[Exalted] Teaching Death to Die [Indefinitely Postponed]

Started by AndyZ, December 01, 2011, 08:58:50 AM

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This is currently an interest thread and not a guaranteed game.  I just know that two people really want it to happen, so I'll see how many others seek such a game.

I ran this game about a year ago, and it ended up falling apart rather quickly.  However, I pulled together other people, kept it going a mite longer, and by the time it collapsed with them, I had a few more things all planned out.  Thankfully, having a game that I already ran will make it much easier to run again...if I can remember all my notes.

The basic idea is that the game starts in Great Forks, and seven of the thirteen Deathlords have been rumored to declare open war against Creation.  Beyond that, most of the game will be fairly open, with the PCs figuring out what to do and how to fix this nightmare.

House Rules

Zero learning times.  You hate them, I hate them, Daddy hates them and he doesn't even play Exalted.

Essence will start at 3.  No bonus points have to be paid to get 3, and you can't spend any to get higher.  The entire group will always have the same amount of Essence, which means that during major events, the entire group will be awarded a dot of Essence, but it won't be increased by other means (such as by fulfilling Motivation).

The Twilight anima works as follows: When the anima banner of a Twilight Caste (or Daybreak, or Defiler) is flaring at the (11+)-mote level of display, she automatically subtracts only a single health level of damage.  However, as a reflexive action, s/he may pay 5 motes to instead subtract a number of levels equal to his or her Essence score.

XP awards will be the same throughout the group.  When I award XP from a 3-dot stunt, everyone will receive it.  It's easier bookkeeping for me, and everyone benefits.

I'm sure I have others.  I forget what they all are for now.

Exalt Types

Solars: Yes, of course I'm allowing Solars.

Lunars: Sure, I'll allow Lunars too.

Dragon-Blooded: Outcaste DBs will be given Breeding 5 for free at character creation.  In all likelihood, you have absolutely no idea who your parents are, since both of your parents would have to be Terrestrial to receive such a high rating.  Choosing to play lower than this is possible, but I won't give you any other benefits for being so much weaker than everyone else.  (Even with Breeding 5, I doubt you'll really keep up)  Playing one of the other DB types is ill advised, for reasons which I'm sure are obvious, but may be possible with good backstories.  I could certainly imagine someone believing that the black-tainted Anathema symbols are the true Anathema, and the golden ones are not.

Sidereals: I'm not really sure if I want to allow Sidereals or not.  If I do, then they won't be spending much time at all in Yu Shan, and either they'll spend all their time in a Resplendent Destiny or I'll just handwave the rolls for PCs to remember them.

Abyssals: If I allow a Renegade Abyssal, Resonance is apt to make you cry, and you will have a Deathlord but just choose to disobey them.  Although I have a few ideas for now a loyal Abyssal would be brought into the game, I can't really imagine the rest of the PCs being willing to hang out with one.  Note that I know exactly how I would have a Renegade Redeem back into a true Solar, and it would not be easy.

Autocthtonians: I don't know these guys.  If you really want one, and can convince me that they would work out well in a game, convince me.

Fae: I don't know these guys.  If you really want one, we can talk about it.  Last time I ran this game, I used some very unusual rules for the fae, so fair warning with these that my own personal insanity may trump the book.

Infernals: I don't know these guys, and not really sure I want them in the game.  If someone desperately wants one, we can talk about it, and you can try to convince me.

Spirits: I do love spirits.  Essence 3 will define most of your stats, Cult I'll want to keep fairly low.  If we have someone who wants to play a spirit, you'll probably get significantly less XP than the rest, but that XP will be used for specialties, backgrounds and the like.  I'll think of something.

Mortals: If someone wants to play a mortal, half-blooded or something like that, I'll probably allow it, but quietly snicker.

I think that's about everything.  Who all would want in?
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Pretty in Pink

Me, of course.  Since I'm one of those two people.

Debating (excluding Sidereal) Twilight Solar or Full Moon Lunar.

I've taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RP

Zaer Darkwail

I want join in also, either as a solar or abyssal. Also open up for any lunar mates candidates :).


Interesting and pleasing that we already have two people willing to do Solar.  I'll admit that, in my first attempt to run this, I tried for a Solar Circle, but it never panned out.

Of course, if I really want to get everyone to want to play Solars, I know I have to give some incentive.  Here's something I haven't finalized yet, but I'd be curious to see if people are interested:

What about if, for every Solar who makes things eligible for continuing the Circle, another bonus point is received by all Solars?  This would mean that if we get 5 people who all want to play Solars of different types, all Solars get 5 extra bonus points.  Duplicate castes would receive the bonus points but would not increment the number (A Twilight, a Dawn and two Nights would all get three bonus points, for example) and differing Abyssal castes would increment the number but receive no bonus points for it (A Twilight, Dawn and a Day would give the Twilight and Dawn three extra bonus points).

I may not end up doing this, but if it gets everyone's attention and gets me a full Solar Circle to run for, I most likely will.
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Zaer Darkwail

It sounds a fair house rule for char creation :).

Zaer Darkwail

I have bubbling idea to roleplay a eclipse caste solar but it needs few things confirmed;

A) What level fire manse would grant user a fire aspect's anima power? Basically function exactly same when user uses essence he has fire dragon blood's anima power besides it's own anima power.

B) Allow get a dynast born/raised dragon blood as 1-2 dot ally (there is strong background reason for it)

C) Is a dynast born eclipse able learn some dragon blood charms as starting charms when he exalts as eclipse or do I need spend bonus points learn those? Not use them same profiency as dragon-blood but let's say can he learn elemental bolt and elemental burst and treated use charm as 'other element' charm (meaning a extra mote surcharge comes in automatically).


I'd be interested in playing either as a Solar[Not sure of caste yet] Or as a Half caste [yes yes I know sniker away]
Life is a hard game but the rewards are sweet if you know where to look.


A.) The Gemstone of White Heat, a 3-dot gem on page 94 of Oadenol's Codex, is exactly what you're looking for.

B.) I'd say one dot if s/he shows up from time to time, believes you to be a DB and such.  Two dots if s/he's around you a lot, knows you're an Eclipse and the like.

C.) The book says that you can't learn non-Solar charms at creation without ST approval; I'll approve but the non-Solar Charms will cost double (meaning that since you get five non-Caste Charms at creation, it'll cost you two of those for every one non-Solar Charm you get.)  That'd let you get Elemental Bolt, Elemental Burst, five Caste or Favored and one other Solar Charm.

Avorae, I'd be curious why you'd prefer a half caste at start.  It might be something similar enough to work into your backstory and still Exalt as normal.
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Quote from: AndyZ on December 01, 2011, 11:51:13 AM
Avorae, I'd be curious why you'd prefer a half caste at start.  It might be something similar enough to work into your backstory and still Exalt as normal.

Well I have always had this idea of a Half-caste orphan who grew up in Nexus and whose primary motivation was to become a great martial artist and secondary motivation was to find out who her true parents where. And of course in during her struggles and triumphs in the game she would eventually exalt.

Of course every game I've played in never lasted long enough for her to actually achieve either goal.
Life is a hard game but the rewards are sweet if you know where to look.


Quote from: avorae on December 01, 2011, 11:59:24 AM
Well I have always had this idea of a Half-caste orphan who grew up in Nexus and whose primary motivation was to become a great martial artist and secondary motivation was to find out who her true parents where. And of course in during her struggles and triumphs in the game she would eventually exalt.

Of course every game I've played in never lasted long enough for her to actually achieve either goal.

Pop on AIM; let's chat a little bit.
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Zaer Darkwail

Ok, thanks from replies Andy :). Can we work on create charsheets and ponder later is there a bonus points based on castes covered by the circle?

My concept is basically that my eclipse is graduate from House of Bells but he was 20 and was suspected he does never exalt. As most exalt during teenage years or latest at 18. The 20th year exaltations have occured but extremely rarely. Anyways deal is that he is trained warrior but he is scholarly diplomat sort and general and not melee power house (so more lean to mental and social attributes than physical).

He is damn brilliant stragedian and one local champions in Gateway and he was assigned to north when Bull of the North was making one his raids. He is along with a talon of soldiers leading them as a captain, work more as rear guard while dragon bloods and their units are in front (he is archer so his unit was archers as well).

Well, then is then that some exalt working with Bull of North snuck behind the army with sizeable hit and run squad, but my guy spotted the unit which was disguised as hermits, seeing through the disguise/bluff. However things get hairy when a solar exalt shows up to front and it causes the soldiers panic and run. But he stays and faces threat alone for sake keeping his duty as soldier and protect with his life his comrades rear.

For his unyielding valor then UCS then blessed him and gave him power able combat the enemy solar who was rather stunned see a fellow solar but a dynast instead. Trying kill him but with combined dragon blood charms and solar archery charms he defeated her unit and herself in brutal barrage (thinking up a combo).

Anyways upon foe's surrender he forced the solar take oath to never speak details of the battle, lie or just not talk about it nor reveal he is exalt (abuse of eclipse powers yeah). When he returned to his men most cheered for him as his anima had calmed down and he looked to have 'fiery white fire' as his anima banner when in truth it's a burning dragon with golden aura.

However Cult of Illuminated figured him out and with their aid he got manse which helps disguise his anima banner so long he does not go iconic and can 'fake' to be a dragon blood. This naturally gave him promotions and so on and including to receive a bethroded from Mnemon house (he's from Cathak), but not yet married as they both agreed for at least ten years of courtship to see do their relationship work out. They worked together to do realm's duty as she likewise was legionnairer (a heavy armor battalion). However somepoint my char is forced to keep secrecy of his identity or save his wife's life so he revealed his full might as solar to defeat a deathlord from Mask of Winter's service.

This of course is in background but there was hefty talking about between my guy and his bethroded which he had been holding courtship over four years and they had grown close. Then she decided ignore his anathema status as she knew quite well what sort of man he is and is keen eyed for deception in general. But they then together agreed they cannot continue their farce so they both left from Imperial isle together along with (unexpected) their soldiers who had sensed they are defecting from the realm even if they did not know details but once they learned they accepted their both commanders out of loyalty born in battlefield than national loyalty or Immaculate order teachings.

Since then they had worked as renegade Dynast military unit which tries avoid to be caught up by Lookshy (who hate them out of principle) and Realm (who hunts them both for being traitors and my char being anathema). Also they had held a wedding and are now by law wife and a husband but they have pushed aside for any desire for children as raising them in war camp is not life what they wish for so they both seek a secure good place where they are accepted (whole legion, not just those two) and where they can continue their duty independly.


Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on December 01, 2011, 12:13:39 PM
Ok, thanks from replies Andy :). Can we work on create charsheets and ponder later is there a bonus points based on castes covered by the circle?

My concept is basically that my eclipse is graduate from House of Bells but he was 20 and was suspected he does never exalt. As most exalt during teenage years or latest at 18. The 20th year exaltations have occured but extremely rarely. Anyways deal is that he is trained warrior but he is scholarly diplomat sort and general and not melee power house (so more lean to mental and social attributes than physical).

He is damn brilliant stragedian and one local champions in Gateway and he was assigned to north when Bull of the North was making one his raids. He is along with a talon of soldiers leading them as a captain, work more as rear guard while dragon bloods and their units are in front (he is archer so his unit was archers as well).

Well, then is then that some exalt working with Bull of North snuck behind the army with sizeable hit and run squad, but my guy spotted the unit which was disguised as hermits, seeing through the disguise/bluff. However things get hairy when a solar exalt shows up to front and it causes the soldiers panic and run. But he stays and faces threat alone for sake keeping his duty as soldier and protect with his life his comrades rear.

For his unyielding valor then UCS then blessed him and gave him power able combat the enemy solar who was rather stunned see a fellow solar but a dynast instead. Trying kill him but with combined dragon blood charms and solar archery charms he defeated her unit and herself in brutal barrage (thinking up a combo).

Anyways upon foe's surrender he forced the solar take oath to never speak details of the battle, lie or just not talk about it nor reveal he is exalt (abuse of eclipse powers yeah). When he returned to his men most cheered for him as his anima had calmed down and he looked to have 'fiery white fire' as his anima banner when in truth it's a burning dragon with golden aura.

However Cult of Illuminated figured him out and with their aid he got manse which helps disguise his anima banner so long he does not go iconic and can 'fake' to be a dragon blood. This naturally gave him promotions and so on and including to receive a bethroded from Mnemon house (he's from Cathak), but not yet married as they both agreed for at least ten years of courtship to see do their relationship work out. They worked together to do realm's duty as she likewise was legionnairer (a heavy armor battalion). However somepoint my char is forced to keep secrecy of his identity or save his wife's life so he revealed his full might as solar to defeat a deathlord from Mask of Winter's service.

This of course is in background but there was hefty talking about between my guy and his bethroded which he had been holding courtship over four years and they had grown close. Then she decided ignore his anathema status as she knew quite well what sort of man he is and is keen eyed for deception in general. But they then together agreed they cannot continue their farce so they both left from Imperial isle together along with (unexpected) their soldiers who had sensed they are defecting from the realm even if they did not know details but once they learned they accepted their both commanders out of loyalty born in battlefield than national loyalty or Immaculate order teachings.

Since then they had worked as renegade Dynast military unit which tries avoid to be caught up by Lookshy (who hate them out of principle) and Realm (who hunts them both for being traitors and my char being anathema). Also they had held a wedding and are now by law wife and a husband but they have pushed aside for any desire for children as raising them in war camp is not life what they wish for so they both seek a secure good place where they are accepted (whole legion, not just those two) and where they can continue their duty independly.

A few things I notice:

This character concept really feels more like a Dawn than an Eclipse to me.  I'm seeing lots of stuff about war, battle and the like, but not so much about communication, organization or travel, the places where an Eclipse excels.  If you're willing to swap to Dawn for this idea, it'd be very easy to convert everything else.

Learning DB Charms will take weeks and won't be something your character could have done immediately upon Exaltation, and the same deal with Combos.  That doesn't mean that you wouldn't be able to beat the other Solar, just not with DB-Charm Combos.  If you want to swap to Dawn, the Solar could even be willing to "throw the fight" to have someone so close to the Blessed Isle ready to try to take down a chunk of the Empire from within.

If the Cult of the Illuminated is involved, it wouldn't be difficult for them to have put a Disguise of the New Face spell upon you to conceal your anima.  However, without that, the huge mark on your forehead would give you away.  Presumably, your army never saw you way up close until they already trusted you enough not to care that you're Anathema.

Great Forks would also be a great place for this character, because Great Forks is amiable to Solar Exalts.

You'll also be down to 100 of the 125 soldiers due to casualties and not really being able to get them replaced, in accordance with the Followers background.
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Zaer Darkwail

Well, I could change background more diplomat direction or more sense that he is more a supply line officer who was renown to be great organizer of supplies. He was more a thinker and stragedian than warrior. So perhaps instead of figthing off the solar himself he succeed organize perfect defense against the solar and he did not go even iconic but sensed what he was. Also perhaps he did started show off anima banner in golden flames but his helm in his head blocked the mark?


Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on December 01, 2011, 01:08:50 PM
Also perhaps he did started show off anima banner in golden flames but his helm in his head blocked the mark?
Once your anima starts to flare very little can block it from bieng seen and with the level you seem to be refering to not even your helmet would keep it hidden
Life is a hard game but the rewards are sweet if you know where to look.


Helmet wouldn't block it.

The way I'm thinking, there was a priestess who gave you a particular blessing in your youth that was always supposed to bring your soul to the good graces of the Dragons.  You didn't know it at the time, but it was actually a Disguise of the New Face spell, and the priestess actually worked for the Cult of the Illuminated.  You're not quite sure what kind of being she is, but she doesn't age at the same rate as an ordinary human.

This would have completely changed your anima, hiding the mark and making your iconic appear as white flames (which did no damage until you got the hearthstone) for as long as the spell was active.  You may not have even known you were actually Anathema at first, still trying to learn Dragon-Blooded Charms but with great difficulty, until the Cult of the Illuminated finally revealed your true nature to you and removed the spell.

How does all that sound?
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Zaer Darkwail

Hmmm, that could also work but it means they have somehow known I will exalt as solar than dragon blood (I guess someone rolled amazing crits in checking Loom of Fate when solars got loose from Gold Faction). But how sounds a inteligent stragedian/supply officer who then through sheer organizing defense deflected enemy solar and also exalted while doing so but with the sorcery masking his anima? Also it's still masked so he could bluff to be a dynast.

But then through personal honor he defected and most think him as merely traitorous dragon blood but in truth he had used a clear solar charm (perfect parry with melee charm or do other impossible feat which is not possible even elder dragon blood to pull off).


This is going to make a lot of people mad.

I've been trying to remember my old game, talk to people about options, and plan things out for running this game, but it's just not happening.

I'm already running two other games, and trying to get everything going together in my head, consider other plans and summon the inspiration for all three simply isn't happening.  I keep fighting, hoping I can put enough together to run this anyway, but I've reached the point where I know I'm just lying to myself as I continue to try planning.

As such, the best thing I can do now is to simply let people know that it won't happen in the foreseeable future, at least by me.  I feel like a total dick for this, throwing it up and having to say otherwise, but it's better to just say as soon as I can.

Someone else may want to try taking this over and is more than welcome to do so.  I can even try to tell you the bits and pieces that I still remember of what I had a year and a half ago, and maybe cajole some other info out of the players I had then.  Sadly, it doesn't look like Skype keeps anything longer than a year.

I'm sorry for getting people's hopes up.
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Pretty in Pink

OKIEDOKIE!  *cracks knuckles*  Let me fire out a character concept, and show folks how it's done.

QuoteThe Exalt now known as Lightning-Caught-Flame was once a simple village healer in a small village near Chanta by the name of Elise.  Of course, there always seemed to be a bit more to her than simplicity, as she was capable of curing diseases even the other healers couldn't figure out.  She showed, from a very early age, a predilection toward the healing arts, and more specifically toward the healing side of Alchemy.  However, this was simply put down as a simple gift, as she was never very adept at much of anything else.

Of course, this all changed when an upstart god decided that he had had enough of these simple village folk not giving him enough prayer to survive on.  He released a host of vermin that he had been keeping outside in the wilderness, allowing them to enter the village, bringing with them untold sickness and disease.  The other healers scrambled to keep up, but they lost patients.

It grew worse, when those same healers began to catch the very diseases they were attempting to cure and get rid of.  Elise was in the middle of it, seemingly immune to the diseases that were striking down her compatriots around her, and claiming villager after villager.

She worked ceaselessly for nights on end, not stopping even to take care of herself, aside from to grab a quick drink of water and a crust of bread.  However, this began to wear on her heavily.  After a week, she began to grow sluggish, to run out of the reserve of energy that, until now, had seemed limitless.  It was then that the true horror struck.

Her entire family fell ill with the same wasting disease that was crippling the town.  What was worse, she learned that it had been she who had given it to them.  She had carried it home during her increasingly short visits, and it had passed to each and every member of her family, from her parents, down to even her infant daughter.

When it seemed like something was about to give, when SOMETHING had to crack under all the strain, the Wyld Hunt arrived, claiming that one of their healers was a demon summoning anathema.  They dragged Elise, kicking and screaming, from the infirmary, even as she watched her daughter draw her last breath.

The explosion that seemed to take place immediately at that moment has been described since as caused by a bolt of lightning out of a clear sky striking Elise where she stood railing at the Dragon-Blooded.  When the cloud of smoke and debris cleared, a pillar of flame stood around her, surmounted by the gleaming, glowing caste mark of a newly Exalted Twilight Solar.  Daring the Dragon-Blooded to stop her, she turned, returning to the infirmary and going through, touching each of the people afflicted, the illnesses sweeping away as if they had never taken hold.

She vanished shortly thereafter, and her village has seen nothing of her since.

And THAT'S how you write a backstory.

I've taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RP

Zaer Darkwail

Bah! If I would bother a more detailed background it would at least three pages long ;)!

Sad to hear you do not plan run this now AndyZ, but I can wait and stick around until you or someone else does ;).


Very sad here too.  ^_^;; 

I would play one of my classic characters, a Zenith Caste named Yume, but we seem to already have a medicine specialist. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)

Laughing Hyena

@avorae - As I recall only a night caste (or similar mirror) can use his peripheral without lighting up so to speak. Barring any artifacts or such phenomenon like the Wyld... or sorcery. :-)

By the way is that abyssal still available? I got an idea for a loyal abyssal but technically he's still renegade because he deviates in the standard motivation. If you'll hear it out I'll play it but for now I'll explain him.

Basically he was a King within the Hundred Kingdoms, whom was quite benevolent and happy with his wife and daughter. Unfortunately a rather power hungry Dragon Blooded Warlord made his warpath run right through his kingdom and despite his efforts the King fell. The Warlords ambition was to breed his own personal army of Dragon Blooded from humans with pure blood or noble blood in them. Hence his Queen and Daughter were forcibly taken as part of his execution. A humiliation unlike any other. Racked with grief he cursed the gods that had failed to come to his aid in such cruel notions and as the headman's axe started down something answered him. Offering power in exchange for a new purpose and new god the King accepted and fell into the underworld upon his death.

Reborn as a Deathknight under the banner of the Lover Clad in the Rainment of Tears (or the Walker in Darkness), he would serve her faithfully his hatred for the Dragonborn and the living intensely strong for allowing such innocence to fall and the wicked to thrive. Blinded to what happened around him in the underworld he knew not that the Lover had also eventually acquired the ghosts of his people and more importantly his wife and daughter when the Warlord tired of them as pets. Broken and left to the dogs of his men they took their own lives to avoid this horrible fate. Only to be met with something far worse. For the Lover wanted her new champions rage to be unending and with motivation. She gave him the weapons and arms forged from his very past.

However in the end that would prove the wrong course of action in time. The King would find himself facing a much more powerful adversary who wielded golden flames to create the impossible. Beaten down the Abyssal didn't expect mercy and insultingly enough pity. Pity that he would use the dead so cruelly when he is their champion as he so called himself. The golden one would exclaim that the King knew naught the true origin of that weapon or armor he bears and enlightened him on it. Explaining that souls were tortured into this form and fused in twisted agony forever the King found an epiphany of horror and then self loathing. He had been given these weapons as a gift from his mistress and realized that he was using his own people, the people he loved and swore to protect as instruments of his self righteous crusade. He knew that nothing changed... he simply had bended the knee for another tyrant by his own will rather then be forced to kneel.

He wanted to die, he wanted this to end but he could not even accomplish that. For all the conviction, for all the bravery, his will refused to allow it. He did not return to his mistress nor did he return to the living, there was nothing for him there and soon he knew what he had to do. The realms of the dead did not belong to his masters by right, they were tyrants, all of them. They belonged to him and his kind. If the new gods he had worshipped wanted to embrace death then so be it but it would not be on their terms. He would find a way to purge this unholy cancer from his new world and give the dead their peace once more. The Fallen King of the Threshold was born anew...


I forgot to mark the game as indefinitely postponed.  I will do so now.  If anyone else wants to take it over, by all means, but I can't handle running three games at once.
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