The end of humanity ( Alien slave rp)Need Humans

Started by abandoneddolly, August 28, 2011, 01:51:13 AM

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Its ok, my muse has already jumped on the idea. So your getting a setting.  :P


*scratches SomeGuy behind the ears* patience.  All good things come to those who wait.  Better things come to those who know a certain muse.  *slips abandoneddolly's muse a $20*
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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


we could use aliens or male humans. very badly. If you want to join your welcome.


Ok, Its going to start out at the space station. So Here is some pictures and info about that.

Eve 7

Welcome to Eve 7, Your home away from home. This Eve unit is the 7th of its line and supports the same features and functions as its sister units. While Earth, or home planet is destroyed. We need not worry, we can spend our days exploring the cosmos from the comfort of your own room. Eve 7 offers all the amenities of the home that you have left behind.

The rooms are small to offer optimal room for as many as we can fit on board, but they are still cozy.

Here is the cafeteria which serves some of the same food you used to eat on earth thanks to Eves garden.

Stroll through Eves garden. Were food is grown, and we remember just what we have left behind.

Stop on over to visit our control panel well our well trained staff , drives you through the cosmos.


And this will be the planet were using.


Vauril is a bustling city right in the middle of the cosmos. It is said that every space traveler passes through it at least once. It s perfect place for smugglers and traders of all sorts. It also houses some of the galaxies largest cities. Its people are a mixture of ever race. If Vauril ever had native creatures they have either died out or mixed so much with the others that pass by its no longer discernible who they are. Because of its central location it has been through two major wars where the warring alien factions have tried to take it over as a central point in there wars. The first time they succeed. The  faction left the cities in a wasteland when they finally left.  learning from their mistakes, the second time they were better armed. The peoples Republic of Vauril quickly drove them out, and showed the galaxy they were a force to be reckoned with. Vauril is a neutral planet. All are welcome to visit and live on its surface.


The slave auction

A store in Vauril were slaves are sold. The auctions are silent. The slaves lined and chained against the walls or hung from cages with a placard  that tells them their number. Its not so much as an auction as first come for first serve. Whoever gives out the money first gets the slave.

The arena

Slaves are pitted here in battles of skill and strength.Any owner who wants can sign up for the arena.. It is the number 1 source of entertainment in Vauril. Anyone slave that dose good in the games is sure to be a star. 


Name- Anthony Russel
Age- 28
Race- Human
Skills- Hand to hand combat, firearms,
Brief history- Anthony was a Sergeant in the military on earth before they decided to pack up and leave. Anthony was placed as a security guard due to his militaristic background. It wasn't his first choice but there wasn't need or room for an army of the space station. So he took his only option and went with it and found it surprising similar to being an MP.


Entry from the Encyclopedia Galactica on species Belork:

The Belork are an amphibious species native to the planet of Calen'Tak.  The term Belork refer to the unity of the two main species and five subspecies of the planet, with each holding their own position of power and significance.  Their culture is predominantly composed of rigidly enforced castes, with each caste maintaining a strict discipline within their own hierarchy.  While rare, some Belork will transcend their assigned castes and adopt new ones, or simply retain their old titles while performing tasks in the service of their Emperor.

A male Belork will live on average to be approximately 25 revolutions, though some are rumored to have exceeded 60.  Each revolution's length means that they are an extremely long-lived species.  Female Belork rarely live beyond 12 revolutions, as mortality rates among those who spawn are exceptionally high.  When Belork spawn, the males tend to deposit sperm into a special chamber, close to where the eggs will be expelled.  As each egg is expelled into the swamps and tidal pools of the spawning grounds, the sperm is released and allowed to fertilize the eggs.  A single female can release millions of eggs, though only a tiny fraction survive to walk on land.  Some males will lurk in the water and attempt to attack spawning females to try and mate, though this struggle often leads to death for one or the other.

After hatching, a young Belork tends to roam the waters, trying to survive on the vegitation and other young that swim around.  The cannibalistic nature of the young is lost as a Belork transcends into adult hood, replaced with a desire to feast instead on the other types of animals that call the waters home.  By the time a Belork reaches full adulthood after a full revolution, they are often skilled hunters of the swamps, with many learning to survive in groups and develop their own primitive language.  It is then that they are approached and stunned into submissiveness, taken by the older males to be raised into true Belork.
When captured by the elders, a Belork is taken to one of the large floating islands built high above the planet and tethered into maintaining orbit.  There, they are tested and taught language and other basic skills, before being assigned to a particular caste.  Because Belork do not assign differences based on species, it is not an uncommon sight for numerous individuals of all shapes and sizes to be intermingled during their testing.  After almost 5 revolutions, the students are ready for their permanent assignments and are sent forth.  Most will end up in the slums down on the surface, though some are recognized for their talents, and as such rewarded by being assigned to a Lord.  These lucky few then spend upwards of 10 revolutions, trying to earn favor and permission to build a home and a private breeding pool to call their own.

Belork do not have a specialized caste of warriors as most other species do.  Instead, each Belork is taught first by experience in the wild swamps how to survive, and then specialized military training during their 5 revolution tuition.  Upon graduation, each serves their assigned role, unless they wish to enter the military or are called upon to join by the Emperor.  Their skills as warriors are legendary, with some reported to charge into battle against five to one odds and winning.  Each believes that to die in the service of the Emperor is the highest honor.  They do not believe in an afterlife, preferring to believe that what happens in the here and now is what's important.  As such, many individuals work diligently to serve the state and the Emperor himself.

A special note on Homo Sapiens: The Belork do not see humans as being much different from other species when it comes to being superior.  To the Belork, all species, regardless of appearance, are inferior.  That does not stop them, however, from respecting enemies, and the Belork hold some minor respect for humans for surviving the destruction of their homeworld.  The enslavement of humans by Belork is not to do so for cheap, expendable labor, but rather to obtain minerals in places far inland.  Doing so with a species able to withstand the dry interior makes many Belork believe humans have some redeeming qualities, at least where usefulness is concerned.  Belork do not consume humans, and other than the dissection of a few individuals, prefers to keep their human stock healthy and alive.  Very rarely will a Belork take a female as a personal slave, though the practice is not unheard of.  The act of forcing humans to fight for amusement disgusts many Belork, treating the act as primitive and barbaric, and will excuse themselves from the proceedings.
My DeviantArt

Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


Appearance Form it likes to look like-

True form-

Skills-Sight mental powers such as telepathy and able to create illusions.
Brief history-Sail is both the owner of the slave  auction house and the arena. He loves more then anything a good show. He is also very curious about these new human slaves and testing their limits. He might take a slave himself, just to test them what makes them tick. To understand them better, and complete his imprint of them.

Amrac are born in space and drift through the dark cosmos, until they find a planet and imprint. Living life as if they were one of their natives. They can change their imprints at will to blend in better with their surroundings .



Thanks for the extra information Linna

and kobrakid92 yay a human male.

I think I shall start this up  today  or the next day. WE have enough I think, and more aliens might come.

El Maligno

Just dropping in I would like to join this rp would you need me to be an alien or a human male? I'm fine with either or both


which ever one you want to be. you could play both if you wanted.

I think we probably need aliens more then anything though.


alright I have a question before we start. Aliens we have so far, do you want to just grab them from the space station and skip the slave auction thing. I think It might be too much, but my alien would probably get one from the auctions. and I don't think we have enough aliens to grab everyone, so I could make some npc aliens to hunt them at the station and then bring them to the slave store.

also I want to know if everyone's still interested in this. So a head count please.  post if you still want to do it.


I'm available.  If possible, I would like to obtain a stock of two females and one male directly, while NPCing more in the holds of the other battleships.  The reason for the three is mostly just to tie up three players, though if more people show up I'll let go of them and just use the one and NPCs.
My DeviantArt

Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022




Still keeping tabs and interested. I see that there's one or two other members of the stations security and the commander herself, will you want our valiant but doomed defence of the station to be played out?



Bit of a summary, writing something more in-depth but this outlines the basics for anyone who cares.

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The Pythion are a small race that's fairly new to the intergalactic scene, having spent a long time isolated and fighting each other on a rather hellish homeworld before moving onto the local system and continuing the fighting. For most of their history they were tribally organized, going from tribes to city-nations. They only stopped fighting after they encountered another species, which they promptly enslaved. Slave labor meant more and more bodies were available to take new territory and fewer staying behind where they were safe, which had kept their numbers stable. Their numbers grew dangerously low, which was when the enslaved revolted. The Pyhtion were almost wiped out but they were resilient, and the slaves weren't able to work any of the Pythion's technology due to the fact that they had taken a biological based route of advancement. The remaining Pythion united and retook their world then the others throughout the system, most of the slaves were slaughtered in 'retribution' for what they had done. The Pythion still fight, but in duals instead of all out wars between their own people.

They are tough and strong from evolution and for combat they use insect-like suits of armor that are a product of genetic tinkering and breeding of species that survived the surface of the planet. The suits are able to enhance strength to a degree and are plated with diamond-like chitin enabling them to operate comfortably in almost any environment. Interstellar travel is done with living ships covered in extremely thick armor, they only recently became capable of long distance FTL, after enslaving a race that had just begun making jump drives, and introduced on the intergalactic stage. Weapons are a mix of bladed limbs and specially breed creatures producing various chemicals and projectiles.

They are highly skilled with their brand of technology and are capable of rapidly growing all sorts of creatures for war, but they lack some of the more sophisticated technology other races have and their numbers are very small, only several billion for the entire race even after a fair bit of recovery time. They're currently seeking to incorporate various mechanical parts that offer advantages beyond the jump drive they have, or upgrade if something better is out there. They view others as resources to be used, but understand that they currently have a weak position with their lack of numbers. When possible they work as elite mercenaries.

Appearances can be wildly different due to biological modifications.




If you guys and gurls want, eliminate my human and I can do a alien only if you wish. Let me know


No your human is ok, we should have enough.  For you to be human.


aww I saw a demon in a anime that I wanted to play, but oh well ^^