Would you like me if I.....

Started by forbiddenfruit, July 22, 2011, 01:10:41 PM

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While I can't say I'd be enamored with your attempts.. I wouldn't hold it against you. I'd just barely like you but you would be treading on opposing territory there.

.. if I asked you to close your eyes and open your lips.. then commenced to fill your mouth with a thorough dose of squirty whipped cream.. and a big juicy cherry.. then a dollop of caramel sauce?
*See Pillory*


Mmm caramel, but I'm afraid too much whipped cream would send me straight into the hospital. Go go lactose intolerance  :-X

Would you like me if I shared the cherry with you, mouth to mouth?

Breathless Intent

OH yes! I love cherries, so I'd definitely enjoy you sharing.

...if I managed to tie the cherry stem with my tongue in three separate knots? (I'm a show off ;) )


Only if you can proove it with pics and/or vids :P

... if i ate a cherry out of your belly button?

I dont know

Oh well, sure.

if i could undress you using only one finger?


Sure, but you'd have it too easy, as I'm currently only wearing boxers. Mmm... warm comfy bed.

...if I warmed you up with snuggles?

Breathless Intent

Indeed! I do love to snuggle :)

...if I invited you to a sleep over and tried to braid your hair?


Sure, you can try, but I keep my hair rather short. Haha, that still would be a sight though  8-)

...if during the sleep over I wanted to spoon with you?

Breathless Intent

Sure! I love to spoon :)

...if I insisted that I be the little spoon, and while you were big-spooning me I wiggled my rear into you?


I think I would like you a little bit too much at that point  :D

...if with me being the big spoon, you felt something poking you, and it wouldn't be a flashlight?

Breathless Intent

I would be shocked! *grin* But I'd like ya for it...

...if I feigned innocence and kept up the wiggling, meanwhile grabbing your arm to wrap tight around me?


In the absence of being called out on it in outrage, I'd like it.

...if I'd play along with your feigned innocence and wiggled my hips in tune with yours whilst holding you tight?

Breathless Intent

I would definitely like you. Who doesn't like a wiggly snuggle partner, after all?

...if I suddenly yelled and jumped up, exclaiming that there was something in the bed poking at me and that you should Squish It!?


I would like it, already having planned ahead for that as my mind has started to lead a life of its own.

...if I gave you my best puppy-eyes look with a little pout, asking you to help locate the object in question with me?

Breathless Intent

Yes, how could I not like such a cute face. :)

...if I found turned on all the lights and grabbed a tennis racket to "squish" the mysterious poker?


I would like it, grinning mischievously at your outburst.

...if I offered you by best serve for a game, set, and match?

Breathless Intent

Hm...I might like you, but I am a sore loser...

...if I sulked and grumbled at having lost the match?


I would like you, you would look too cute.

...if I offered to console you by holding you in my arms?

Breathless Intent

Definitely. I would appreciate the kindness, since I was being such a puss.

...if I hugged you tight...and tried to pick your pocket?


Sure, as I would wonder where you would find a pocket on me, maybe you are just feeling me up.

...if I giggle-snorted madly because your attempt at picking my pocket has revealed how ticklish I am?

Story Tale


If I took advantage of that and tickled you until you begged for mercy?


I would love that.

... if I beg for you to get your hands off from my body?
“Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot; others transform a yellow spot into the sun.” - Picasso

I dont know


If i kissed you while we would stand on iceberg, in the middle of the ocean?


Wow, yeah!

If I playfully pushed you in the water?


Course! I looove splashing around in the water..

... splashed you, taunting you to jump in and join me?
Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.