INTEREST CHECK: City of the Drow (reboot) 3.5 DnD [14/?? spots filled]

Started by Zaer Darkwail, September 29, 2011, 06:38:30 AM

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Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: PeacethatPowerbrings on September 30, 2011, 12:34:16 AM
I might be interested, perhaps with a sorceress type character.

Feel free make sorceress, but think already ahead how you fit her in to the setting; is she first or second born daugther of one the matrons? Is she independant business woman?

Quote from: Karasu on September 30, 2011, 12:37:58 AM
oh don't fret Zaer. I'd be playing two charaacters insted of just the one XD

Sorry, one char per player Karasu :P. So it's either the male or the female char which I already created to you.


Will I just PM you my concept when I've got it done then?
I am filled with recollections of lives I have not lived.

Zaer Darkwail

Feel free PM or post it in here. Eitherway your charsheet ends up public as I edit the first page include the new recruits (for easier to find charsheets anyway when I need check on them).

Chloe Milev

And I've updated my character to a Spirit Shaman, with some Warlock to get into Arachnomancer, and some Mystic Wanderer for Cha AC instead of armor.   ;D  Spirit Shaman is interesting: I prepare a small batch of druid spells, then cast them spontaneously like a sorcerer.  Right now she has some battle-use things, but she can swap out to espionage, healing, travel, etc.
Ons and Offs
Discord chloe milev
FFXIV Sargatanas


I have an OC member of House Despana that I would absolutely LOVE to use for this rp, but if it's not going to work because of the changed timeline and the characters that are already in the game, I understand that too. Would Drow characters be allowed LA Buyoff (see experience point cost)?
Pretty much scrapped my signature because everything in it is hilariously out of date. I might work on fixing that eventually.


well then it depends on if Pale's char is accepted I can always just make that character male XD

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Karasu on September 30, 2011, 07:22:02 AM
well then it depends on if Pale's char is accepted I can always just make that character male XD

Indeed, his char concept is allowed but need wait is he okay with the notion that he needs make the grand public appearances disguised as female to avoid males get silly ideas as go make coup against matron mother while he thinks he has female soul (when in most 99% cases it's not). Also you can change the gender of the char I made and I still wait your opinion about how I build the char :). Also was choice for between shadow evocation or mirage arcana ok (mirage arcana is perhaps most spectacular illussion consider it creates terrain and buildings; your able hide inside your own illussion and boost so your own house defenses. But Shadow Evocation other hand gives you some direct offense power when you need it).

Quote from: Rhaegar14 on September 30, 2011, 06:54:27 AM
I have an OC member of House Despana that I would absolutely LOVE to use for this rp, but if it's not going to work because of the changed timeline and the characters that are already in the game, I understand that too. Would Drow characters be allowed LA Buyoff (see experience point cost)?

LA buy off is not allowed, as it has not been applied to none the characthers so far and it can cause balance problems.

Also note House Despana has two branches; the one most are familiar with is the one presented in Baldur's Gate; Shadow of Amn series. That one had wipe out kinda in the city, the whole family was not killed note but because loss of matron mother and eldest daugther it resulted remaining daugthers squabble while other houses moved in. It caused that branch either collapse completely or some fragments remained.

Other branch is led by male archmage in city where he led a succesful coup where they formed oligarchy to rule the city (in mostly form of presentatives from other mage academies in the city).


Okay. I also might be interested in playing the third matron with an adapted RKV Gish (mmmmm).

I will warn you now, however, that I am an amateur optimizer and know people who are STUPID good at it. Would you like me to limit my tier before I start poking ideas around in my head?
Pretty much scrapped my signature because everything in it is hilariously out of date. I might work on fixing that eventually.

Zaer Darkwail

Do not limit yourself, do a char what you would enjoy as we have already a feral half-drow with freaking spellfire ability here as random wild furball factor in the city :P. We can discuss and help you optimisize char further once you get initial idea.

But note; my limit is 3 matron mothers and we got already third matron mother likely. So try to work and think your char around to be perhaps one excisting matrons daugther perhaps? Or independant 'champion' of Lolth who works for the church perhaps (if go RKV route).


Oh, I thought you still needed one. Swiftblade Gish it is lol.
Pretty much scrapped my signature because everything in it is hilariously out of date. I might work on fixing that eventually.

Zaer Darkwail

Swiftblade gish is okay with me :). It's interesting PrC. So would you be male or female arcane duelist?


I dunno, man. I have to play around. I've never been in a game that lasted to ECL 14 haha. The possibilities are mind-raping me.

Is Leadership allowed? And how about Dragon Magazine Compendium?
Pretty much scrapped my signature because everything in it is hilariously out of date. I might work on fixing that eventually.

Zaer Darkwail

Leadership is allowed, but you cannot take matron mother variant of the leadership (they get all nice toys). Landlord you could also take normally as a feat. Anyways dragon magazine stuff needs approval from me first before any of them are applied.


I want a mercenary Diopsid Warblade cohort. The race is from the Underdark, are typically mercenaries, and often work with the Drow, so the fluff fits fine. The crunch can be summed up as "dual-wield greatswords for full 1-1/2 Str mod and -1/+2 Power Attack at the normal -2/-2 penalty for TWF, and do it with 6 Dex" if you're not familiar with them.
Pretty much scrapped my signature because everything in it is hilariously out of date. I might work on fixing that eventually.

Zaer Darkwail

Well, I am not familiar with them. I saw via google some info about them and I say they can use two medium greatswords (assuming they are medium creatures with four arms). If you add somehow powerful build to them then I can allow use large weapons.

Byt TWF penalty is same as using one handed weapons, so -4/-4 either case (if not take feat which reduces penalty to -2).


I was summarizing lol. The otherwise completely useless Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting feat is actually pretty good on them.

They're LA+1... do I have the go-ahead?
Pretty much scrapped my signature because everything in it is hilariously out of date. I might work on fixing that eventually.


hey Zaer me and Pale came up with a character for him, Likely I'll use the one you made me for our own game ;)

Str: 19, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16

HP: 110

Fighter 4/Paladin of Tyrrany 4/Blackguard 3/Pious Templar 1

Skills: Hide 5, Knowledge Religeon 4, Concentration 15, Use Magic Device 7.5, Intimidate 12

BAB: 12

Base saves: Fort 10,Ref 3,Will 5, /Fort 17, Ref 11, Will 11

Flaw: Meager Fortitude
Flaw: Shakey
(f) Combat Expertise
(f) Power Attack
(1) Exotic Weapon proficiency (Spiked Chain)
(1f) Cleave
(2f) Improved Sunder
(3) Weapon Focus (Spiked Chain)
(4f) Weapon Specialization (Spiked Chain)
(6)  Weapon Focus (Whip)
(9) True Believer
(12) Improved Trip

Special Abilities:

Aura of Evil
Detect Good
Smite Good 2/day
Deadly Touch
Aura of Despair
Divine Grace
Divine Health
Rebuke Undead
Poison Use
Dark Blessing
Aura of Despair
Command Undead

That's his Sheet XD



Do thankt he pale enchantress she did make this part of the character sheet, I'm putting it to Myth weavers as we speak and finishing it.


Karasu, that looks like a tripper build. I would STRONGLY recommend you get Combat Reflexes in there.

EDIT: While you're at it, I would recommend the Standstill feat from Expanded Psionics Handbook and a Crusader (Tome of Battle) dip for the Thicket of Blades stance. The former allows you to cancel an opponent's movement if it provokes an Attack of Opportunity from you, while the latter causes five-foot steps to provoke Attacks of Opportunity from you.
Pretty much scrapped my signature because everything in it is hilariously out of date. I might work on fixing that eventually.

Zaer Darkwail

Also I warmly recommend instead spiked chain you would go to use mighty bladed whip. As whip is still exotic weapon to you even as figther and blackguard and paladin of tyranny (I assume you took weapon focus:whip to qualify for pious templar).

Also I assume reason for paladin of tyranny (btw, Lolth uses paladin of slaugther than tyranny) and blackguard levels is intended to double stack the charisma bonus to saves with divine grace and dark blessing features? Sorry, I house rule that they do not stack; it's one or the other :P.

So if rebuild your levels and feats;

Figther 2/Paladin of Slaugther 4*/Pious Templar 6.

*=Use divine warrior variant from Complete Champion. Meaning no spellcasting from paladin but bonus feat instead.

(1): Exotic Weapon proficiency (Whip)
(fig1): Weapon Focus (whip)
(fig2): Combat Expertise
(3): True Believer
(PaloSla4): Divine Might (by sacrifcing one rebuke undead per day you add charisma bonus to melee damage rolls for 1 round as a free action)
(6): Improved Trip
(Pious Templar 3): Weapon Specialization (Whip)
(9): Extra Smites (+2 extra Pious Templar smites)
(Pious Templar 4): Power Attack
(12): Mighty Smites [tactical] or Cleave

I removed flaws as if you can make decent build without them then your better off already :P.

Note; You should use bladed mighty whip. Mighty whip allows use strenght mod with whip attacks and bladed whip does lethal damage even armored foes. Also with 6 Pious Templar levels you get third level blackguard spells already (which is damn good) and also DR 1/- along with nice smite attacks. Also Mighty Smites tactical feat from Complete Champion allows maximisize smite attacks to do some nice tricks with your smite attacks.


But that build is still missing Combat Reflexes. Trippers aren't even worth the feat investment on one AoO/round! XD
Pretty much scrapped my signature because everything in it is hilariously out of date. I might work on fixing that eventually.


You know, I think I'm gonna pull out.

Sorry, but the level of cheese is kind getting me down...


Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on September 30, 2011, 06:01:40 PM
Note; You should use bladed mighty whip. Mighty whip allows use strenght mod with whip attacks and bladed whip does lethal damage even armored foes.

That's a fine edit dropping blackguard. The issue with whip though is that using it in meele provokes AoO and it doesn't have any threatened space. It doesn't even threaten things 5 ft. away
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