LFL -Supplementary Information Thread

Started by ceasar, September 25, 2011, 04:42:32 PM

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Welcome Sports fans, and boy has it been a long summer, but don't fret,

Friday Night Football is back.....Here in the Lingerie Football League

Now.... are you ready for some football?!?!

The Lingerie Football League combines tackle football and gorgeous women in bikini lingerie.

"The Lingerie Football League has become the Ultimate Fan-Driven Live Sports Phenomenon - Blending Action, Impact and Beauty." - Lauren Gardner, National Correspondant

"It’s an odd and delightful mix of sports and sex appeal, that's pretty damn entertaining." - Cutters Gameday

The Jist of It

So here is the idea for my little game.  We create an opportunity to go inside the Lingerie Football League:

The new expansion team, the Detroit Pride, is about to enter it's inaugural season.  The franchise has been awarded the venue has been established and the coaching staff has been hired.  All that’s left is: the players.

For their own personal reasons 100 young women came out for the open try-outs.  After a week of drills and scrimmages, the top 20 [or so] have been rounded up and offered contracts to play for the team.

The game will begin with the signing of the contracts.  Then the fun begins.  The game will center around the team of young women over the course of the season.  Like a television series the over-arching plot is of course, the season, but the fuel for the RP is the relationships on and within the team. 

This isn’t quite a sandbox game, as the season will provide a fairly linear timeline; BUT the freedom to explore and create sub-plots is definitely what I want the backbone for this game to be.  I would love nothing more than a bunch of smaller interwoven stories and relationships and romances.

But this is an adult role play and where would we be without some romantic relationships, well we wold still have an RP but an RP without any romance or sex.  So it is encouraged, but again it is not an RP that is only sexual.  A friendship, a rivalry, an animosity are all good relationships that will undoubtedly keep this RP interesting.

The players might have families, how do their boyfriends/husbands/sisters/parents feel about their career choice?  How do they feel about the fans?  How do they handle the added burden of the LFL with their schedule potentially already filled by other jobs, school or family responsibilities?

And what about the other people surrounding the team?  Why are the coaches actually coaching this team?  The money?  The football?  The girls?  What sort of people are the media reporters following the LFL?  Scum?  Good people at heart?  The team’s followers, what are their lives like, any hopes or dreams?

What about within the locker room?  Are all the girls all copacetic?  How are their relationships with each other?  With the coaches?  Is there any romance between a coach and a player?  What about with a therapist?  Maybe a bi-sexual relationship between two players?  Any sparks with the reporters?  How about the owner?  How about a fan?  Just a random person, you can fall for anybody.

The hope is that the RP can follow the personal and professional lives of all of the characters. 

If you have any interest at all just let me know, any interest.  If you are unsure of anything just post a question or PM me.

For those interested in the technical aspect of the LFL:

The rules are generally the same as the NFL with a few exceptions
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On's and Off's for those who want to look




So now the question is just what sort of characters am I looking for.  Well I'm looking for as many people as would like to join ;) but probably 5-7 to get off the ground.  There are 3 basic groups of characters, Players, Staff, Others.


The focus of this RP, the women who actually are part of the LFL.  They can range from Super-model to Super-Madden.  And each have their own particular motives for taking this opportunity.  All the players must be female and at least 18 years of age (league rule). 

All the players also accepted the terms of the following contract:

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League Services
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By signing this 3 year contract with the LFL a player is entitled to:
A share of the team's respective game by game revenue share*
$10,000 of medical insurance per year
Free basic physical therapy (massage, taping, steam room, ice etc.)
Free accommodations while at road games
Free travel expenses
At least 5% of revenue on any and all team promotional activities [i.e. photo shoot, calender etc.]
Free license to negotiate any endorsements
* Each week, the winning team in a game receives 20% of the gate ticket revenue to divide amongst the active roster and the coaching staff
* The losing team in a game receives 10% of the gate ticket revenue to divide amongst the active roster and the coaching staff
* The funds will be distributed to the owner of the two teams within 5 days of the game in question and must be distributed to the players and staff of the team within a week of the game in question

Player Services
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In exchange the player agrees to, for the term of the contract (3 years):
Make herself available for all playing events, games and practices**
Make herself available for all publicity and media events, promoting the LFL or it's affiliates**
Wear only the LFL provided uniforms during games
Follow all team and league mandates [including curfews and media itinerary made at the discretion of the team owner and league commissioner
**A player may be excused from an above mentioned event, by providing the team owner and league commissioner a written account of personal conflicts within 24 hours of being informed of the event

The player also agrees:
That the player services in relation to the playing events may result in accidental nudity and the player has no objection to providing these services with said potential
The player will not disclose any of the elements of this Agreement with any third party

Consequences of Breach
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If the LFL or the respective team fails to uphold the League Services, it will result in the termination of the contract and compensation of $5,000 and eligibility for the player to take legal action against the LFL or the respective team

If the player fails to uphold the Player Services, it will result in a minimum fine of $500 and a maximum penalty of termination of contract and potential legal action.

Women who sign with the LFL, only get paid a share of the gate revenue and as such most work 'day jobs'.  The best or most attractive players usually wind up receiving some endorsement offers as well, league advertising campaign bonuses.  So the competition to be a star can be pretty fierce even within a single team.  Most of the women have some form of high intensity athletic experience (varsity university soccer or other sports, recreation leagues etc.)  The players do receive free airfare and accommodations, physical therapy and treatment.

The positions of a typical LFL team are as follows, however the number of players per position can vary from team to team:
1 Quarterback - The leader of the offensive team, responsible for calling the play in the huddle.  The quarterback is the primary passer for the team and should be adept at passing.  She touches the ball on almost every play, either throwing a pass, running the ball or handing the ball off to another player.  The quarterback is one of the most visible and publicized players on the team.
2 Running backs - The primary runners on the offensive team, responsible for receiving hand offs from the quarterback for a rushing play, to catch passes, and to block pass rushers.  The Running backs are generally the stronger players and the best physical athletes on the team.
3 Wide Receiver - The primary pass receivers of the offensive teams. Wide receivers are among the fastest and most agile players on the team.
1 Center - The initiator of the offense, she snaps the ball through her legs starting the play, she then must block  the pass rushers to protect the quarterback.  Centers are the least glamorous players and the least sought after position by the more ‘model-type’ players.

2 Linebacker - Linebackers are generally the best athletes on the defensive team, they either rush the quarterback or defend against a receiver.  They are the surest tacklers and the hardest hitters.  They are the ‘Quarterbacks’ of the defensive team.
1 D-linewoman - Reasonably good athletes, responsible for rushing the quarterback and the Running back, trying to stop the offense from advancing the ball.
2 Cornerbacks - Cornerbacks are sometimes tasked with rushing the quarterback but, generally responsible for defending Wide Receivers, they often mimic the Wide Receiver in build.  The quickest and most agile players, but unlike Wide Receivers they often lack the catching ability of Wide Receivers.
2 Safeties - Safeties are sometimes tasked with rushing the quarterback but, generally responsible for defending Wide Receivers.  They are the last line of defence standing closest to the goal line and usually sure tacklers.

(as well as several back-ups, a great rivalry could be between a player and her backup)

Naturally I don't expect all of these 'Player Positions' to be filled, but the more 'Players' there are, the more fun the game.

NOTE: Players can play more than one position, for instance a Quarterback could also play Safety if she is suited for it or a Running back might also be a good Quarterback.


This is a long way from working in the NCAA or the NFL.  The coaches' whole salaries are the same as the players, only their respective portions of the team 'winnings'.  Why would a coach be here?  Desperate for money? Former player volunteering their time?  Just there for the view?  Friend of the owner?

1 Head Coach (M/F) - The person in charge of the team’s play.  Responsible for devising the team’s plays, running practices and preparing the players for the games.  The head coach is responsible for calling plays during the games. 
2 Assistant Coach (M/F) - Helps the Head Coach in all his responsibilities.
1 Team Owner (M/F) - The pocketbook for the team, sure they pay for the whole operation of the team but they receive most of the profits from the games, sometimes owner’s in the LFL are known for their less than scrupulous character and handling of funds.
1 Team Physical Therapist (M/F) - The medical authority for the team, they receive the same pay as everyone else on the team and are often in dire straights for money, they have some sort of medical training usually a university degree.  They work within the team medical budget to keep the girls on the field and healthy for the games.
2 Assistant Physical Therapist (M/F) - A medical assistant to the Therapist
2 Reporter [following the team] (M/F) - Allowed inside the team practices and premises but not employed by the team, they are payed by the league at a set salary.


Outside of the team there are others who are related to the team.

X# Casual Fan - Not every fan of the LFL is a die hard clambering for more and more, but this fan still comes to a few games and watches.
X# Rabid Fan - A true blue supporter of the team for whatever reason, they absolutely adore the team.
X# Friend of Player - Everyone has a life outside of football, or mostly everyone
X# Family Member of Player - Everyone has a family, of some sort, right?  Well not everyone.
X# Arena Worker - They see a lot but aren’t always heard, they can be around the team more than anyone else but might not even like the sport.
X# Outside Critics -  If this is a role you’d like to play, go to town, this angle whatever character it is, media, politician, regular person, family or friend of a player etc.

Any roles, you can think of that would fit into the story, are very much so welcome, you just have to propose the character.

If you have any interest at all just let me know, any interest.  If you are unsure of anything just post a question or PM me.

On's and Off's for those who want to look


Character sheets:

[center][font=impact][size=18pt]Character Submission #Add number here#[/size][/font][/center]

[float=right]place pic here [/float]
[b]Visual[/b]: IF you had a picture that would be where it would go.  If not, then supply a written description below.
[b]Player:[/b] Link to your profile here
[b]Name[/b]: What is your character’s name?
[b]Age[/b]: 18+
[b]Gender[/b]: Female
[b]Height[/b]: Self-explanatory.  Feet and inches is preferable, but centimeters are ok too.
[b]Weight[/b]: Self-explanatory. Pounds are preferable, but again Kilograms are good as well.
[b]Written Visual Appearance[/b]: If you write a description here is where to write it.  If you have a picture, here is where you could provide any details that are not in the picture. (Tattoos or special traits, piercings, etc.)

[b]Position(s):[/b] What position do you play?
[b]Football skills:[/b]  Good throwing arm? Good Field Vision?  Fast Runner? Anything.
[b]Playing Style[/b]: Simply describe how your character chooses to play.  Do you try and avoid tackles or run people over? A mix?  Do you go for the interception or the hard tackle?  Short passes or long passes?  As a passer do you stay in the pocket or prefer to run?  Basically what do you do?  (This is positionally specific)
[b]Personality[/b]: Basic personality.  How this character acts, nuances of their character, likes dislikes, anything.
[b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Hopefully self-explanatory
[b]Sexual Preferences:[/b] Anything that your character really likes, dislikes, or anything you want or are unwilling to do.
[b]Talents[/b]: Sing, dance, martial arts, cook, play an instrument, what?
[b]Background[/b]: I’m looking forward to see what kind of background you’ll make for your character. This is where you write any affiliations you may have.  Family, friends, education.  Really everything that brought you to the LFL.

[center][font=impact][size=18pt]Character Submission #Add number here#[/size][/font][/center]

[float=right]place pic here [/float]
[b]Visual[/b]: IF you had a picture that would be where it would go.  If not, then supply a written description below.
[b]Player:[/b] Link to your profile here
[b]Name[/b]: What is your character’s name?
[b]Age[/b]: 18+
[b]Gender[/b]: Male or Female
b]Height[/b]: Self-explanatory.  Feet and inches is preferable, but centimeters are OK too.
[b]Weight[/b]: Self-explanatory. Pounds are preferable, but again Kilograms are good as well.
[b]Written Visual Appearance[/b]: If you write a description here is where to write it.  If you have a picture, here is where you could provide any details that are not in the picture. (Tattoos or special traits, piercings, etc.)

[b]Occupation:[/b] What job do you have within the team?
[b]Personality[/b]: Basic personality.  How this character acts, nuances of their character, likes dislikes, anything.
[b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Hopefully self-explanatory
[b]Sexual Preferences:[/b] Anything that your character really likes, dislikes, or anything you want or are unwilling to do.
[b]Talents[/b]: Sing, dance, martial arts, cook, play an instrument, what?
[b]Background[/b]: I’m looking forward to see what kind of background you’ll make for your character. This is where you write any affiliations you may have.  Family, friends, education.  Really everything that brought you to the LFL.

[center][font=impact][size=18pt]Character Submission #Add number here#[/size][/font][/center]

[float=right]place pic here [/float]
[b]Visual[/b]: IF you had a picture that would be where it would go.  If not, then supply a written description below.
[b]Player:[/b] Link to your profile here
[b]Name[/b]: What is your character’s name?
[b]Age[/b]: 16+
[b]Gender[/b]: Male or Female
b]Height[/b]: Self-explanatory.  Feet and inches is preferable, but centimeters are ok too.
[b]Weight[/b]: Self-explanatory. Pounds are preferable, but again Kilograms are good aswell.
[b]Written Visual Appearance[/b]: If you write a description here is where to write it.  If you have a picture, here is where you could provide any details that are not in the picture. (Tattoos or special traits, piercings, etc.)

[b]Occupation:[/b] What job do you hold? If any.
[b]Connection:[/b]  How is it that you are connected to the team?
[b]Personality[/b]: Basic personality.  How this character acts, nuances of their character, likes dislikes, anything.
[b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Hopefully self-explanatory
[b]Sexual Preferences:[/b] Anything that your character really likes, dislikes, or anything you want or are unwilling to do.
[b]Talents[/b]: Sing, dance, martial arts, cook, play an instrument, what?
[b]Background[/b]: I’m looking forward to see what kind of background you’ll make for your character. This is where you write any affiliations you may have.  Family, friends, education.  Really everything that brought you to this point in time, what has brought you into this story?
On's and Off's for those who want to look


I'm interested in being a therapist or a coach. Just not sure if I know enough about American Football to play the coach roles. Played Madden though.


Ok that's awesome, whichever you'd feel more comfortable playing is fine with me, if you don't feel good playing the coach maybe an assistant coach or the therapist, really it's just up to you.

I am just creating the different character templates now, so I should have them up soon.   hopefully we'll get some more interest
On's and Off's for those who want to look


On's and Off's for those who want to look


I'd maybe be interested in playing a former NFL player who knows one of the coaches, and maybe one of the players, and is brought in to help with practices in a non-official capacity. He could maybe own some of the team or work as a physical therapist, too. I might  want to do a reporter, too. One of the two. Do I post or PM the character sheet?


Let's say PM me the character sheet and I can post them up.

That goes for anyone interested.... sorry should have said that originally.
On's and Off's for those who want to look


On's and Off's for those who want to look