
Started by Jason, November 26, 2011, 01:22:11 PM

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Welcome to Fantasia, a world separate to ours, a world of tales and legends, where some are born and some shall die…and truly, a world to marvel in. The entire world is governed by one sole monarch, those of the Corona Royal Family. This family governed all the individual nations of Fantasia, their rulers acting on their behalf.

However, tragedy has fallen unto the world. The great high King who governed all of Fantasia has perished, and his successor has assumed the crown; unlike his predecessor the crown has been taken hold by a corrupt man, who now assumes the title The Dark King. Most of Fantasia has resorted to bending to his will, or fear his unholy wrath strike upon them with no mercy. No-one but the castle’s people know more than his Dark King’s side. But now all those who dwelled in his castle now say no words, or its execution.

There was a rumour of a revolutionary army hidden away on a remote island, but they need heroes. They need those brave enough to fight the elements and prevail, those who can slay the mighty, and those who were born to win. But fortunately, this is no rumour. The Rebels Arms is the name of this army. And many are applying to take up their arms and fight this cruel monarch and end the Corona Control over Fantasia. They seek to divide the land of Fantasia into individual independent lands, a fair rights and rules to all.

Now, becoming a soldier is something, but what about those who want to be remembered? What about those who want to be marked in the history that changed the world forever? What about those who want to become legends? Well, surely they’ll need reputation! And that is your goal, to adventure with your comrades in the vast world of Fantasia and gain the respect of its nations so that you will take on the Dark King and be marked as heroes!

Fantasia is begging to be discovered, and tales to be told, of legendary heroes and mercenaries for gold. Play the role of a member of the Arms, and take up your weapons, and magical charms! Make a name of yourself, be echoed throughout the land, and soon your heroic title will be in demand. So explore Fantasia with all your might, and if you're lucky, and a very pleasant night!

The world of Fantasia, a High Fantasy world, is incredibly vast, but for now we can only explore the country of Merc: an ungoverned land of simply four different cities from which there is fair peace and tranquillity; the only real threats are the enemies within!
-Fareway: A coastal city, famous for the surrounding plains.
-Pluma Island: A large volcanic island which essentially is a miniature Merc.
-Stoneholm: The mountainous city where the mining industry is booming.
-Armadura: The HQ of the Rebels Arms, a dry and desecrated field, making it a perfect spot.

And, of course, all the small villages and towns here and there!

Character Sheet

[b][u]Personal Information:[/u][/b]

[b][u]Combat Information:[/u][/b]

[b][u]Sexual Information:[/u][/b]
Sexual Nature:
Turn Ons:
Turn Offs:

[b][u]Other Information:[/u][/b]

My Character

Personal Information
Character Name: Solo Branning
Species: Human
Age: 18
Personality: Solo is an aspiring young man who can at first pull off a defensive cold attitude, but has a very warm side to him. He does his best to remain on guard, so that he might be capable of defending himself whenever needed. However, his warm side is a kind and gentle fellow who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Quite curious, he’s willing to try new things so long as they don’t end up getting him into deep trouble. He can be at times naïve, but does his best to look for silver linings and better himself.
Biography: A young man who has come to age, ready to explore the vast terrains of Fantasia. Solo Branning comes from a large clan of wayfarers, making their gene pool quite a large one. For all Solo knows, he was accidentally left behind in a small village nearby Fareway, where his mother and father were heading next. It only took a day when they recovered him at the town’s orphanage, but the couple settled here rather than continue their travels, deciding to raise Solo in a proper environment. It was a relaxed town, everyone knew their neighbour, and the children played happily in the neighbouring woods. Solo, of course, being the wayfarer he was, mapped out the entire forest for the town. After training and passing his swordsmanship classes, receiving his first sword, Solo desperately waited to come to age so he may explore the rest of Merc, the country he inhabited. And now he’s come to that time.

Combat Information:
Weapon(s): A basic sharp sword, typically used by wayfarers. Not the rarest of weapons, but certainly not one to underestimate!
Prolonged Stamina – Coming from a line of travelling wayfarers, Solo has adapted their style of incredible stamina, capable of running miles before hitting fatigue.
Lightfoot – Solo learnt along with swordsmanship
Magic: n/a
Strengths: Very agile, capable of dodging, blocking, and counter attacking very efficiently. Good stamina makes a great long battler.
Weaknesses: Prone to heavy hits.

Sexual Information:
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Sexual Nature: Solo is currently a virgin, and as a result is quite nervous in sexual scenarios, unsure where to put what, and all that lot. So, he may turn either dominant or submissive depending on the partners he may encounter.
Turn Ons: Breasts, Foreplay
Turn Offs: Scat, Gore

Other Information
-Good singing voice.
-Adores cute animals.
-Food: Any and All Chicken Dishes
-Sport: Hiking/Swimming
-Color: Green
-Animal: Cats
List of Heroes

Crazy Jay - Solo Branning
Kokaine - Arianna Davenport
bubby - Galeion Silveris
elfguy - Captain Daria Lokamar
Vergil1989 - Neria Zathrieal / Giselle Do'Urden
Laughing Hyena



I am interested. I will start working on a character. Was thinking a woods men like archer, or a mage. not sure witch though.


This looks like it could be fun. I have a female character that I had done up but her game ended up stalling. She's currently a thief but I might adapt her for this game if that's cool with you...
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I might be interested. I'll keep an eye out on this thread and see how the interest perks!


I may have interest as well!
Le'Kinks (As a quick reference, that is!)
On/Off Thread
Solo ideas/Some Group ideas
And: A bunny (/(o.o))


Quote from: RabbitJanitor on November 26, 2011, 07:52:59 PM
I am interested. I will start working on a character. Was thinking a woods men like archer, or a mage. not sure witch though.
Glad to hear it! Take your time, its your character, and I can trust you'll make 'em great!
Quote from: Kokaine on November 26, 2011, 08:27:31 PM
This looks like it could be fun. I have a female character that I had done up but her game ended up stalling. She's currently a thief but I might adapt her for this game if that's cool with you...
Thats a shame. Well, I've no problem with any adaptions at all. I'll be honest, I was hoping to get this into a Big Group Game, but since it is small, thats why I've limited the world to the small country.
Quote from: bubby on November 26, 2011, 11:34:14 PM
I might be interested. I'll keep an eye out on this thread and see how the interest perks!
Glad to take in your interest! I hope it perks up quite soon!
Quote from: Box on November 26, 2011, 11:47:02 PM
I may have interest as well!
Wow! For a first go, I'd say this idea is doing fairly well! Glad to have you on board!


Is this going to be freeform, and are you thinking of having confrontations between those who support the king and the rebels? I was thinking of playing a highly loyal female soldier, an officer of sort, who wants to keep the peace and brutalize anyone who gets out of line, and maybe she could catch some unruly rebel, or even be trapped by them and get captured.. anyways just an idea.


Placeholder for me here.  I was thinking of playing a mage or some sort of caster, I will wait to see what everyone else is doing a bit more before I delve in.


I am always willing to explore new worlds, and I'd be more than willing to throw my hat into the mix.  The problem being is that my characters mostly hail from the land of the Forgotten Realms, mainly the continent of Faerun up and down the Sword Coast and the Spine of the World mountains for the most part.  If you allow planar travel to some degree or another, then I'd be happy to send one or both of them your way my friend.  If not, then I can surely create someone new and fresh.  Either way, know that I am most likely going to get into this one lol.  Both of my Faerun dwellers are female before you ask, and they have quite the rich history both of them.  And both are quite adept in their own ways.
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IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


Quote from: elfguy on November 27, 2011, 02:08:16 PM
Is this going to be freeform, and are you thinking of having confrontations between those who support the king and the rebels? I was thinking of playing a highly loyal female soldier, an officer of sort, who wants to keep the peace and brutalize anyone who gets out of line, and maybe she could catch some unruly rebel, or even be trapped by them and get captured.. anyways just an idea.

For the time being, its simply free form, the battle taking place more off-shore from Merc. The main threat in the country would be its rogues, bandits, etc. But, this soldier could be captured by rebels, that'd work well. But, like I said, work it as your character!
Quote from: hunkaroo on November 27, 2011, 02:51:28 PM
Placeholder for me here.  I was thinking of playing a mage or some sort of caster, I will wait to see what everyone else is doing a bit more before I delve in.
Great! Your place shall be held!
Quote from: Vergil1989 on November 27, 2011, 03:53:33 PM
I am always willing to explore new worlds, and I'd be more than willing to throw my hat into the mix.  The problem being is that my characters mostly hail from the land of the Forgotten Realms, mainly the continent of Faerun up and down the Sword Coast and the Spine of the World mountains for the most part.  If you allow planar travel to some degree or another, then I'd be happy to send one or both of them your way my friend.  If not, then I can surely create someone new and fresh.  Either way, know that I am most likely going to get into this one lol.  Both of my Faerun dwellers are female before you ask, and they have quite the rich history both of them.  And both are quite adept in their own ways.
Wow, I'm not really sure how to respond to that! Well, as I mentioned before, for the time being the game will take place on the country of Merc, depending on how well it does I may expand the map ever so more. Does that answer your question?


Not really since the Forgotten Realms is another world altogether, separate from yours.  That's why I asked if I could planar walk them to yours for some reason or another lol.  Still, it's all good, I should have clarified that a bit better.   ;D
Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


Oh! That'd make sense I suppose. Well, I'm glad people have began to make Fantasia more creative by the second, so go ahead! Just make sure we stick in the country, and I'll see no difficulty whatsoever in the play.


VERY cool.  Thanks Crazy Jay.  Now, it might take me a while to get one of the two or both of them going since we're getting ready to do our Christmas Tree and all, but I'll be sure to get a start on a profile if nothing else.  They are both good at what they do so they're stronger than your average warrior perhaps, but nothing too outlandish I assure you or too powerful....I hope lol.  Anyway, here goes.

Personal Information:
Name:  Neria Zathrieal
Age: 145
Species:  Light Elf
Gender:  Female
Personality:  Compassionate, gentle, and light hearted to boot, Neria is one of the kindest people you'll ever meet.  She goes above and beyond the call to help any that she feels is worthy of her aid, and does the best she can for any she travels with.  She's intelligent and not afraid to get her hands dirty.  Her only problem is that under high amounts of stress, she has nightmares of her childhood and what had happened when she was a kid.
Biography:  Neria's story begins when she was fifteen, when orcs raided, slaughtered, and raped her family and friends.  She had been spared thanks to her mother hiding her within a hollowed log, but a hundred years would pass before she ever fully recovered from that night and the events that transpired.  She learned to be a cleric from the man that led a group of adventurers through the orc horde that had destroyed everything she held dear, but there were some wounds that not even his considerable power was able to touch.  Learning to be a Sacred Prostitute years later, Neria found that due to her traumatic start, she wasn't able to get intimately close to anyone until she went on an adventure of her own.  The journey led to her meeting a man that showed her she had nothing to fear anymore, and gave her peace of mind, body, and soul before they parted ways.  From this feeling of utter peace that she had never known until then, the elven cleric used what she had learned and felt and wanted to share it with any that would receive it, and had created the Temple from that simple wish to aid all that came to her door.  However, when a dimensional rift appears in her bedroom for some reason, Neria hesitates only for a few seconds before packing a bag and jumping through, the rift closing behind her.  Starting a journey in a new land, she does wonder why she had been pulled from her home, but is more curious about what's going on in this new place.
Appearance:  Base image, main appearance.
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(In armor.)
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Combat Information:
Weapon(s):  A sword and shield, both enchanted with holy magic and light.
Ability(s):  Neria is an elf, and at the peak of her health.  This means she rarely, if ever, catches diseases even through the partners she has taken to her bed over the years.  Enchanted sleep spells don't work on her at all either.  Beyond that,
Magic:  She's a potent cleric, having divine powers based in her faith.  Detecting evil, healing major wounds, consecrating ground are just a few examples of what she's capable of.  She's also a sacred prostitute however, able to remove curses, diseases, and even heal through acts of sexual passion rather than the traditional ways of herb lore and spells learned through her clerical training.  Not only can she heal in such a way, but Neria is able to divine information from the gods this way as well, finding answers to questions that wouldn't be possible otherwise, but the gods don't always feel like sharing, and when they do it's often in riddles rather than a straight yes or no.  (Special DnD based class.  Can send you a copy of the book if you like or at least where I found it for free.)
Strengths:  The usual elven racial traits are to be expected.  Long life, youth, sharper senses, etc.  Only needs four hours of sleep vs a human's eight.  Nightvision, infrared vision, dark vision.  (Complete darkness.)
Weaknesses:  She's not as strong a warrior as she could be, meaning this particular elf does tire easier than her best friend.  (More on her later.)  That and she has a tendency to take care of other's needs first, meaning it's not uncommon for her to drop from exhaustion if she's not watched carefully.  Under great deals of stress, she has horrible and debilitating nightmares of her past, rendering her all but useless until she calms down again.

Sexual Information:
Sexuality:  Bi
Sexual Nature:  Neria is a healer in every sense of the word.  She has had many lovers, and is quite skilled at what she does.  She enjoys slow, passionate love making rather than quick and dirty affairs, but is not one to sleep with anyone just because they ask.
Turn Ons:  (O/O page.)
Turn Offs:  (O/O page.)

Other Information:  Sacred Prostitutes are sacred beings back home, and Neria is no exception to this rule.  She is trained in every erotic art there is, save one.  BDSM and all it entails is her only unknown territory, but if she finds the right person that she trusts, she might consider an education in said art.
Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


Gorgeous app if I may say so Vergil. I have no problem with your characters being in any way stronger than mine. My character has just started his journey, the novice! Well, Neria, our Sacred Prostitute, is accepted.


Very cool and thanks.  She's a cleric first and foremost but the SP stuff is more to supplement what she has already.  Still, I'm glad you love her Crazy Jay and I hope this gets started soon.   ;D ;D ;D ;D
Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page

Laughing Hyena

Im in, playing a mage. Everyone has to have a mage and since its high fantasy all the better.


Solid response Hyena. We need a mage, no questions asked, otherwise it isn't high fantasy, right? Nice to have you on board.

Laughing Hyena

If it caught Vergils interest then it already has huge potential. :-) Anyway is there a method of magic to follow in this land or can I make that up? And just a question of how world shaking magic can possibly be here as an example.


I have that effect on people, what can I say?  Lol, joking aside, I don't join every game under the sun, so it is true that this is rather unique and I hope it goes far Crazy Jay.  LH is a good guy to have aboard, and I have to ask the same question since I hadn't thought to ask at the time regarding magic and all that lol.
Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


Well, call me a horse with a mountain of golden shoes! I should count my blessings!

I'll allow you to be creative with magic, though there are two divisions which are quite basic: White & Black magic. Black = Offensive Magic / White = Anything that doesn't classify as Black Magic. Now, the world shaking power? Well, for the time being it will be hardly influencial, but when the game progresses I'll allow its influence to increase, just as I do location. I'm intending to save the best bits for later on, rather than an explosive beginning which can sort of spoil it.


I think he meant to ask how powerful magic can get there CJ.  As in, holy meteor swarms raining down from the heavens upon command to apocalyptic firestorms from the Nine Hells itself.  Use your imagination lol.
Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


Oh, right, sorry *facedesks* Its quite late where I am now, so bear with me misreading things!

I'd still say, though I have no restrictions (YESH! fistpump.jpg) on any spell so long as it doesn't God Mod or Power Play, I'd still suggest leave the more devastatingly powerful spells to the later game, and stick with moderate spells for now.


Personal Information:
Name: Captain Daria Lokamar
Age: 25
Species: Human
Gender: F
Personality: Daria tends to be somewhat serious, taking her job very seriously and acting professional as much as she can. She can relax and be brought to trust someone but it's a challenge, she typically doesn't trust others until she gets to know them very well.
Biography: Daria is the daughter of an officer, and from an early age was brought up to join the army as well. She was taught to be loyal and always follow orders, and that the King was the supreme authority. As such, she joined up to be a guard as soon as she could hold a sword, and graduated to become a successful officer in the imperial army, becoming very good with her sword, and physically strong. She has dedicated her life to serving the kingdom and spends a lot of her time patrolling or chasing bad guys. She can be quite ruthless against those she considers enemies of the King, although she can also be quite kind when needed, to help out citizens in trouble for example, as long as it doesn't come into conflict against her orders, which lately it appears to be the case more and more. But being a loyal officer, that's not something she spends time thinking about.

Combat Information:
Weapon(s): One-handed long sword, royal shield, customized royal officer armor (female version)
Ability(s): Physical strength greater than most, very good with her sword and at unarmed combat
Magic: None
Strengths: Melee combat
Weaknesses: Range combat

Sexual Information:
Sexuality: Bi
Sexual Nature: Inexperienced, she has only had two encounters so far, one male and one female, and both were broken off before it went very far
Turn Ons: All except...
Turn Offs: futa/herma

Other Information:

Laughing Hyena

Damnit! There goes my introduction for Tim the mage. (no that will not be the name I pick.) Anyway after this post I shall be working on my sheet for you. Enjoy!


So I am thinking my character will be a thief tricked/coerced/forced to join up and she'll have some elemental magic with a very strong affinity for fire if that will work with this game... let me know and I'll get her CS up shortly.
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