Would you like me if I.....

Started by forbiddenfruit, July 22, 2011, 01:10:41 PM

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Yes... Though that would put a damper on things. Especially if that's what my Dad, and brothers thought.

If I beat you at horseshoes?  8-)

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Yes...though I can actually compete in that event  ;D

If I accidentally stepped on some of your pepper plants?


Considering I've done the same thing; Yes!

If I accidentally killed your garden? :o
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 :o  I...um...*gulps, bites his lip...eyes her up and down...looks at the garden...back at her...sighs*
Yes...*hugs her tight*  i would still.

If I had to shoot yer old dog?


:o But.. She's... I.. Yes..

If I leaped into your arms when you got home every night?  :-*
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Absolutely!   :-* :P :-*

If I had to leave for an emergency call...often.  :-\


Definitely. Someone's gotta do it.

If I dropped in unexpectedly at the firehall, or your work place, just to say hi?
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 ;D  Yes...please?

If I accidentally drew blood, nipping on yer bottom lip?


Only if you kissed it better.  O:)

If I teased you relentlessly?  >:)
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What kind of teasing...?  ::)
Yes...I suppose I would

start to do one thing and forget to...I don't know...use the syrup and then realize later, it's still in yer hand?


-Grins stupidly- Yes, yes of course..

If I tripped you coming around the corner to find me?
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On purpose?  :o  Yes...cuz then I am gonna run you down...and, and...and then...hmmmm

If I ran you down, pinned you and then teased yer neck with slow kisses up and down?


Oh god.. -shivers- Yes please..

If I turned off your phone and pager, and took you to a drive in movie?
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Gosh yes!  Again...please?

If I was more interested in you than the movie at the drive-in?


What made you think we'd actually be watching the movie? ::) Absolutely, yes.

If I took pleasure in small, stupid things, like chasing fireflies?
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Yes...Did it all the time...still look for them now and again just to remember the good ol days in the country.

If I don't drink coffee?



If I drank coffee every morning once in a while?
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Yes...I have actually been swayed to try it with Irish Cream...creamer - not alcohol.  ;)

If I don't/won't and refuse to eat beef, pork or seafood?


Yes. Though I'd pester you as for why, and then make you dishes with only turkey, or chicken.

If I ate bambi? :o
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Because I have not eaten that stuff in two years...so much healthier for it.  :P

BAMBI?!?!?!?!   Nuuuuu....*falls to his knees, face buried in hands*...poor little...wait...cartoon bambi or real deer?
*shrugs*  Yeah sure...either way actually...you can eat whatever you want.  Still gonna like ya

If I don't drink soda pop?


Of course. ;D The only beverages available in this house are milk, and water. No soda.

If Bubba shot the jukebox last night? :o
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Aww C'mon!  Dang it Bubba!  Oh wait...yes...I would still like you...Bubba though...has to make amends.  ;)

If I liked to dance?


Would you dance with me? ;D Of course I would like you... Even if you just let me watch.  >:)

If I liked to read out loud with a horrible british accent?

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YES!  I love accents...hearing them from a lady...gets me every time.  I also do my own...whether or not I think they are good.

If I attempted to sing country songs...not sure if anyone likes my singing?


I'd like you if you sang period, whether or not you sounded good. ;)

If I made up my own lyrics to music when I couldn't remember the real ones?
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