Would you like me if I.....

Started by forbiddenfruit, July 22, 2011, 01:10:41 PM

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The way I feel right now.. I think you'd sooth me right into a deep, cozy slumber. Yesssssss... sounds heavenly.

.. if I got so sleepy, my mind kinda shifted back a few centuries.. and I mistakened you for someone from my younger, less innocent vampire days?
*See Pillory*


*blushes* Well, considering I like history....yes....

And if I let you relive those times by biting me?
Be the change you wish to see.


Ahhh.. a delicious human falling right into my grand design.. which is always a path that includes a greedy piercing of these fangs in a soft, succulent neck. Yes, sweet blue one, yes.

.. if before the words even left your juicy lips, mine were clamped on your neck.. the sudden pain of my bite rippling through you for a few excruciating moments until that pain then shifted into a sweet, intense euphoria?
*See Pillory*


*Grins and giggles* Yeah, that sounds good.  ;)

And, if I put up mock fear thereby racing my heartbeat?
Be the change you wish to see.


Ohhhh.. you adorable thing.. doncha know that's verging on playing with fire? Icy, ravenous.. blue fire? Ahhh, but being a blue thing yourself.. perhaps you do indeed know this. Yeah.. you go right ahead and get that sweet pulse racing, scrumptoius one. I like you.

.. Your wild little methods of speeding that coursing river within start to rattle the cage of the beast lurking within this blue dude.. who makes a sudden appearance.. causing your pulse to soar at levels never, ever intended?
*See Pillory*


I would like you but I think that would make me pass out, I hope you would catch me before I hit the floor. XD

If I painted a mural on the side of a building depicting my adoration of you, using all your favorite colors, (or one in varying hues), then wrote in small tiny print at the bottom, you're special to me.
"If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing slowly ... very slowly."
                                 ~Gypsy Rose Lee~
     ~Kill me slowly, so through the pain, I will know I have lived.~

What's Yes & What's Not
Apologies & Absences
Stalled out stories: Dragon Familiar ~ Loki


*smiles and blushes* I am? Thank you, honey.

If I fondled your intimates, looking up at you with a tender, caring gaze, would you approve of it?

Good girl but bad  -- Proud sister of the amazing, blackberry-sweet Violet Girl

Sometimes bound and cuntrolled, sometimes free and easy 

"I'm a pretty good cook, I'm sitting on my groceries.
Come up to my kitchen, I'll show you my best recipes"


Ohhhh.. I'd lean closer and let you know my happy approval by whispering deep sounds of pleasure against that scrumptious little ear.

.. if I reached behind you and gave that juicy bottom a solid pop?
*See Pillory*

Breathless Intent

Well I've got a pretty juicy bottom with this current avatar...*grin* So sure, I'd like you just fine.

...if I kept this avatar forever? :D


Heh.. glad I waited. Yes. That one.. I think this entire realm would agree.. keep. No more.. *shivers* of that last one. :P

.. if I found a special batch of paint thinner and washed my hands of the blue gunk forever?
*See Pillory*

Breathless Intent

No. I'd never talk to you again.

...if I only mimed at you instead of using words?


Heh.. if you did so while making sure that gorgeous bottom shook wildly.. how on earth could I not like you? Either way.. yeah.. would be adorable to witness.

.. if I kept asking you to repeat yourself when the mimes were particularly delicious to watch?
*See Pillory*

Breathless Intent

Sure - so long as you didn't mind me flipping you the bird and grinning in response. *winks*

...if I happened to have a foul mouth even when I didn't use any words? (i.e. lots of inappropriate gesticulating)



if I groped you and teased you until you were about to explode >:)
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


You do that all the time and I still like you

If I asked you to die your hair?


I would like you but I would not comply. My red hair is my signature

If I used my hair to feather touches all over your body
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish

Mr Bigglesworth

I would really like you if you did that.

If I used a feather to softly touch your back?


I would get goose bumps so yes

If I wore sexy clothes to entice you, teasing you all day
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish

Mr Bigglesworth

As long as it wasn't *just* teasing at the end of the day.

If I had to travel, but still managed to call you at least once each day?


yes but I would pout

If I went away for a while and didn't leave a message or tell you
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish

Mr Bigglesworth

That would make me sad and worried, but I would still like you.

Sent you messages throughout the day of what I wanted to do to you?


would love it

If I couldn't respond to all of your messages
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish

Mr Bigglesworth

I would still like you.

If I pulled you into a closet for some naughtiness?


I would love it

If I called you on the phone during an important meeting and said naughty things to you that caused you to get flushed and blush in front of your clients
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish

Mr Bigglesworth

Oh, I would look forward to that.

If I pressed against you from behind while on the train, letting you firmly feel what I was thinking?