The Orc's Bride [seeking female character]

Started by Phantasmatical, August 05, 2011, 09:21:32 PM

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Contrary to what the title says, I'm not necessarily looking for a character to play a "bride," per se. What I have, essentially, is a character I would very much like to play in a group roleplay, and I would like to find someone to play the woman my character serves.

His name is Kemaal, an orc from the rocky highlands, where his people have formed their own societies that, while they do little trading with other races simply due to racial difficulties, are nearly as advanced as "modern" society. This is medieval-fantasy of course, so the sort of "advancement" I mean here is mostly magical in nature. Orcs, of course, have a reputation for being murderous, untrustworthy, filthy, stupid, and brutish. Kemaal's people are more advanced, but the stereotype follows nonetheless.

Kemaal himself follows the reality of the orcs from the area of his birth. Heavily physical, but not murderous (of course, even the horseplay of orc children would break all the bones of a full-grown human...), crude at times, tending toward action rather than quiet contemplation, and as a rule not terribly diplomatic. Kemaal is no less intelligent (or articulate, for that matter) than the average human, and keeps to the warrior's code of his people.

One aspect of this code is that an orc shall never suffer himself to be forced into servitude - and this is where your character comes in. My idea is that Kemaal was taken by slavers (particularly ballsy and determined slavers, at that). He would have starved himself rather than be "broken," but a woman used her influence to gain his freedom instead. Now, had she simply paid his buying price and freed him, he could repay her by giving her an equal amount of money and go on his merry way. However, because she did it selflessly, his own sense of honor (and it is personal this time, rather than a societal thing) caused him to stay with her, repaying her by offering (read as: insisting) his now-voluntary service.

Whether they became lovers after a certain point or not is up to you and your comfort level; I am personally ambivalent on that particular point. I do want them to have a respect for one another at the absolute least, so the character in question should not be anything short of a very strong woman. That strength need not come from arms, however.

I don't have a game in mind to join, but perhaps we can work together to find one once we've done a bit of discussion?

This turned out rather more long-winded than I meant... I hope someone actually takes the time to read it. xD

EDIT: I am going to post a link to a group roleplay thread I was involved in a while back, so that anyone interested can get an idea of the way I tend to write in a group roleplay - my posts are considerably shorter than they tend to be in one-on-one games. Just Ctrl+F my name and take a look at a couple of the posts. Depending on the game I can certainly do longer posts (for an example there, see any of my existing one-on-one stories), but that's the size of the smallest posts I'll do or be interested in replying to. Anything less than a legitimate paragraph just doesn't give me enough to reply to. I don't want to sound like an elitist, but I would also rather avoid the unpleasantness of explaining why I'm not interested to someone who doesn't know my preferences.

Here is the thread.



i would be interest in play the female character... =) sound like a good history...

i just have one doubt: (maybe i just didnt understand what you wrote lol) the female is with a strong personality but quiet (not exacly shy!!)??
My body is calling you
"On fire"!!


She could be the strong silent type if that's the sort of idea you had in mind. I didn't mean to imply that it might be a requirement.

Shoot me a PM and we'll chat.


you can see some of my post.. so if you change your mind just let me know! =D

hugs \o/
My body is calling you
"On fire"!!