but I feel confident that I understand your desire for a high level of intrigue without derailing the drama to our primal instincts.  Blackmail is a fascinating topic, but most of the fiction boils down to pictures being taken,   and she has to do what he says while more pictures are being taken.  This is a very unimaginative view of extortion and coercion.  It starts small, sure, and the further it goes,  the deeper it gets, but the crux of the dilemma is that the lines between right and wrong become confused.   They say that losing your ability to choose can be very liberating,  but happiness at its core is derived from the completion of goals.  This will be a tragedy in the most classic sense.  Are you sure you're up to it?

1.  I love the set up for this one, first in that there is a history between the characters which could flashback at any time, and secondly the travesty that outside forces could upset a judicial hearing and cause serious collateral damage to the freedom of an innocent/a dangerous precedent/the financial future of an entire industry.  Being the successful corporate lawyer he is,  he will stop at nothing to win the case,  impress his clients,  and someday make partner.  I see him as handsomely dressed,  tirelessly ambitious, and utterly ruthless.  Drop the case?  You're not going to get off that easy,  you're going to have to take a dive.

2.  It's terrible the tribulations of women in politics,  where saints like Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin are slandered as whores, and monsters like Hillary Clinton and Tipper Gore are held up as role-models.  Only ball-breakers like Nancy Pelosi or doormats like Olympia Snowe survive. (*)  I apologise if the previous statements are patently offensive,  but that just rolled right off my tongue,  and I felt it accurately summarized the plight of women in politics.  It's a man's game, and no one is more deeply rooted than your smalltown mayor.  This guy has known you since you were a little girl, has access to all your private information, and you think you're going to ruin a real estate deal that will keep his grandchildren in hookers and blow? You've got another thing coming.  Now that he's got you right where he wants you, you're going to do more than just apologise.

Looking forward to hearing from you.  I hope I've impressed upon you my credentials as your potential blackmailer. <snip> I cannot receive private messages on this forum.  I'll happily swap emails,  and even use YIM if necessary, but IRC is my preferred method of instant messaging.

Edited: No posting of contact information allowed in public areas.


Hello! Sorry I haven't gotten back to you. I'm trying to check out Sorcery.Net but don't quite know how it works. I'll pop on there here and there to see if we can connect!


IRC is a protocol for Internet Relay Chat,  and there are several free programs you can use to interface with their servers, like mIRC or IceChat or Mibbit.

Since I cannot connect with you outside of Elliquiy,  perhaps you'd like to share some thoughts or ideas on this thread,  and perhaps we'll hammer out a story in short succession.