Civil War, Bonnie & Clyde, etc. (M for F)

Started by Legendary, August 28, 2011, 08:16:01 AM

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Have a couple of ideas I've been wanting to try lately...

Civil War-Negotiable role but I was thinking of something along the lines of a Confederate soldier fighting in the north. Has a tryst with a Union sympathizer after getting wounded in battle.

Bonnie & Clyde-Been wanting to do a roleplay like this for a while. Can be our own characters. Think there's a lot of room for development of characters in a role like this. I like the idea of a couple living life on the run, going from town to town. Would prefer it to be of the time period (1920's or 1930's) but something modern could be fun.

Just a couple of rough ideas. If anyone's interested, just shoot me a message or respond to the thread and we can work out the details.
