Take a Gander. [m/m]

Started by Reyne, July 23, 2011, 02:37:22 PM

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It's been an awfully long time since I've role played on here last. Since then some of my tastes have changed.

I would just like to set up a general thread.

Preferably, I wish my partner to be literate, with a minimum of two paragraphs. My problem is, I get bored easily with small role plays and I just have a certain preference.

I would like to stick with playing over threads for now.

As for what I would like to play, I am sticking with slash, or as some know M/M.

Since I kind of just came up here randomly, ze plots are not coming to me.

I apologize. 8|

But I am open to hear what you have.

I bet no one will come, haha. Ahhh it really has been a long time.
Anyway, just an offer.
Hope someone takes a bite.