A Call For Heroes (Scion)- Looking for two players.

Started by Alysanthia, September 27, 2011, 08:25:22 PM

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Gifted is what you were always lead to believe, that your talents and abilities were all just luck. But something inside kept hinting that you are different, that nothing is as it seems in this world you live in; that something or someone out knows this too. You are a Scion, a child of the gods of old gifted with strengths and powers that none could have imaged. Your parents hoping that you choose the path that they secretly pave for you to follow,  while you hope to one day live up to their expectations and receive your rightful place as a true god.

But things are dark in the world; strange happenings are plaguing those of similar births like your own.  A Scion of Miclantecuhtli is rising in power, the head of a major medical research company he delights in seeing people literally sell their souls to him for the help that they need. Yet as of late he has been craving more power, to be the most powerful god alive and have all worship him; to thank him for the gifts that he so shamelessly offers to the highest bidder instead of those more deserving.

For the last few years he has been targeting fellow Scions, either wining them over to his cause or killing them for defying him. Many have lost their lives in fighting him and his minions, protestors disappearing, lawyers suddenly involved in car crashes, even doctors that have worked for the company for years being murdered in cold blood. The gods are furious with Miclantecuhti’s Scion and demand that something be done; they turn to you now. For you to find a way to end this madman’s plot. Leaving little clues for you to follow and hopefully not be swayed by this cruel man’s twisted words…

I am looking for ten players (preferably with basic knowledge of the game), five good guys and five bad guys or however the events play out I just do not want to see more good guys than bad guys; as well as one other person to co-run the game. Also I would also really like to see some Pantheon diversity and there not be four Scions from the Greek and seven from The Loa.

Each player will be starting out at Hero level and as the story progresses I will throw out an important quest to raise the players up to Demigod status and then you will be allowed to acquire new powers or weapons.

Character Sheet
[b]Birthrights:[/b] (Only two)
[b]Weapons: [/b] (Be reasonable)
[b]Knacks:[/b]  (Three)
[b]Virtues:[/b] (Two)
[b]Boons: [/b] (Three)
[b]Appearance: [/b]

Major Pantheons

Baldur: God of the sun, known for his handsomeness, genial nature, and valiant ways in battle.
Freya: Goddess of war and beauty, she is both fierce in battle and sensitive to those in need.
Freyr: God of fertility, he brings fortune to those blessed by him.
Frigg: Queen of the Aesir and mother of Baldur, she is capable of seeing the fates of all.
Heimdall: Guard of Bifrost, the road into Asgard, he sees and hears all.
Hel: Queen of the Underworld, she is without passion for anything, even existing.
Loki: God of fire and mischief, he is bound and determined to create havoc anywhere he goes.
Njord: God of the sea.
Odin: All-Father of the Aesir, he cares for little else except the end of the world in spite of his great vision.
Sif: Goddess of grain and wife of Thor, her beauty hides a great intelligence.
Thor: God of thunder and husband of Sif, he is the greatest warrior of the Aesir.
Tyr: God of justice and war and son of Odin, he observes all carefully before coming to a final decision.

Amaterasu: Goddess of the sun and Queen of the Heavenly Plain, fascinated by grace and beauty.
Hachiman: Lord of war, fishing nets, and fertile fields, he brings change and practicality.
Izanagi: The first man and Lord of the sky, he is depressed by the loss of his beloved wife.
Izanami: The first woman and Queen of the Underworld, she bears a grudge against the other Amatsukami.
Raiden: Lord of thunder and lightning, he is as boorish as he is powerful.
Susano-o: Lord of sea and storms, he lives for excitement and danger.
Tsuki-Yomi: God of the moon, he is a messenger who brings periodical inspiration to others.

Huitzilopochtli: God of war and the sun, he thrives on blood and rage.
Miclántecuhtli: God of the dead and spirits, he enjoys crushing the dreams of others.
Quetzalcoátl: God of beauty and art, he seeks to inspire and raise humanity to its peak.
Tezcatlipoca: God of fate, he revels in having mortals creating disorder and destroying themselves.
Tlaloc: God of rain and clouds, he brings balance to both the gods and mortals.
Tlazoltéotl: Goddess of filth, she hopes to expose the darkest secrets within everything.
Xipe Totec: God of maize and growth, he bears the faces of others to do his work.

Aphrodite: Goddess of love and beauty, her fickleness and shallow attitude are legendary.
Apollo: God of the sun and art, he always speaks truths others may not want to hear.
Ares: God of war, he thinks of little other than violence and bloodshed.
Artemis: Goddess of the moon and the hunt, she thrives on constant change.
Athena: Goddess of wisdom, she is the most well-rounded, but as prone to pride as the others.
Dionysus: God of wine, he brings both revelry and chaos in his presence.
Hades: God of death and Lord of the Underworld, he is full of doom and gloom.
Hephaestus: God of the forge, he can create anything so long as he has the right tools.
Hera: Queen of the Dodekatheon and goddess of marriage, she has a legendary temper that even makes her husband tremble.
Hermes: Messenger of the Dodekatheon and god of thieves and tricksters, he is not above tricking his fellow gods.
Poseidon: God of the seas, he rages to save the natural world from humanity's mistakes.
Zeus: King of the Dodekatheon and god of thunder and lightning, he unable to keep his hands (or anything else, it seems) to himself.

Agwe: God of the oceans.
Baron Samedi: God of death, who finds it a never-ending party.
Damballa: Father of the Loa and the god of creativity and sexuality, he is extremely primal in action and appearance.
Erzulie: Goddess of love, she shows the three faces of lust, compassion, and loneliness.
Kalfu: God of darkness and twin of Legba, he manipulates both ambition and luridness within mortals.
Legba: God of light and twin of Kalfu, he guides and guards the pathways of those in his protection.
Ogoun:God of iron, he brings authority and power to those in battle.
Shango: God of thunder, he both helps and brings balance to humanity.

Anubis: Judge of the Underworld.
Atum-Re: God of the sun.
Bastet: Goddess of cats.
Geb: God of the earth.
Horus: God of justice and son of Osiris and Isis.
Isis: Goddess of magic and wife of Osiris.
Osiris: Lord of the Underworld and husband of Isis.
Ptah: God of artistry.
Set: God of disease and murderer of Osiris.
Sobek: God of crocodiles.
Thoth: God of scribes.

Minor Pantheons

Tuatha de Danann
Aengus: God of youth and love.
Brigid: Goddess of healers and smiths.
The Dagda: Warrior and former king of the Tuatha.
Danu: Goddess of creation.
Dian Cécht: God of healing.
Lugh: God of versatility.
Manannán Mac Lir: God of the sea and ferryman to the underworld.
The Morrigan: Goddess of violence and fertility, and a powerful seer.
Nuada: King of the Tuatha.
Ogma: God of learning.

Celestial Bureaucracy
Chang'e: Cold-hearted goddess of the moon and wife of Houyi.
Fuxi: The First Sovereign, who lead humanity to culture and refinement. Husband of Nüwa.
Guan Yu: The current Jade Emperor, with a gift for strategy.
Guanyin: The deeply compassionate goddess of mercy.
Houyi: The stubborn god of the sun and husband of Chang'e.
Huang Di: The Yellow Emperor, who believes China shall rule over all.
Nezha: The talented but petulant adventurer.
Nüwa: Another goddess of the moon, who enjoys travel and shaping the land. Wife of Fuxi.
Shennong: The Second Sovereign, and the divine inventor of medicine and agriculture.
Sun Wukong: The mischievous and clever Monkey King.
Xiwangmu: The Queen Mother of the West and manipulator of Fate.
Yanluo: The Overseer of Di Yu, the Hell of China.

Agni: The Sacred Fire, god of sacrifice.
Brahma: The Creator, one of the Trimurti.
Ganesha: The elephant-headed god of good luck and wisdom.
Indra: God of war and weather.
Kali: Goddess of annihilation.
Lakshmi: Goddess of fortune.
Parvati: The incarnation of shakti, or feminine energy. Wife of Shiva and mother of Ganesha.
Sarasvati: Goddess of artists.
Shiva: The Destroyer, one of the Trimurti.
Surya: God of the sun.
Vishnu: The Preserver, one of the Trimurti.
Yama: The lord of the dead

Anahita: Goddess of water.
Ard: Goddess of fortune and luck.
Haoma: Warrior of the Yazata.
Mah: Goddess of the moon.
Mithra: God of contracts, truth, and law. Current pantheon head.
Sraosha: God of obedience.
Tishtrya: God of rain and the star Sirius.
Vahram: God of victory and triumph.
Vanu: God of wind and air.
Zam: Goddess of earth.

Historic Pantheons

Amnis: Goddess of rivers, wife of Badarus.
Badarus: Head of the pantheon, god of the seas, husband of Amnis.
Demosia: Goddess of the moon, wife of Kuros.
Heshon: Goddess of luck and plenty, wife of Skaft.
Kuros: God of winds and messenger of the gods, husband of Demosia.
Skaft: God of tools and technology, husband of Heshon.
Versak: God of truth and death.

Betsy Ross: Scion of Columbia, she represents the power of domesticity and home.
Br'er Rabbit: A former Cherokee god known for his cunning and trickery.
Columbia: Scion of Athena and sister to Britannia and Marianne, she represents the spirit of exploration.
John Henry: The most physical of the pantheon, he represents good old-fashioned labor.
Johnny Appleseed: Feeder of the hungry and provider to those in need.
Paul Bunyan: Legendary lumberjack capable of altering the land.
Pecos Bill: God of cowboys and the ultimate risk taker.
Rosie the Riveter: Suffragette turned protector of women and women's rights.
Uncle Sam: Current president of the pantheon, he encourages patriotism and strategic thinking.


British Pantheon
Britanna: Scion of Athena and sister to Columbia and Marianne. She embraces law and the power of the seas.
John Bull: The British everyman, who inspires ordinary people to extraordinary measures.
Robin Hood: The legendary archer and thief who works to help the oppressed.

French Pantheon
D’Artagnan: Former Scion who now leads battles against the enemy.
Madame Guillotine: She seeks out and destroys the traitors among her own people.
Marianne: Scion of Athena and sister to Britannia and Columbia. She seeks to strengthen the ordinary people.

Soviet Pantheon
Baba Yaga: Hag of Russia, who uses curses to slow invaders and protect her homeland.
The Citizen: A collective of the ordinary Soviet citizen who seeks to protect the ways of Communism.
Rodina Mat: She hopes for a glorious new life for her people ... once the war is over with.

Out of Character Thread

Professor Loki Caprion

I, um... *Cough* I may actually come out of retirement, for this one.
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Discord: Professor Ravenhurst#8936

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I think this sounds like it could be a lot of fun!  I don't love the Scion system, but I do enjoy the setting.

I'd be pretty interested in playing a Scion of Baron Samedi -- the voudon religion is one that I find really interesting (in fact it was a big part of what motivated me to study religion in college!) -- but I suppose if I had to I could figure something else out, too.
Kiss your lover with that filthy mouth, you fuckin' monster.

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Scion!  I had a cowboy scion once that I never really got to play.  His papa was Mithra, of the Yazata pantheon.
He was a college athlete - a rodeo cowboy in several events including bulldogging - a homage to one of the Yazata creation myths that the world was made from the corpse of the Divine Bull, wrestled down and killed by Mithra and his brothers.

I'd like to give him another try - as he never was properly played

Thufir Hawat

A Scion of Morrigan might be fun, too >:)!
Not sure whether to express interest officially, but I'll consider it for sure. Not a fan of the system either, so I don't think I've ever used the book ;)!
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I'm interested but what is the scion system?


It's a variant of the storyteller system common to the various World of Darkness games, Exalted, etc.  Lots of dots.


It looks so nifty! But I have no clue!


Good luck sweetness!


Quote from: yesiroleplay on September 28, 2011, 04:41:31 PM
It's a variant of the storyteller system common to the various World of Darkness games, Exalted, etc.  Lots of dots.

Though the character sheet outline presented in the OP makes it look like she's not intending to use the system (not as it is in the book, anyway).  I think.
Kiss your lover with that filthy mouth, you fuckin' monster.

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A and A

Professor Loki Caprion

Quote from: meikle on September 28, 2011, 04:43:42 PM
Though the character sheet outline presented in the OP makes it look like she's not intending to use the system (not as it is in the book, anyway).  I think.

From what I understand (being as she's my RL girlfriend and I'm the one who taught her Scion), she's using the setting, but it's not really a "system game." But I may be mistaken!

Also, you may wanna check the thing I'm about to post in her A/A!
The Professor is drifting through time and space...

Discord: Professor Ravenhurst#8936

Ons/Offs | Ideas | A&As (Apr 28, 2016) | The Lab | Elluiki


Quote from: meikle on September 28, 2011, 04:43:42 PM
Though the character sheet outline presented in the OP makes it look like she's not intending to use the system (not as it is in the book, anyway).  I think.
that outline pretty closely follows the system actually - just using numbers rather than dots.

Cold Heritage

If it's freeform, I may be interested. I've long wanted to play a Soviet Scion, but their PSP is . . . poor.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.



Interested but no major ideas yet for a character.

Should we make up a full character sheet or just what's listed for the stuff?
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If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.

Thufir Hawat

If it's freeform, I'll definitely pass on it. So either me or Cold heritage is going to pass on it ;D.
Given what Professor Loki Caprion said, it's probably going to be me.
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Professor Loki Caprion

Quote from: Cold Heritage on September 28, 2011, 09:14:35 PM
If it's freeform, I may be interested. I've long wanted to play a Soviet Scion, but their PSP is . . . poor.

... Dumb question! What's a PSP?

Also, I talked to Alysanthia last night (she's still without computer), and she says we're not using the actual rules system for the game; just it's setting and some of the powers. She also says dice may be used to determine contested outcomes, but no actual character sheets or stats have to be assigned.

I'm more of a free-former, myself; even when I run Scion in real life, the dice are rarely picked up.
The Professor is drifting through time and space...

Discord: Professor Ravenhurst#8936

Ons/Offs | Ideas | A&As (Apr 28, 2016) | The Lab | Elluiki


Dammit a lot of interest is it full already? or did I not read it in time, pleassse tell me it's rather empty I have knowledge on the system and had a couple of adventures with RL friends and stuff.

Cold Heritage

Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.

Professor Loki Caprion

Quote from: Cold Heritage on September 29, 2011, 05:44:13 PM
Pantheon Specific Purview.

Oh, yes. Civitas isn't great. I wish each of the Allied Pantheons had their own purview instead of the "shared" one. I don't really care much for Industry, either, come to think of it.

Quote from: Miyu on September 29, 2011, 05:38:57 PM
Dammit a lot of interest is it full already? or did I not read it in time, pleassse tell me it's rather empty I have knowledge on the system and had a couple of adventures with RL friends and stuff.

As far as I know, there's nothing been officially decided, since Aly is without computer and nobody has given any concrete answers, yet.
The Professor is drifting through time and space...

Discord: Professor Ravenhurst#8936

Ons/Offs | Ideas | A&As (Apr 28, 2016) | The Lab | Elluiki


If you guys wish I can make a rather different story on Scion so you can have your fix until she comes back, then you can either stay with me or go with both of us or leave mine or whatever. I am thinking of making it into a highschool rp all Scions being teens and having to hide their unique background from people students and teachers alike. Of course I will put a plot to deepen in but for now that is what I have in mind if anybody thinks it's a good idea.

Cold Heritage

Quote from: Professor Loki Caprion on September 29, 2011, 06:15:04 PM
Oh, yes. Civitas isn't great. I wish each of the Allied Pantheons had their own purview instead of the "shared" one. I don't really care much for Industry, either, come to think of it.

I feel the same way. I wish the Russians had a full write-up on their own, with pre- and post-Communist deities.

I have a soft spot in my heart for Industry's ultimate power. I think it's kind of cool to have gods who could throw around atomic forces, but maybe that's just me reading too much Atomika.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.

Professor Loki Caprion

Quote from: Miyu on September 29, 2011, 06:20:48 PM
If you guys wish I can make a rather different story on Scion so you can have your fix until she comes back, then you can either stay with me or go with both of us or leave mine or whatever. I am thinking of making it into a highschool rp all Scions being teens and having to hide their unique background from people students and teachers alike. Of course I will put a plot to deepen in but for now that is what I have in mind if anybody thinks it's a good idea.

Not bad! Though I definitely suggest making another interest thread for that.

Quote from: Cold Heritage on September 29, 2011, 06:25:53 PM
I feel the same way. I wish the Russians had a full write-up on their own, with pre- and post-Communist deities.

I have a soft spot in my heart for Industry's ultimate power. I think it's kind of cool to have gods who could throw around atomic forces, but maybe that's just me reading too much Atomika.

While I don't like Iundustry as a whole, "The Project" is one of my favourite of the Scion powers!  >:)
The Professor is drifting through time and space...

Discord: Professor Ravenhurst#8936

Ons/Offs | Ideas | A&As (Apr 28, 2016) | The Lab | Elluiki


Thufir Hawat

Quote from: Professor Loki Caprion on September 29, 2011, 05:08:11 PM
... Dumb question! What's a PSP?

Also, I talked to Alysanthia last night (she's still without computer), and she says we're not using the actual rules system for the game; just it's setting and some of the powers. She also says dice may be used to determine contested outcomes, but no actual character sheets or stats have to be assigned.

I'm more of a free-former, myself; even when I run Scion in real life, the dice are rarely picked up.
Thank you for the info! I'm obviously out, but I wish you lots of fun with the game ;)!

Quote from: Miyu on September 29, 2011, 05:38:57 PM
Dammit a lot of interest is it full already? or did I not read it in time, pleassse tell me it's rather empty I have knowledge on the system and had a couple of adventures with RL friends and stuff.
As far as I'm concerned, you can just have my place, provided Alysanthia is fine with it, too :D!
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