Hunting for an scene or two.

Started by Zoophilian, October 08, 2011, 09:11:18 PM

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Hiya all, Been on E it seems like Forever, Okay more like a few months but still. I will open with saying that my limits are few (Closer to none) And my likes are pretty out there, from bestiality, vore, snuff, Traps, you name it and I most likely enjoy it. Iam looking for a few good scene's or atleast to meet a nice Player or two.  My posting length isnt epic, I manage a paragraph or two at times three but thats about my limit before I just start sounded like a Rerun. I have countless Idea's but that would be simply reposting what i have already on Non forum rp and on my website, So instead I shall humbly forward anyone to my website (Linkage below). Dont be shy about Messaging me, I dont bite to hard ^.~