Trouble Navigating the Site D:

Started by ForgottenDream, August 30, 2011, 02:18:21 PM

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Hey guys, i'm still new to this site and all but i am having a LOT of trouble navigating the site.  It may be due to the fact that i've never used fourm based sites before but i am having a lot of trouble getting around and viewing my posts and stuff.  The main thing i am wondering about is the how can you tell one someone has replied to your post/checking your posts.  Are the only ways to do that by going through your profile, checking your posts and then clicking on the exact thread you have and then seeing if anyone has replied to it?  To me it seems like a hassle and if there are any other ways to do that that would be greatly appreciated if someone could let me know >.<.  I guess just the only main thing revolves around checking posts >.<

Forgotten Dream

Avis habilis


Oh.... well don't i feel like such a blonde XP ahahah... sorry bough that!

Avis habilis

No sweat. Elliquiy's a big, complex machine. It can take a while to learn where all the fiddly bits are & what they do!


It does definetly seem to be that way >.< I just would love to be approved so i can start roleplaying the non fourm way cause it's truthfully not my thing >.< though i will try!