Would you like me if I.....

Started by forbiddenfruit, July 22, 2011, 01:10:41 PM

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Of course.

If I entered you into a pie eating contest at the local fair without your consent?

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP

Love And Submission


Adopted a cat while you were away on business?

Discord: SouthOfHeaven#3454



Played matchmaker, bringing along a pretty cute friend of mine who would be just perfect for you, when you thought we were just gonna hang out?

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP


Depends on if I liked the cute friend or not...

Beat you at Scrabble?

Divine Tenacity

Sure thing. I suck at Scrabble  :-[

Beat you in a fighting video game?
Group Games: 0 (pending) | Solo Games: 2  | Post(s) Owed: 2

Check out my Request Thread!

Damned Eternally

Yes, sure, shows skill.

If I said goodbye to E! for a while?
Damned's Dirty Mind / My Games / Damned's Ideas
Tentatively Available for Games

My A's and A's
Updated 09/08/2018 14th Oct 2016

Not a daily poster, muse has been preoccupied with earning cash.


Yes, but I would miss you very much. :(

If I sent you emails while you were away?
Now we live, tomorrow not
Enjoy your pleasures, lest they rot
Let not them pass this very day
For on the morrow regret may with you stay


Of course, that would be lovely.

I hatched an evil plan to take over the world?  >:)


~nods~ I would, but only if I get to be part of it. I enjoy your plans.  ;)

...if I brought you flowers?
Now we live, tomorrow not
Enjoy your pleasures, lest they rot
Let not them pass this very day
For on the morrow regret may with you stay


Absolutely, flowers are one of my favourite things! No-one will suspect us or our evil plan ;)

...Drove you crazy with my shenanigans?


I find your shenanigans very appealing.

...if I woke you in the night, just to talk?
Now we live, tomorrow not
Enjoy your pleasures, lest they rot
Let not them pass this very day
For on the morrow regret may with you stay


Yes, as long as you don't expect much of an intelligent conversation.

...burnt your dinner?


Yes, we could just order in.

..if I forgot to set the alarm clock?
Now we live, tomorrow not
Enjoy your pleasures, lest they rot
Let not them pass this very day
For on the morrow regret may with you stay


Yes, once I got over the mad dash from oversleeping.

...drew a really bad picture of you?


I would keep on my desk.

..if I bought you lingerie that was much too revealing?
Now we live, tomorrow not
Enjoy your pleasures, lest they rot
Let not them pass this very day
For on the morrow regret may with you stay


I would wear it with pride.

...drank all the coffee?


If you aren't going to keep me up all night. Just had that...

... if I fall asleep on you while writing a pos.... zzzZZZ
A word of advice: Don't take me serious - unless I am. And you will know when I am!

ONs and OFFs
updated March 30th 2019
Apologies and Absences
updated April 19th 2019


I would cuddle you close.

..if I fell asleep also while holding you?
Now we live, tomorrow not
Enjoy your pleasures, lest they rot
Let not them pass this very day
For on the morrow regret may with you stay


If you don't snore too loudly.

... would be wide awake at night again?
A word of advice: Don't take me serious - unless I am. And you will know when I am!

ONs and OFFs
updated March 30th 2019
Apologies and Absences
updated April 19th 2019


We could spend the night talking.

..if I wanted to snuggle instead of talk?
Now we live, tomorrow not
Enjoy your pleasures, lest they rot
Let not them pass this very day
For on the morrow regret may with you stay


Mmmm... snuggles.

...broke your favourite mug?

King Serperior

All my cups are plastic, so good luck with that  ;)

......geeked out over some of the movies this summer?

A/A'sMonster Girl Palace
SFW Image Ideas for Scifi, Fantasy, Horror, and Steampunk Games! | My various characters, if you are curious! | I am a Rainbow Writer!
Post Rate: 1 post per game every 1-4 weeks on average  ||| I encourage any and all random PMs.


I'd probably geek out with you, depending on the movie.

... Went on a cotton candy binge?
To those I'm writing with, read the A&As for a brief heads up.
POSTING UPDATE: 11/15/16- Ha ha. I only thought it was almost over. Gosh I lied to myself.  e_e I'm working on post slowly as I can, but my time varies and probably will until after Thanksgiving break. Then things may be more settled,  so expect delays until then. I sincerely apologize for this, and if you'd like to put a hold on a story or stop it all together just let me know. Otherwise, I deeply appreciate your patience. n_n
Le Musings



...if I could make the moon and stars shine brighter for you?


That would be pretty cool, so yes.

If steal the hat off your head and race off through the park hopping you'll chase me?

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP