Would you like me if I.....

Started by forbiddenfruit, July 22, 2011, 01:10:41 PM

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yes I would

would you like it if I made a picnic for us to share in the forest?
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish

Mr Bigglesworth

That sounds very romantic, yes.

Would you like me if I got frisky during the picknic?


I would hope you would, so yes

would you like me if I got frisky back?
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish

Mr Bigglesworth

Oh, most certainly.

Would you like me if in the distraction of friskiness I knocked over our beverages?


yes it would be fun

if I took off my clothes and ran naked in the woods to tease you?

/end hijack
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish

Mr Bigglesworth

Why I'd chase you - and I'd be loving it!

If I caught you and knocked you into a big pile of leaves?

What is "/end hijack"?

Itsa Me Dino

ofcourse! :] leaves are fun

...if i roll us over in the leaves so im on top?
|| Ons/Offs ||

ayo fuck people who make major assumptions and dont wanna talk shit over like fucking adults. if people drop you over small shit, they aint worth you fretting over. move your ass along and love yourself because they dont mean shit to you and your progress in life.  dont let them bring you down. youre fucking worth more than fifty times them. lemme say again for you guys in the back. YOURE FUCKING WORTH MORE THAN FIFTY TIMES THEM ASSHOLES! love yourself, put yourself first. your mental, physical and emotional well being is more important than the approval of people who aint shit, and who aint gonna communicate like a fucking adult. period. end of discussion.
I am sorry, but I only roleplay offsite now via messengers. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Mr Bigglesworth

And on top you are - works for me!

If I get carried away and don't warn you of a bunch of fresh leaves about to fall upon your back?

Itsa Me Dino

as long as no bugs are on them~

if i decided i wanted to play in the falling leaves than with you?
|| Ons/Offs ||

ayo fuck people who make major assumptions and dont wanna talk shit over like fucking adults. if people drop you over small shit, they aint worth you fretting over. move your ass along and love yourself because they dont mean shit to you and your progress in life.  dont let them bring you down. youre fucking worth more than fifty times them. lemme say again for you guys in the back. YOURE FUCKING WORTH MORE THAN FIFTY TIMES THEM ASSHOLES! love yourself, put yourself first. your mental, physical and emotional well being is more important than the approval of people who aint shit, and who aint gonna communicate like a fucking adult. period. end of discussion.
I am sorry, but I only roleplay offsite now via messengers. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Mr Bigglesworth

Hrumph, I've been upstaged by leaves.

If I decided that since you love leaves so much that you must do all of the yardwork?

Itsa Me Dino

*sigh* if i must

if i decided to plant a garden of roses that spell your name?
|| Ons/Offs ||

ayo fuck people who make major assumptions and dont wanna talk shit over like fucking adults. if people drop you over small shit, they aint worth you fretting over. move your ass along and love yourself because they dont mean shit to you and your progress in life.  dont let them bring you down. youre fucking worth more than fifty times them. lemme say again for you guys in the back. YOURE FUCKING WORTH MORE THAN FIFTY TIMES THEM ASSHOLES! love yourself, put yourself first. your mental, physical and emotional well being is more important than the approval of people who aint shit, and who aint gonna communicate like a fucking adult. period. end of discussion.
I am sorry, but I only roleplay offsite now via messengers. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Mr Bigglesworth

"Mr. Bigglesworth" in roses, that is a lot of roses.  I would like that.

Would you like it if I mowed the lawn such that when viewed from above it spelled your name - even though it would look rather odd to our land based neighbors?

Itsa Me Dino

spell my name right and i'll be more than liking you XD

if i decided to spell my name in chocolate on your stomach?
|| Ons/Offs ||

ayo fuck people who make major assumptions and dont wanna talk shit over like fucking adults. if people drop you over small shit, they aint worth you fretting over. move your ass along and love yourself because they dont mean shit to you and your progress in life.  dont let them bring you down. youre fucking worth more than fifty times them. lemme say again for you guys in the back. YOURE FUCKING WORTH MORE THAN FIFTY TIMES THEM ASSHOLES! love yourself, put yourself first. your mental, physical and emotional well being is more important than the approval of people who aint shit, and who aint gonna communicate like a fucking adult. period. end of discussion.
I am sorry, but I only roleplay offsite now via messengers. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Probably not , that would tickle.

Danced around dressed like one of the dwarfs from the movie Snow White.


Yes! Wear an authentic-sized outfit.. which I am guessing/hoping would cling quite tightly to every little juicy curve and.. and you'll have a friend for life.

.. if I showed up totally decked out as a villain.. threw you on the back of my monstrous black horse.. and took you to my secret lair?
*See Pillory*

Itsa Me Dino

yes, as long as you had a sexy mask and an even sexier smirk *drools*

if i dressed up as your villian sidekick? leather, mask and heels and all~
|| Ons/Offs ||

ayo fuck people who make major assumptions and dont wanna talk shit over like fucking adults. if people drop you over small shit, they aint worth you fretting over. move your ass along and love yourself because they dont mean shit to you and your progress in life.  dont let them bring you down. youre fucking worth more than fifty times them. lemme say again for you guys in the back. YOURE FUCKING WORTH MORE THAN FIFTY TIMES THEM ASSHOLES! love yourself, put yourself first. your mental, physical and emotional well being is more important than the approval of people who aint shit, and who aint gonna communicate like a fucking adult. period. end of discussion.
I am sorry, but I only roleplay offsite now via messengers. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Hmm.. methinkest that being my sidekick would come with certain privileges.. ohhh, but even if not, yeah.. that recipe of items you describe.. oh hell yes!

.. if when I got a buzz from the handy-dandy villain-o-meter (giving clues that a prime moment of villainous activity is for the plucking).. I leaned down with a smirk, brushed aside your strands of soft hair, lifted up my mask slightly, and whispered in a deep sound against your warm little ear.. that it was time for us to go do bad deeds?
*See Pillory*

Itsa Me Dino

...catch me, cause i just died of happiness.

if i told you that i was up for whatever naughtiness the villian-o-meter had planned for us [ which i planned on hacking so it said there was to be such naughty and villianous behavior back at the lair..]
|| Ons/Offs ||

ayo fuck people who make major assumptions and dont wanna talk shit over like fucking adults. if people drop you over small shit, they aint worth you fretting over. move your ass along and love yourself because they dont mean shit to you and your progress in life.  dont let them bring you down. youre fucking worth more than fifty times them. lemme say again for you guys in the back. YOURE FUCKING WORTH MORE THAN FIFTY TIMES THEM ASSHOLES! love yourself, put yourself first. your mental, physical and emotional well being is more important than the approval of people who aint shit, and who aint gonna communicate like a fucking adult. period. end of discussion.
I am sorry, but I only roleplay offsite now via messengers. Sorry for the inconvenience.


I'd tap that lovely mind of yours (with thought, of course.. one of those priviliges that would surely be a fact).. with a happy nod.. wondering what other dastardly skills you had within those lovely fingers. This means yes. Hmm.. any naughtiness, eh?

.. if I made it evident that such an agreement might and surely would include a few drops, or more, from that lovely little vein you have all sprawled out so happily within that succulent neck of yours?
*See Pillory*

Itsa Me Dino

hmmm a few drops? but many bites? hells yeah~

if you would allow me to do the same to you, *flashes a fanged smile*
|| Ons/Offs ||

ayo fuck people who make major assumptions and dont wanna talk shit over like fucking adults. if people drop you over small shit, they aint worth you fretting over. move your ass along and love yourself because they dont mean shit to you and your progress in life.  dont let them bring you down. youre fucking worth more than fifty times them. lemme say again for you guys in the back. YOURE FUCKING WORTH MORE THAN FIFTY TIMES THEM ASSHOLES! love yourself, put yourself first. your mental, physical and emotional well being is more important than the approval of people who aint shit, and who aint gonna communicate like a fucking adult. period. end of discussion.
I am sorry, but I only roleplay offsite now via messengers. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Ah, wanna slide those lovely little fangs into my neck, eh? Always did dig a pair of shiny red lips. Bite away, feisty fangy female. :)

.. if I grabbed your hair as you drank from my neck and held you there.. demanding that you keep drinking.. wanting to feel myself coursing wildly inside you?
*See Pillory*

Breathless Intent

Oh I can most assuredly say that I would love you inside of me. ...Er...My veins. With blood. Nothing else. Move along. *whistles innocently*

...if I said wildly inappropriate things in public?


Ohhhh.. raise a few eyebrows, eh? Not only would I crazily adore you for such scandalous things escaping those luscious lips, I'd lean really close and whisper really bad things to encourage those naughty thoughts to keep being uttered.

.. if I forgot we were in public.. and started behaving in an inappropriate way towards you?
*See Pillory*


yes, and i may just possible do inappropriate things back

...if I drank wine?


Ok.. so are you suggesting it'd be red wine? And you'd let a drop or two trickle down that lovely neck? Yeah.. I think I can be convinced to smile upon such an act. Even if those lips contain those drops from making their little escape. *but wills them to be rebellious, regardless*

.. if I kinda squinted my eyes in such a way that as you drank that wine, I could see those inner flows working their magic through your veins? Kinda like undressing you with my eyes, just.. well, ok.. yep, that's exactly what it is, just fangy-style.
*See Pillory*