Abducted by Tentacle Monsters - Reboot [More Monsters Needed]

Started by AndyZ, September 26, 2011, 06:21:36 PM

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Starting this up again, but new people are absolutely welcome!

The story is that various women have suddenly been abducted, appearing upon a strange spaceship with little understanding of how they got there beyond a vague memory of lights in the sky.  From there, tentacle monsters appear periodically (played by other players) who carry off the girls to rape them.

Only Earth girls will be accepted for right now, although women from any time period previous to 2011 may be accepted.  Such girls have no memory of what happened and were kept in suspended animation until the present.

Girls from the future may be accepted on a case by case basis, since any attempts to make a character from the future would have to match up with each other.

If you were already in the game, feel free to resubmit your character sheet.  You can wake up in the ship once more and help tell the new girls what they're in for.

Here's a character sheet for the girls:

Year abducted:
Current Clothing:
Please indicate your preference (Such as On, Off, Don't Care or something similar but easily understood) for the following (and feel free to add others you want your preferences clear on):
Copious amounts of cum:

If you seek to use a monster, there's no hard and fast character sheet, but your monster should have tentacles.  Completely generic tentacle monsters are fine, but having had people trying to just submit random things in the past, I prefer to know what others plan to submit before accepting them.

The entire board can be found here https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?board=503.0 but the original version of the page threads were left as is so that people can make sure they know which is which.

Once I have enough people for the game, I will open up Reboot threads for the characters.  Please hold off on posting until then.

Characters should be placed here after they are approved: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=120394.0

The girls' dormitory, along with a description, is located here: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=120395.0

Alien dormitories are located here: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=120568.0

The rest of the ship is located here: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=120396.0

OOC Thread: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=107967.0
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[Floatleft][/Floatleft]Name: Bellini
Appearance: Bell is a petite blond haired girl with brilliant green eyes.  Her face is pretty but has been made hard from years of abuse.  And that abuse is evident in the scars all over her body from constant beating and torture.  Her dirty, frail body showed just what she was before she was taken and the scars showed what she'd been through in her life on earth...until they were completely healed.
Age: 19
Year abducted: 1247
Personality:  Bell is a shy young slave that has had her spirit broken.  She frightens easily and is easily manipulated.  It's nearly impossible for her to tell someone no.
Current Clothing: A dirty old worn slave's shift and broken sandals.
Please indicate your preference (Such as On, Off, Don't Care or something similar but easily understood) for the following (and feel free to add others you want your preferences clear on):
Oviposition: Yes
Pregnancy: Yes
Copious amounts of cum: Yes
Pheromones/Aphrodisiac: Yes


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I'd be interested in seeing a reboot of this thing. It's a shame that the last one fell off the grid the way that it did.

I'll come up with a character tomorrow.
If you're reading my RPs from the outside and like my writing, feel free to drop me a line! I'm always looking for new, fun partners. :D
Ons and offs


Token female monster time?

Name: Yshlalli
Origin: Born from the incomprehensible union of a sentient humanoid race in the Milky Way and an older, unknown race with immense powers located beyond the veil of the distant stars, Yshlalli's people were always numbered extremely few and had no way to reproduce. Seeing no value in stagnating on the barren moon on which they were spawned, the strange race of semi-immortals dispersed across the galaxy with each in search of his or her own goals, whether those goals are power, wealth, purpose, philanthrophy, learning, or even just pleasure. As for Yshlalli, she finds those she believes to resemble herself and searches their minds and souls for ways to contact her father race, for reasons she keeps entirely to herself. Now she has her sights set on the women of the human species, having found a ship that would give her a steady supply to probe in her own special way.


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Got done ahead of time.

Name: Neva Arter
Appearance (If you want me to find a 'real' pic of her, just say so. I prefer Anime)
Age: 19
Year abducted: 2010
Personality: Neva was raised in the lap of luxury her entire life, being the daughter of an extremely successful and dangerous crime boss. As such, she was given pretty much everything she wanted in her life, and anything she wanted that wasn't offered to her on a platter was quickly taken through a few of daddy's 'negotiations'. Needless to say, she's extremely spoiled, and a prime candidate for any aliens that want a mental struggle, but a very lousy physical one. Since no men before were allowed to get within 10 feet of her, she has remained a virgin her entire life, and considers many, many sexual acts to be 'gross'. Due to her origins, it's entirely possible for her to become the 'student' of an alien who wants a sidekick, as she has a corrupt heart that would be rather easy to fuel and nurture until she becomes as much a monster as any non-human on the ship.

Oviposition: Preferably not
Pregnancy: Negotiable
Copious amounts of cum: Yes
Pheromones/Aphrodisiac: Hell yes
If you're reading my RPs from the outside and like my writing, feel free to drop me a line! I'm always looking for new, fun partners. :D
Ons and offs


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Name: Orian
Product of an alien tentacle monster and human abductee, Orian is a human tentacle hybrid. His flesh colored tenticles come from the ends of his appendages, toes, fingers, penis, tongue...molding out of the tips. His tentacles can suck or secrete and change length and girth. Orian looks the age of a 30yr human male but is three times that age. He was placed back on Earth, to reproduce with the population in secret spawning much offspring to do the same.
Appearance: 30yr older white male 6'0", 208lbs, atheletic toned appearance, his alien side is hidden within, having the ability change when he wants or when sexually aroused.

Secreting lube/cum that contains Pheromones/Aphrodisiacs, able to impregnate with cum or through Oviposition.


Orian - Approved

I should probably explain, though, that this game takes place upon a spaceship owned by the tentacle monsters.  Still, I have no objection to the idea that you've spent time on Earth from time to time in order to spawn more aliens and to help find women to abduct.
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I suppose I should also tell you now that I intend on bringing good ol' Mathis back.

If you remember him.
If you're reading my RPs from the outside and like my writing, feel free to drop me a line! I'm always looking for new, fun partners. :D
Ons and offs


Name: Jean

Age: 20
Year abducted: 2011
Personality: Shy, reserved, reluctant to submit, free willed.
Current Clothing: Jeans miniskirt, white bra, panties, thin blouse.

Please indicate your preference:
Oviposition: Yes
Pregnancy: Yes
Copious amounts of cum: Yes
Pheromones/Aphrodisiac: Yes
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It's not the demons who are too black, but the angels who are not white enough...


Bringing back Mathis is fine.

Jean - Approved
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Andy, how would you feel about me bringing in a girl from the pre-history past, i.e. from a (possibly advanced to some degree) civilization from before recorded history?


You mean a cavegirl or something equivalent?  No objection at all.  The idea is that she's been in suspended animation all this time.

Also, the ship's translators will allow her to communicate with the other girls, although she may have difficulty articulating anything beyond basic concepts.

If you're talking about something similar to Atlantis, where there was a civilization from long ago, I'd be leery of anything too advanced.  It would depend on how technological you were thinking of going.
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Well, assuming you're familiar with The One Who Came Before from Assassin's Creed, nothing on that level. I haven't really thought for sure how advanced I'd want them to be. Maybe something da Vinci-esque, where they have flyers and tanks and stuff, but made out of very crude materials?


I am familiar with the AC series.  A fun game, but they've taken many liberties with things.

A quick check of the technological ages via Wikipedia gives me this:

Stone Age
Bronze Age
Iron Age
The Renaissance
Industrial Age
Information Age

Using the example that Da Vinci has in the game series, you'd be looking at a jump of two ages.  2 and Brotherhood are set in the Renaissance, but tanks didn't come along until World War I and functional gliders were around the same time.

Given this leap, if we're looking at a prehistoric time where most of the world was in the Stone Age, I'd be alright with a particular tribe having discovered Iron and having some crude tools of cold iron, perhaps some steel.

I wouldn't feel right giving AC Da Vinci stuff to pre-history civilizations.  The sheer time it would take to develop such a leap pretty much guarantees that it would make its way into history.

Does the jump to iron age sound like a fair compromise?
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...Are we really getting picky over timelines and technological believability in an RP about tentacle monsters from space raping women?


Please link thread for the roleplay, pairings, etc.... when it is ready or beginning. I'll keep checking back and checking new characters. :)


Hmmm this looks interesting but I've never done the group RP thing before... looks kinda complicated with all of the threads and a mini-board. Don't wanna get lost in it all.
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FemDex: Index of Fictional Women
F-List Profiles: Constance Carrington, Damashi, SCP6969
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Credit for Avatar goes to "LoveandSqualor" on Deviant Art. (and Hayley Williams)


Here's the threads:

Characters should be placed here after they are approved: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=120394.0

The girls' dormitory, along with a description, is located here: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=120395.0

Alien dorms: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=120568.0

The rest of the ship is located here: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=120396.0

OOC Thread: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=107967.0

Neysha, you're welcome to come in if you like.  I just recommend bookmarking all those threads.  If you're playing a human, you'll start out in the Girls' Dormitory until a monster takes you out into the rest of the ship.  OOC is self-explanatory, as is the Characters' thread.  I'll be glad to help you out if you want.
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Name: Cassandra
Age: 19
Year abducted: 2011
Personality: Enthusiastic. exuberant and joyful
Current Clothing: Bikini
Please indicate your preference:
Oviposition: Maybe
Pregnancy: No
Copious amounts of cum: Yes please
Pheromones/Aphrodisiac: no thanks


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If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Think of this one as coming from a Rome-like society, only with some deceptively devices that allow them to perform things beyond what the currently known iron age was capable of. Not that it'll really matter for the RP.

I also wanted to use a real life picture for this one so as to not tip the scale too much, but I like this one's hair and eye colors too much and couldn't find a real life picture I thought suited her.

Name: Athica
Age: 20
Year abducted: Before the modern calender
Personality: A zealous and curious learner. Likes to study new and unknown things. Fairly independent due to her loner personality.
Current Clothing: A deep red dress that comes down into petals like her shirt in the picture, only coming down to her knees.

Oviposition: I'd rather not
Pregnancy: Possibly, if discussed first
Copious amounts of cum: Go for it
Pheromones/Aphrodisiac: Of course


Revenent- Athica is approved. For her back story we are going to say that she is of course from Earth but a society that was wiped off the map by any kind of natural disaster be it a flood, volcano, tsunami, or others to explain why it is not recorded in actual history or on a map. Which makes your girl the last person from her society.