Man with an Interesting Fate

Started by Draconus Umaki, December 07, 2007, 10:59:27 AM

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Draconus Umaki

Hello Everyone my ons and offs are in the ons and offs section. I'm somewhat looking for someone to play the role of a very dominant female to help m e out with a scene.   A young gentleman is often roaming in a forrest, and hears a young lady in distress, but she isn't she is trying to lure him into a trap so as to have a new toy. When she gets done doing so, she somehow manages to get him unconsious and gets him to her home. After doing so ties him up awaits for him to awake and then procceeds to torture him for about 12 hours then turns him into a female and continues such.

Sex: M
Age: 22
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazel Green
Body: Very Athletic
Its not the balls and a dick that make the man, its the choices in life he makes that does that. Otherwise he is just a MALE


Turns into a woman how? Magic? Medicine? Genetics?
I would like to meet the woman that invented sex to see what she is working on now.

ON and OFF:

Draconus Umaki

Turns him into a woman with any of the above. I really would like to find someone to rp this with me
Its not the balls and a dick that make the man, its the choices in life he makes that does that. Otherwise he is just a MALE