Would you like me if I.....

Started by forbiddenfruit, July 22, 2011, 01:10:41 PM

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I was hoping we could do something else at night... but yeah, I suppose I would like you.

If I snored?


I've learnt to live with snoring before I'm sure I can do it again.....

Would you still like me if I told you I do weird stuff in my sleep?
★  O/Os  ★  A/As  ★


Weird how? Sleepwalking sex, I don't like you, I'm falling in love : ) Grabbing a knife and stabbing me? can we be friends and don't sleep together anymore? : )

If when asleep was the only time in my life I didn't do weird stuff?

I dont know

It depends on what you think of mentioning weird stuff... stalking, creeping, yeah i would not like you in that case heh

If sleep walked and ussualy would stand by your bed asleep, with my eyes open, for couple hours then go back to sleep?


No that would creep me out a little too much.

Yes and by weird stuff in my sleep I meant sex.

Would you still like me if I asked you if we could have a threesome with another women?
★  O/Os  ★  A/As  ★


hehe.. thats pushing it, but if you can make it up to me then I'm sure such a heinous request can be tolerated.. ;)

.... wanted to include ropes and cuffs and feathers and drinks into the mix too?
Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.

I dont know

Yes, but i'd just ask why why you would have them....

If i shaved around your genitals in shower?


I actually prefer to shave my own, but...I guess I could allow it this one time, and yeah, I'd still like ya

if I shaved your genitals and accidentally knicked you with the razor?  ;P


Even after that, I would definitely still like you!  ;D

...if I had the good intention of making you breakfast, but accidentally burned down your kitchen completely?

I dont know

Yeah, i'd still like you, but only if you stay out of my kitchen :D

If i called you a pervert?


I'd not only still like you, but I would thank you for the compliment;)

met you at the door, wearing only my cowgirl boots?


O_O YES! *Drools abundantly*

If I were to jump on you without giving time to pull them off?


Oh, I'd probably still like you, but did I fail to mention I also had on my "spurs"?   ;)

if I spurred you (in the heat of passion) and left some pretty bad marks on you?


Yes i would

Would you like me if I left some hickeys all over your body along with some scratches
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


That sounds like a tickling, goose-bump-raising process.. hmm.. Yes, I do believe I'd like you.

.. if I drew a diagram (in blue, of course) on your back detailing a crazy plan of revenge for all the hickeys and scratches.. all really spelling out a deep, strategically placed bite into that lovely neck?
*See Pillory*

Breathless Intent

Of course! It would probably tickle like mad and make me giggle riotously though!

...if squirmed and wriggled all the while you were drawing, thus messing up that precise diagram you were attempting, and instead made it look like a big blue mess?


Since I expect all paths to end with a big mess o' blue, I'd forgive you. But I would make you pay.

.. if I took advantage of that big blue mess and finger-painted instead?
*See Pillory*

Breathless Intent

Of course I'd like you! I am a firm supporter of the arts, after all, so how could I try to shut down your creativity?

...if, after I saw what you had created, I merely smiled, nodded, and patted the top of your head like a 5 year old?


I'd giggle.. and like that. BUT.. I would maybe get disturbingly naughty as a result.

.. if I then embraced the moment and dipped your hair in the paint?
*See Pillory*

Breathless Intent

Ack!! I would most certainly NOT like you doing that! Bad vamp!

...if I retaliated by thwapping my wet now-blue hair in your face?

I dont know

Yeah, still would like you. i don't mind get dirty.

If i pulled you in a car, you're getting tied up, blidfolded and taken to my mansion so i could make you my sex slave for eternity?


Hmm.. as long as the 'slave pit' has plenty of juicy little morsels. Can't promise I won't start a revolt.. but ohhh, what the hell.

.. if you woke to find everything you own.. painted a wild shade of blue? Ha! Yes, you find.. even those hard to reach places.. yes, even there!
*See Pillory*


Oh no!  Not THERE!  *cringes*  I suppose I'd still like you, but perhaps I'd take back my house key.... ;P

...replaced all your Radiohead music with Bon Jovi tunes?


Do you really need to replace them? can't you just put them alongside? I still like you, but you are walking a thin line there girl!

If I was to tell you you can't wear your boot anymore, just trainers?

Breathless Intent

I would still like you. Of course, I'd ignore your insistence because wearing cross training shoes to work would just NOT fit in with my level of style!

Would you like me if I was a brand snob and only shopped at super duper fancy places?