Would you like me if I.....

Started by forbiddenfruit, July 22, 2011, 01:10:41 PM

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Ugh, no... I am not you pet... she is...

... if I take her off your lap, and put her on mine?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


no, as you just said, my pet.which doesnt mean i own her, but she has free will so no taking, or I go into a pacifistic buttkicking.

If I looked at you seriously while saying that?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


I would laugh... at a pacifistic buttkicking :P

... If I kindly asked Phoenyx to sit and purr on my lap?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


Then I'd let phoe decide.

If I showed you my sword collection?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


ooo swords! you got Twinkle and Icingdeath in that collection somewhere?

... if you owned Twinkle and Icingdeath and I swiped them for me, cuz I really really really want them?
♪ But my secrets are so safe
The only one who gets me ♪



Sorry, I'm allergic to Drizz't. He's way too much of a stereotype munchkin character. second only to Elminster, which reminds me of a funny story about Ed greenwood....

No, Not replicas, actual swords. http://pictureplace.hostei.com/zweihander.jpg http://pictureplace.hostei.com/executioner.jpg

If i let you try one?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


i would love you forever lol

... gave you a bow I'd made?
♪ But my secrets are so safe
The only one who gets me ♪



ike bow and arrow, or one of those hair things. Either way I'd love it as you made it.

If I composed a song in your honour?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


oh~ That would be cool~

Would you like me if I .. having found out you could write songs - began writing lyrics, and asking for music! With heavy suggestions on just the right notes.. from someone who doesn't know music~ hee..~
"My mind is not in the gutter, I just happen to have a really good view of it from my high horse"



I would laugh, and attempt to educate you, while taking your ideas into consideration...

... if I indeed, took your ideas into consideration, and made a song about your lovely hair?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


you'd have to be quite the wordsmith to do my hair justice, but I'd love the effort.

if I recorded your song as an acoustic ukelele song?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


that would be.... interesting.

... sang (horrid I am at it) your favorite song, butchering it badly?
♪ But my secrets are so safe
The only one who gets me ♪



Sure, why not...

... if I plugged my ears? :P
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


No. Listen to the majestic sound of the phoenyx!!!

If I started to laugh uncontrolably?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.



... if I started laughing too, unable to help myself?
♪ But my secrets are so safe
The only one who gets me ♪



So long as it wasn't directed at me... I have a fragile ego that I like very much :P

... if I joined in the laughter, just because the two of you look so funny while laughing?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


The more people join in laughter, the brighter the world would be.

If I suddenly started speaking only in Shakespearean verses?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


Maybe if for just a short while, then I am afraid it would get on my nerves.

....I called you or sent you messages through the night?


Actually, I think I'd rather enjoy that if they weren't to stalkery

If i told you to just come over instead?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


why thanks for the invite.

... asked for a tour of the town?
♪ But my secrets are so safe
The only one who gets me ♪



Sure... don't know where we are, but I can figure it out... I am smart guy...

... If I got us lost?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


you'd check your phone? or just call me. I only get lost in my own head.

if i gave you the tour, but included a tour of the famous red light districts and the coffeeshops?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


Absolutely. We'd have too much fun, surely.

... if I got you into trouble along the way.
There is more to sex appeal than just measurements. I don't need a bedroom to prove my womanliness. I can convey just as much sex appeal picking apples off a tree or standing in the rain. ~ Audrey Hepburn

Somewhere Over The Rainbow...
There's No Place Like Home...
The Emerald City...


Ooh... fun... trouble...

... if I got us out of trouble, only to get us back in?
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


You'd be my kind of guy.

... if we got noticed by an officer, and I talked us out of potentially long night of no more fun.
There is more to sex appeal than just measurements. I don't need a bedroom to prove my womanliness. I can convey just as much sex appeal picking apples off a tree or standing in the rain. ~ Audrey Hepburn

Somewhere Over The Rainbow...
There's No Place Like Home...
The Emerald City...