Would you like me if I.....

Started by forbiddenfruit, July 22, 2011, 01:10:41 PM

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just regular, and sure, i love guacamole

would you like me if could dance?


I'd like you if you couldn't dance ;D

Would you like me even if I can't sing?


Yes :) I know too many that can, its time i made friends with some that cant

would you like me even if tacos were my life?


Sure :)

Would you like me if pottery was my life?


yes :)

would you like me if i couldnt play an instrument?



Would you like me if I kept having trouble remembering the names of artists that recorded songs I liked?



Would you like me if I said I lived in a boring high rise?



Would you like me if I lived on the 'wrong' side of the tracks?


Of course, we must be neighbors. ;)\

Would you like me if I told you I was slightly crazy?


why not?

Would like me if I told you I was not?

Breathless Intent

Hm...I am not sure I would believe you. Aren't we all a little crazy? Still, I'd like you quite well. *smiles*

...if I begged for you to make me a cup of coffee?


you wouldn't have to beg, love.. and I'll bring it right to bed too

... if I was a bit presumptuous and brought some toast too?
Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.

Breathless Intent

Oh, you do know what a girl wants, darling! *noms on toast*

...if I told you in no uncertain terms that I had NO Intention of getting of of bed today because it was too cold and rainy?


and you, my dear knows what a guy wants! -noms on Bre-

... if I wanted to give you a little "workout: before breakfast?
Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.

Breathless Intent

Hm...I might like you, but I'd also give you a big pout face and say "NO!" I'm much too lazy to work out in the morning *innocent smile*

...if I instead stretched out like a cat and nuzzled up tight under the covers?


hehe.. you know I can never resist your pout :p

... if nuzzle led to naughty nips?
Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.

Breathless Intent

Hm...how naughty we talking? Purely PG-13 I'm sure. *nods resolutely* In that case, yes I might keep liking you.

...if I turned on cartoons to watch in bed while sipping my coffee and nibbling my toast?


if Tom and Jerry's on I'll kill you if you change the channel!

.... if I laughed so hard the bed shakes
Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.


of course! Its always lovely to see someone laugh so much. would most likely end up laughing myself!

....if I stole all the blankets in the middle of the night while asleep?

"See! sweet and sound she sleeps in granny's bed, between the paws of the tender wolf."
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That would depend on how cold it is outside but I probably would after I woke up and took some back :P

Would you like me if I always have to have music playing somewhere?


Of course! I am the same after all :)

...If i reaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy wanted a taco?


Tacos are great!

Would you like me if I ate half of your taco?
Offsite Contact info:
Gmail: jenwishuknew
Discord: jenwishuknew#6959
Skype: jenwishuknew@gmail.com


Sharing is the glue of friendship

If I was to say:"Can we be just friends?"


Friendship is a beginning of something.
Just be friends?

Would you like me.... if I try to be more than just a friend?
Offsite Contact info:
Gmail: jenwishuknew
Discord: jenwishuknew#6959
Skype: jenwishuknew@gmail.com


probably, but I won't let you know it right away

If I wanted you to have a tattoo with my name?