Whore Mistress of Pohjola, a Finnish Epic (F/F)

Started by Zeitgeist, October 05, 2011, 06:53:12 PM

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Seeking a co-writer to play the part of a Finnish heroine in the guise of a hero.

Though there has been a fair amount of scholarly work on piecing together the Finnish epics and mythology, the stories were handed down orally, largely and as such what we know of their stories are sometimes conflated, incomplete and contradictory. This offers us room to weave our own story.

It is said that Loviatar, a Finnish goddess, will bequeath to any hero who completes a quest of her choosing, one of her beautiful daughters to wed. It is your task to perform the prescribed rite with the borders of her realm (Lappland). If Loviatar hears your prayer and is compelled, she will assign you a quest to complete. Succeed or fail, you are to return to her for judgement.

Many heroes have tried, and failed. Will you succeed? Well, not likely! You are in fact a woman, and not your atypical Finnish hero. Will your secret be uncovered? And if so, what will be the consequences?

That's my pitch for the story. It will obviously be steeped in Finnish mythology. And while I call it an epic, it need not be overwhelming in breadth and length. I will play the part of Loviatar, narrator and any non-player characters as necessary. You will play the part of our heroine/hero, as well as any other characters as necessary.

Feel free to reply with your interest here, or by PM. Thanks!

Sources (Incomplete):



As a Finnish guy I have to raise a hat to this and chuckle. I've not heard many take up an idea like this, though it is interesting, adn quite fitting considering that the "Mistress of the North" was a villainous woman throughout the entire Epic, at least in the eyes of the heroes of that Epic.

Anyhow, I'll wish you luck, I might be interested but I figure that in this case you are going to be looking for a female player for this matter. Still, wanted to tip my hat on the idea as a Finn, at least, especially given that the idea intrigued myself as well.

Also, if you can find it there's a roleplaying system called A.N.K.H out there somewhere.

Adventures of the North, Kalevala Heroes.

That is, Kalevala is the name of the Finnish epic that the above mentioned Goddess is a part of. The game is pretty old and scarce, and figure the rules system would be a bit of a headache to pick up, but that said it would provide you with a load of gaming material. Given its out of print (to my knowledge) it might even be available somewhere for free. Cant promise that, haven't looked in ages.
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.



Thanks for the reply. I'm pleased you found the idea to your liking. I have no strong preference as to the gender of the co-writer. Interest, attention to detail and reasonably good writing skills is infinitely more attractive. Being a Finn, you may be able to provide a valuable insight too.

If still interested, feel free to PM me and we can discuss. Thanks!