[Mutants & Masterminds 2nd] Paragon - Dawn

Started by Wintercat, August 31, 2011, 10:11:05 AM

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All across the World there are reports of individuals arising with powers scientists all agree are impossible, ranging from supernatural strength and unassisted flight to intellect that would make Einstein green with envy, control over large watermasses, and at least three confirmed 'beneficial mutations'. There is a rising crisis as Governments mobilize to deal with this situation, trying to contain and learn about it first to assure if its contagious or not. Preliminary efforts have met with a great amount of failure to contain these metahumans as their capabilities seem to push them beyond what conventional military can attempt to control.

Welcome to the year 2012. Mayan Calendar came to an end, and with it, ended the time of seal. Whatever the real source of everything that is happening, it seems that magic, strange mutations, amazing feats thought impossible to accomplish through science and truly alien powers have come to spread among the people, who are not entirely sure what exactly has happened, but what is clear is that the powers area awakening in more and more people.

Some awaken with only a 'fraction' of power, barely able to do anything an ordinary human could not, yet others command power resembling superheroes of old legends. Many wish for powers but remain ordinary, and silently sulk about the unfairness of whatever has decided who gets to hold onto such powers. Some are afraid of what they can do, others embrace it and make it their own.

The world has changed, and there are people that could change the world further now, for when one person can become as strong as a superpower was a decade ago, it puts a whole new strain on the government security as well.

The game itself will take place on U.S, exact location is open to discussion (but given the sheer powers involved, it may spread to a global game, or even further who knows) but the concept is simple. 2 weeks ago if you spoke about superheroes and villains, you had to be a comic enthusiast or a gamer. Today, its the topic on everyone's lips, except the terms 'metahuman', 'freak', and 'unknown' are a lot more common amongst them.

Some of those who have gained powers use them for good, following example set by selfless heroes in the comic books they grew up with. Others have come to take advantage of their gifts, some legally and others less than legally. Some are truly terrified with what they can do. Its a whole new world.

The game will be putting 2nd Edition rules from "Mutants and Masterminds" to use, and using the setting book, Paragon, as inspiration.

That means that the game will have a Power Level 8, and 120 Power Points to spread, standard ability caps are in effect, Trade-Offs have a maximum value of +/- 2.

I'm looking for a few people who wouldn't mind playing superpowered characters in a world reminiscent of our own, in the year 2012 when a strange cataclysm seems to set about as within a week a few thousand 'awakened' people embrace their new powers, most of them having a little 'talent', or 'gift' but some of them strong enough to truly change the world. Whether the others will increase in power later, or remain as they are, is unknown. Its not even known if some others will awaken in the future too, or if its all done now.

There simply aren't any answers, yet.
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.

Pumpkin Seeds

Callie Del Noire


Thank you for the interest, now then, I've only got a small form at hand for the time being for the planning, but hopefully this will help with the initial thinking of the idea at least then.

Also, I'm curious to hear what people might be expecting.

QuoteAbilities x + Skills x (x ranks) + Feats x + Powers x + Combat x + Saves x + - Drawbacks x =


total: 0pp


Attack: +
Defense: +
total: 0pp

Fortitude: +
Reflex: +
Will: +
total: 0pp


total: 0pp


total: 0pp

subtotal: 0pp




Grand Total:

I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.


What the hell, this was almost the exact same idea I tried to GM on another website before!  ;D

It never got anywhere so whatever haha. I might make up a character.


hiya... this system always blows my mind, but I'd like to try.  Especially if, unlike the last try, it gets more than 3 posts :)
The big print giveth, the small print taketh away.


I've always wanted to try the system, if you've got room and don't mind someone almost completely new.


I am curious about what kind of themes/tone/flavor you are planning to work with, Wintercat (I mean to say, I suppose, are you expecting flashy costumes and superhero names?  Heroic characters like Superman and Batman who don't kill people?  Characters like the Punisher who kill everyone?  Lighthearted like Golden Age comics, dark and gritty like The Dark Knight Returns or Watchmen?)

I am always interested in superheroes stuff, but I think it helps to know what the person in charge is looking for!
Kiss your lover with that filthy mouth, you fuckin' monster.

O and O and Discord
A and A


Quote from: meikle on August 31, 2011, 06:28:46 PM
I am curious about what kind of themes/tone/flavor you are planning to work with, Wintercat (I mean to say, I suppose, are you expecting flashy costumes and superhero names?  Heroic characters like Superman and Batman who don't kill people?  Characters like the Punisher who kill everyone?  Lighthearted like Golden Age comics, dark and gritty like The Dark Knight Returns or Watchmen?)

I am always interested in superheroes stuff, but I think it helps to know what the person in charge is looking for!

I second that-- well said Meikle.  The power level and backstory alone seem to imply a departure from DC's standard golden-age stuff, from the Champions uber-world, or Watchmen's retro-noveaux re-imaginings.  Mechanics aside (and I mean that-- fuck the mechanics of this game, they're for crazy people), that's the most important part.
The big print giveth, the small print taketh away.


Well, I don't mean to suggest the OP was reaching for any specific goal.  But PL8 doesn't tell me much, besides that I'm not going to be able to afford to be immune to all physical attacks or anything like that.

But the power level doesn't tell me "This game will be okay with supers who use their power to turn ambient light into superheated plasma to casually burn down orphanages" or "I want to see superheroes who focus on doing heroic things, and I'm not interested in antiheroes," or things like that, and I guess that's what I'm curious about.

because i want to melt orphanages with superheated plasma
Kiss your lover with that filthy mouth, you fuckin' monster.

O and O and Discord
A and A

Callie Del Noire

Paragons is in the title.. that means it's done from the Paragons setting book. A nice little varient of the game that ties into something like Heroes.


Yeah but I don't own Paragon, hence asking the question :p
Kiss your lover with that filthy mouth, you fuckin' monster.

O and O and Discord
A and A


Paragons is a -source- I am starting with, but dont expect the Paragons book to be full of 'Canon' for this world. I use the book as described, its a source material I build on. Though the question was fair and just, so I'll see if I can answer it satisfyingly.

This game is meant to show a world that is only now coming to accept that there are people with powers that defy logic and that surpass the laws of physics, capable of impossible. Its not known how far it will go.

The people who get these powers may use them for good, use them for evil, or simply use them for gain. Who knows, its still in the air.

I am looking for people in the spirit of things like 'Heroes' and '4400'. People who are curious about their powers, what they are for, and willing to use them.

I hope to see some take up a more heroic mantle, but if some choose to abuse and misuse their powers, they can choose that path. Just remembering that such actions might have quick consequences. So I'd suggest not going all-out-destruction-party unless you are really hoping to see what the governmental agencies can throw at your character.

Because they just might have a bigger hand than they are showing, still.

I'm hoping a bit towards the heroic direction that is, but the players dont need to worry about a shocked, stunned silence if they kill someone. It may well cause a media flash against them but then again, it will depend on the situation. If they burn a reporter for asking a bad question, they'll get some serious infamy. If they kill a child molester holding a gun to a kid's head, the news might comment on their strong use of force but also secretly cheer them on (or proclaim them amoral vigilante, depending on publisher and their views).

I aim for a bit of mixture of Heroes, and the X-Men genres. The events transpiring are still new, but they're also breaking into the public knowledge fast and becoming a hot issue to handle, one which nobody has definite answers to just yet.

So, leaning towards good but allowing characters to have flaws, and they can choose their own path, but choices carry consequences. Does that help?
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.


Quote from: Wintercat on August 31, 2011, 07:22:52 PMDoes that help?
Quite a bit, yes!  That was just the kind of explanation I was looking for, thank you. :)
Kiss your lover with that filthy mouth, you fuckin' monster.

O and O and Discord
A and A


Agreed, here's a basic idea. And I like the idea of it being a global game. It just feels like it should be to me.

Name: Frederick "Freakshow" McGowan

Appearance: Like a punk rocker whose only just decided to cut his hair this young man is rarely seen out of doors in anything but camouflage camo pants, t-shirts featuring various punk albums, and his favorite jacket patched to the point the canvas underneath is almost unrecognizable. In warm weather he'll trade the jacket and t-shirt in for black a-frames. Extensive tattoo work covers his arms and most of his torso, though he has no piercings and his brown hair is not altered beside being combed. The tattoos mostly seem to be scenes from various myths and legends- predominately centered on King Arthur but every culture makes an appearance somewhere, showing a surprisingly well read education.

Region: Good ol' London Town

Career: Artist, mostly sketch-work but also paints, tags, and does tattoos. Is currently also the bass player in a punk band, a band who probably won't get anywhere but is honest in their music.

Personality: A decent guy at heart, but utterly convinced that "The Man" is out to get him. An artist of no small amount of skill, his paranoia is sort of self-fulfilling when he uses public property for his impromptu "art" in the form of petty vandalism. A bit of a criminal but only for art's sake or when someone deserves what's coming to them, never for money. Is surprisingly well read, as his everlasting quest to make his masterpiece has taken him to strange places- often libraries. Not many punks can surprise a girl with an informed opinion on 17th century french poetry, part of why he's called "Freakshow".

Brief Background: Born to a borderline emotionally abusive and not-so-secretly-racist military father, Frederick started rebelling in his teenage years and never stopped. His father wanted him to join the military, marry a nice (white) girl, and live his own life over again. Frederick took to art and was tempted to tell him he was gay just to piss off the old man. Finally his mother got the guts together to leave his father and moved to London, to which Frederick took to like a fish to water when it came to the punk scene.

Having moved out on his own, he's a local artist of no small renown who was finally convinced to join a mate's punk/funk band The Nazi Zombie Surf Commandos as the bassist. He's getting better, honest. Of course, his life is starting to get more complicated as his art is taking off and the band is actually starting to not suck. Then the power woke up inside him, strange and wonderful like him.

Powers: Freddie's powers are based on his new found ability, a strange form of super-human speed. Freakshow can move and process information super-humanly fast, though only in the form of rotating along his vertical axis. Essentially he's now a Human Top. While spinning he can preform such feats as generating bursts of wind, limited flight, dodging projectiles, burrowing through solid objects, and if he's in a lethal mood tossing small bladed objects with lethal accuracy.
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.

Black Howling

I've been looking for some superhero action, and see some people I have been dying to game with for a while. I'm totally new to the system, but I can't pass up the opportunity to apply When You, and ixy are involved. Also, I've been dying to game with Meikle since our recent talks. She seems great to game with. Got room for another?


There's still room. FoxyOni has sent me a full sheet that I have approved, otherwise there's been ideas and talk so far. So there is room, waiting to see what we can come up with. I am aiming for a group of 3-5 members, if the game swells to a bigger size I might need a Co-DM at least.

I'm also pretty adamant about staying with the 2nd Edition rules, I have seen the 3rd Edition rules and I have to say I prefer the 2nd Edition for this myself, and hope that'll be alright with all participants.

@TheVillain, your character starts a bit away from U.S mainland where I think the starting main events will take place at but like in comic continuities and such I can run the events at London alongside as well I think, and the powers may well bring the folks to move at a global scale anyhow. I'm not striking anything down for certain though before I got the sheet filled up and handed back at me.
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.


bahhh I know nothing about the system otherwise I would had joined, the rp looks sooo fun X-X. Oh well have fun you guys and gurls ^^


Quote from: Miyu on September 01, 2011, 02:27:36 AM
bahhh I know nothing about the system otherwise I would had joined, the rp looks sooo fun X-X. Oh well have fun you guys and gurls ^^

Sorry about that Miyu, but yeah the rules would help a bit as I hope to run this as a system game (even if the characters will havea fair bit of leeway outside of any possible combat) in the end. The game's rules all come in 1 core book but I am not aware of any System-Reference-Documents for it on a short notice that would be useful here, so sad to say we'll just have to miss you on this one then.

I know from previous experiences this game system is just a bit too complex to try and guide someone through it easily without access to the book.
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.


I would very much love ot play if I'm not too late. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


So very tempting. How frequent do you expect posts?

Black Howling

Quote from: Wintercat on September 01, 2011, 01:11:44 AM
There's still room. FoxyOni has sent me a full sheet that I have approved, otherwise there's been ideas and talk so far. So there is room, waiting to see what we can come up with. I am aiming for a group of 3-5 members, if the game swells to a bigger size I might need a Co-DM at least.

I'm also pretty adamant about staying with the 2nd Edition rules, I have seen the 3rd Edition rules and I have to say I prefer the 2nd Edition for this myself, and hope that'll be alright with all participants.

@TheVillain, your character starts a bit away from U.S mainland where I think the starting main events will take place at but like in comic continuities and such I can run the events at London alongside as well I think, and the powers may well bring the folks to move at a global scale anyhow. I'm not striking anything down for certain though before I got the sheet filled up and handed back at me.
Well unfortunately I might have overextended myself it would seem. Waking up today, I looked at my list and just noticed I'm getting it a little full since I'm going from a whole lot of time to working 33+ hours a week. I think, despite everything, I'm gonna need to withdraw my interest in the game. I want to be a part of it, and this looks epic; but I don't think I'm gonna have the time.


@Muse, we got room still, until I got 5 approved people I'm not ruling out anyone. I've had 1 character send me a completed sheet, and otherwise its still in the air.

@Black Howling, its sad to hear you wont be joining us afterall, but understandable. I know all too well what its like to overextend yourself, but there's still some time to think it through. Also, I'm always willing to run a solo game if you want to test the ice with the system sometime.

@MasterMischief, I am expecting to post an update every 1-3 days, depending on the players, if someone does not reply for 3 straight days, they'll get left behind but can try and catch up again. I may take temporary control of characters orphaned by the players if necessary but I hope for active posting. If something's wrong, a short OOC word about it doesn't take long and saves people from waiting, giving a clear reason to either temporarily control the character or have them retreat from the active stage to re-emerge again later.
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.


I prefer 2e over 3e. That is a large part of why this is so tempting.

I may take you up on the solo if that is alright. That would give us a good oppotunity to feel each other out.

I know you have not nailed anything down, but I have a couple concerns. I would like to hear your responses to get an idea if we have compatible styles.

How much combat do you anticipate? How tolerant of min/maxing are you?

I appologize if I am coming off rather pretensious. I just do not want to waste our time if we are not going to be a good match.


If you go looking for trouble, you can have a whole game of fighting, but you may end up bruised and recovering for a while that way. Even if you prefer to find other methods, there will be times when you need to stand up for yourself, your character facing a foe that will have to be dealt with.

The world is open, but there are things that will make things difficult, and the characters will choose how to deal with it.

As for the solo-suggestion, I extend it mainly to those I have roleplayed with before and with whom I feel I have a good mutual respect already, but if it seems that the group-game might not fit some, I am willing to consider running a solo to some folks, just hoping to try my hand at the small group games too though.

EDIT: Forgot to add, I am fairly tolerant of min-maxing, its not something I encourage but I dont throw someone out for it. Though I remind that you cant prepare for everything, and I always prefer a good concept and great roleplay over high stats and frightening rollplay.

As long as the players are good at what they do, I tend to give a leeway into things. One sure-fire way to get killed in character though is to repeatedly, viciously, and abusively attempt to rules-lawyer and cheat, though I have not seen that happen on E yet, which is a very nice thing.
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.