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Pregnant Male

Started by Sabby, November 18, 2007, 03:24:01 PM

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Surely you must be either for, against or indifferent Sabbat?

Personally, I remember the possibility of this being discussed in the 70's. If it is safe for both child and 'donor body', what does it matter which sex it is?
I would much rather know that my father had carried me through pregnancy, than a 'test tube'.

This gives those, who would never have had the chance, to have the chance. Transexuals who are now, to all intent and purpose, female, now have the oppertunity to actually be a mother and that is only one example.
What about those women who can't carry children, what is better, a surrogate mother, a stranger who they don't know, or the male partner?

I say good look tO Mr. Lee and I hope that he and his child are both safe, healthy and happy.
I don't see it as becoming 'the norm.', but it's another option for those who want it.... 

(Edit for terrible spelling mistake)  
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


I'm undecided where I stand. You have some good points Elvi, but what of the kid? I know what it was like to be teased in school for something like hair colour... I can only imagine what this child will go through for being the first born of a man. Its amazing what they've done with Mr Lee, but I'm just uncertain of what will happen to the baby.

Still, beside that one point, I gotta support them in this. good luck Mr Lee.


At least it would know who it's parents were.
And I would imagine the teasing would be no more or less than if their parents were gay/lesbian/tall/short/fat/thin/black/wore glasses/was a tax man/white/green with pink spots.
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I'm aware its a natural birth, but kids will more then likely think he is a 'test tube freak' and I'm pretty sure thats a bit more cruel then if he was picked on for weight or appearance.

Hmmm... theres a lot of good that could come of this though... I hope they get the support they need.


It's not a natural birth Sabbat, even a woman having a caesarean birth isn't termed as natural.

There are also over three million children that have been born through IVF treatment so I doubt that all of them are teased and called 'test tube freaks'.

Yes, I can understand that this child will be special, but I bet in the long run that if it is going to be 'teased' at school, then it will probably be for something far more normal than the fact it's father carried him through pregnancy and not it's mother.....
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Must be a good school then... here, he/she would have had a hard time from bullying if it was made public he was Lee's child.

I havn't read the rest of the website, but the people opposed to it section was an interesting read.


SO say this so naturally Sabbat..but has there been a child born of a father to prove that they will be teased?'

Kids are teased...and they tease...its a fact of life and I know its hard growing up (I was horribly teased) but definatly not so bad to make me wish I was never born, so I really doubt "Oh he might be teased" would be a legitamate reason not to do this.. Thats like me saying "Oh I have red kids might ahve red hair and be teased called Cawwot top..I better go get fixed so I dont have any"


The people opposed werent too interesting to me. They didnt offer any legitamate reason other then "Its against god" reason WHY and other then some belief in an Higher order and even then they do not specifically say where their god says science cant help a birth along (atleast no where int eh christian bible that I know of)


Quote from: Sherona on November 18, 2007, 05:15:07 PM
Kids are teased...and they tease...its a fact of life and I know its hard growing up (I was horribly teased) but definatly not so bad to make me wish I was never born, so I really doubt "Oh he might be teased" would be a legitamate reason not to do this.

Oh, of course not. I don't see it as a reason to stop the research. I had a horrible school life and I guess I'm just worried for the kid. Your right though Sherona, completely agree.


 I'd do this. Being transgendered, I would want to experience the wonder of pregnancy. *sighs in envy of natural born women*

Cherri Tart

*nods*  if some one were to do this, i think they'd REALLY want to have the child... too many people have children they don't want and the kids suffer for it... one of the many reasons i'm for adoption by gay parents is that it seems that the child always goes to a very loving home, be it one with two moms or two dads - that's usually one very wanted kid. 
you were never able to keep me breathing as the water rises up again

O/O, Cherri Flavored


This is a pretty old site.   I remember seeing it like years ago.  I question it's truth,  I am however all for choices.  If this were to become reality it would be no worse than anything else we've done and better than many.


I was debating wether or not this is fact or fiction..especially since I have yet to see any real articles about it..and it just smacks of that old movie "Junior" with danny devito and Arnold Scherzenegger..

Anything this monumental would definitely have made news on more then just that site,..

However if it ever were to become fact, I cant imagine why tere would be uproar..

other then my selfish emotions of enjoying the fact that I can nuture life within me while my husband can not..I dont know. I guess I might be wierd by having that thought..

Otherwise no reason not to applaud.


That's true Sherona and as I said, this has been in debate since the 70's when IVF became succesful.

As you can see, this is still being debated, perhaps one day eh?
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


This is certainly an interesting article but I have to question its credibility.

However, if it is legite I have to say that I am quite happy about it. Its just one more alternative in case a mother wanted a child and didnt want to carry it (or it wasnt safe for her or the child to become pregnant).

As far as the kid being teased, yeah I could see that. It is a terrible thing but I think it would be the smart thing for the parent to conceal that information till they grow up enough to deal with it and understand it. Letting them then make their own decision about telling people or not.
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Couldn't have said it better Brandon, though I did try... and failed, haha


What amazes me about it is how it shows the overwhelming desire some people have to bear a child. I don't have children yet, and I'm still not absolutely sure I will ever try (though, as I get older, the desire is growing). Could I be taking my womanhood for granted? :P


Quote from: nitewalk on November 30, 2007, 02:49:27 PM
What amazes me about it is how it shows the overwhelming desire some people have to bear a child. I don't have children yet, and I'm still not absolutely sure I will ever try (though, as I get older, the desire is growing). Could I be taking my womanhood for granted? :P

The thing is, as a woman who presumably have no reasons that you can not physically bear a child, you have that choice. However there are many women out there, because of some physical malady or other have had this choice taken away. And while Surrogacy is still an optimum choice (given the choices there are out there and its done correctly) this treatment would bring back the whole "one person + one person" intimate deal of pregnancy rather then One person + One person SHARING this intimate moment in their life by lack of choices, with another.

If that made sense.


Not all women/couples who cannot have children are wracked with anguish and despereate to have them Sherona.
I myself had been told that due to a medical problem, there was less than a 5% chance of ever baring a child let alone bringing it to full term. Both myself and my (then) husband were completely OK with that.

To be honest, it was a little bit of a bombshell when I became pregnant at the age of 38 and it was touch and go as to whether I kept the child or not.
In the end, I decided that nature had brought me this far, so I would simply wait and see what happened.
A 91/2lb baby girl was what happened and though she is a pain in the neck, always had been and always will be, I am happy that it turned out that way.

However, had she not come along, then my life would have been very different, but I would certainly not be greaving because my biological clock had wound down....
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


I know not all are Elvi :) I am just saying some are. A friend of mine is now looking into surrogacy, and my post above reflects her views. I certainly did not mean to imply that ALL feel that way :) Its a personal choice one way or another, and this method would open more options to those who do :)


And yes.....
By the same token I acknowledge that there are some who would do anything possible for a child
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building