Harvest Moon: Returning to Nature (Full *PM IF YOU WANT TO JOIN* ~Light RP~)

Started by Angzyn, August 05, 2011, 12:43:26 PM

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I already love this! My male will have so many partners to play with :)

Check for nice insight :)




Well here is my character hope it is okay and we can start soon :)

Name: Mizuki (first name) Kojima (last name)
Age: 22
Job: Librarian/Owner of the bookstore (which also serves as the Library)
Personality: Outgoing, Adventurous, Creative, and Strong Willed
Likes: Reading, Writing, Cooking, Dancing, Art, Listening to and Playing Music (Violin), Fishing, Rainy Days, Nights, Cheese (any), Alcohol (Beer or Wine), Chocolate, Fish (raw/recipe), Flowers (Purple or White mostly), Apples (Raw/Recipe), and Tomatoes (Raw/Recipe)
Dislikes: Dishonesty, People who treat books poorly, Hot weather, Bugs, Snakes, Corn (any, unless it is hidden really well in a cooked dish), Spicy Dishes, Illness, and Thunder Storms
Moon Animal: Snowy Owl
History: Mizuki was originally born on the island and her father was a mayor on the island, for a few years. She grew up well off and well educated having many friends on the island and loved exploring it. When she was 9 years old her father became sick, making him unable to continue to be mayor, and had to go back to the main land for medical treatment. Over the next few years her father struggled with his illness till finally he could no longer fight it and he passed away when she was 12 years old. Both her and her mother her devastated by the passing of her father and for awhile suffered fits of depression. Eventually time passed and she went on to continue her education at a university, studying writing and library sciences, when she was 18 years old. She spent the next 4 years studying and cramming her way through school till she graduated and had to wonder what to do with her life. She never forgot about the island of her childhood and how much fun she had there and after talking with her mom, just Mizuki decided to move back to the island, the island had to many happy and painful memories for her mother. She now runs the Library/Bookstore and lives alone on the island total unaware of the curse that had been placed upon the island.


Oh wow she's so cute! glad to see her so well defined, What do you think Angzyn?


I'm interested in the role of a miner/blacksmith.

Tentatively requesting that spot.

Before I continue, can I make him a single father who's girlfriend (baby's mother) died at child birth? I have been wanting to use this picture for a while now.

There will be no pictures of the child involved in any RP, but he will be a "background" character to help me develop the young father.


Quote from: CrazyIvan on August 08, 2011, 12:01:28 AM
It is late where I am, but I am just voicing my interest so I have a spot later when I finish my character. I am working on one, but can't finish it tonight so I will post it tomorrow. My concept was this that I would play a female that worked/ran the local library and book store if people are okay with it. Though if that doesn't work I could be an owner of a restaurant if that would fit in better with the setting?

That's fine dear.
Adams and Eves
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If there are any openings left, I would like to reserve a spot playing the local carpenter. I'll have a character sheet up this evening.


From what I can see, and from counting the people who have characters and were interested, there are no more female spots open, that is if TheSilkenVoice makes a character. As for males I think there is one spot left because there are 3 now and one person who has expressed interest so that is 4 slots filled. So you would be taking the last spot, if you plan on playing a male, I think anyway and Angzyn has the final say.


I'd go ahead and make your character, Angzyn does have final say, I'm helping her out though ^^


Quote from: Loki Aesir on August 08, 2011, 03:08:23 PM
If there are any openings left, I would like to reserve a spot playing the local carpenter. I'll have a character sheet up this evening.

We have spots open for two more males. I think all the female spots are full.
Adams and Eves
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Quote from: Aiden on August 08, 2011, 02:02:43 PM
I'm interested in the role of a miner/blacksmith.

Tentatively requesting that spot.

Before I continue, can I make him a single father who's girlfriend (baby's mother) died at child birth? I have been wanting to use this picture for a while now.

There will be no pictures of the child involved in any RP, but he will be a "background" character to help me develop the young father.

That sounds fine dear.
Adams and Eves
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Okay guys the spots are now full. People that have the last spots but no profiles have been PMed.
Adams and Eves
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Name: Honda Ryosuke

Age: 20

Job: Town Miner and Blacksmith, father of Honda Kyoun

Personality: Reserved, hardworking, clueless (in other matter not related to his profession), menacing/cold hearted/bitter (more from his past), Loving father.

Likes: Barbecue, loud music, explosions, iron working, swimming, sailing and sports

Dislikes: Reading, school, people who look down at him and his son, Tofu

Moon Animal: Lion

Ryo never knew his parents, he was raised by the local blacksmith since he was a toddler. His father figure took him in as his own, "raised" the boy with a trade and tried to be a good role model but lacked the social skills needed. Ryo was a violent person who managed to pick quite a few fights which resulted in him being kicked out of the only school when he was fifteen. He spent more time working and ended up meeting and falling in love with a young woman.

Her family never approved, disowning her but Ryo and her managed to make a living. Being the only smith in town had its benefits after all. The older man loved the young couple and left him with the "family" business before retiring back at his own village. The happy couple spent most of their time at the shop or mine. She was the social butterfly of the two and would literally drag him into town to mingle with the townspeople outside of work on occasions, more when she was pregnant.

Sadly she passed during childbirth, leaving Ryo a single father. Despite the difficulties of raising a child he never asked anyone for help but it was obvious he had no idea what he was doing. Little Kyoun spent lots of time undressed, but the kid seemed as "tough" as his dad and his personality seems to carry over in him as well. Anyone who visits the shop are surprised to see the little guy crawling around dangerous equipment and hazardous conditions for a baby but never seems to get hurt.


Adams and Eves
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I'm making my character sheet but I had to ask first if there is a particular profession needed that I can have her fill? I know farmers and miners are out, and livestock....I'd like to play something useful, maybe arkaeologist?


Well not that Teikaze would act on it much but he could always use a hand on the ranch.


You can play an Archaeologist

(We can also use a Inn Keeper or Doctor.)
Adams and Eves
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Ooh I was thinking about doctor too, and an inn keeper too! Ok decisions, decisions.


Name: Isoke Akuna
Age: 23
Job: Carpenter
Personality: Lighthearted, comedic, and casual.
Likes: The smell of lumber, woodcarving, thunderstorms, the sound of a heavy rain on a roof, and pastries.
Dislikes: Anything with an exoskeleton (insects, crabs, spiders, etc.), hypodermic needles, and people who take life too seriously.
Moon Animal: Raccoon

History: Growing up, Isoke's life had been rather typical for anyone growing up in modern suburbia.  In the last few years of school when all the other students were planning their futures after graduation, most typically college aspirations, Isoke found himself entirely at a loss for what he wanted to do with his life.  He got good enough grades to get into most universities, but he could never find a career path that appealed to him enough to warrant spending tens of thousands of dollars for something that seemed to change on a weekly basis.  Plus, he had never enjoyed devoting time hunched over a desk reading and cramming knowledge only to forget it once the test was finished.  There was always the armed forces, but Isoke knew all too well his propensity to resort to humor no matter how serious the situation.  It would be something that would only bring him woe in boot camp and it was a personality trait of his he would never want to give up.

After a few months of doing nothing overly productive, his parents intervened and shipped him off to live with his uncle on Silver Moon Island.  It would be there, under his uncle's tutorage, that he would begin his apprenticeship as a carpenter.  He was hesitant at first, especially once he first discovered the curse upon the town, but quickly grown to love the opportunity to create something with his own hands as well as learn new ways to enjoy his temporary wild form.  Presently he is on his first year fresh out of apprenticeship and wears the title of carpenter like a medal of honor.


Name: Azumi Itou

Age: 19

Job: Helps her mother, Sakura, run the White Swan Inn

Personality: Cheerful and optimistic, she is easygoing and friendly.  She is a good listener and has a peaceful happy demeanor that can only be described as soothing on the spirit.  She is also a little inquisitive and curious.

Likes: popcorn, cakes, baking, boys, flowers, parties, dancing, singing, learning new recipes, helping out friends, sunny days, holidays and festivals, meeting new people.

Dislikes: cheating, stealing, mean people, hurting others, hurting animals

Moon Animal: white rabbit.


History: Azumi was born and raised in Oracle Town.  She and her family have always lived at the White Swan Inn which was left to them by her mother's grandfather.  He had purchased it then from an elderly man and refurbished and renovated it, keeping the old name.  When Azumi's mother married Takekage Itou, he was taught the ways of running the inn but had little time for it.  He owned and operated a gift shop later on that he opened off the inn.  He sold his own handmade work there such as small carved painted wood swan figurines and wind chimes.  Azumi and her mother now run the inn and Takekage runs the small gift shop and tends to the grounds and building's maintenance.  The family lives in a small, but cozy cottage behind the inn facing the sea.  It is connected to the inn by a rose trellis lined walkway.


Okay now that everyone has their character sheets up. I will be opening the RP sometime this morning. :3
Adams and Eves
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My body is calling you
"On fire"!!