Would you like me if I.....

Started by forbiddenfruit, July 22, 2011, 01:10:41 PM

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I dont know

Whatever pleases the lady.

If i told you my biggest secret?

Breathless Intent

Yes (as long as the secret wasn't that you think I'm mean or ugly or something).

...if I took you to the circus and bought you some cotton candy?

I dont know

(no, none of that)

Yes, i love cotton candy, esspecialy when it's hot outside, i could lick it off from your fingers.

If i tied you up by the bed ?

Breathless Intent

Ooh...Yes, that sounds fun.

...if I tried to wriggle my way free after you spent so much time and effort to truss me up?

I dont know

Yes, because your efforts in escaping my tight knots would look cute.

If i would put a blindfold on your eyes?

Breathless Intent

Yes! Sounds like the start of a very exciting evening...

...if the next time we met I returned the favor?

I dont know

Yes, I wouldn't mind, in fact it sounds like a deal.

if i slide small ice cubes around your collar bone while im kissing your neck?


I'd squirm and probably enjoy the ice cube.. but I'd shake my head at the kissing. Although.. hell.. it might feel fine.. but still.. I think it would make things awkward, later. Is that even an answer?

.. if I held an ice cube in one hand.. let it drip into my other.. and those little pools that formed.. I breathed on.. and they refroze?
*See Pillory*


Sure, I'd like you... ever heard the saying:  Cold hands, warm heart;)

...jumped out of my own birthday cake wearing a Santa Suit?  (uh....wait a minute....  ;P  )


Yes. I'd wonder if your birthday was also my birthday.. then I'd pounce, guessing you were still in wrapping that was my duty to unravel and reveal the sweet gift within.

.. if these cold hands then gave the birthday girl in the Santa Suit.. a well-deserved spanking?
*See Pillory*


Oh yessss...I'd like you!  I think those cold hands would quickly warm up as they heated up my derriere!   ;) 

...squealed and moaned and groaned while you spanked me?


Yeahhhh, I think I would! But.. honestly.. you could sense my approval, couldn't you?

.. if I teased by giving the spanks slower.. almost seeming to stop.. before then surprising you.. while making that bottom ohhhhh so very, very warm?
*See Pillory*


Ohhh yeah...I like the element of surprise, Blue Santa!

....bit down a little too hard on our outter thigh, trying to stifle my screams, a full set of teeth marks marring your skin?


Despite the suddenly clenched grip on that juicy bottom.. and a bit of a yelp.. I'd like you.. for how could I not dig a sudden 'in the heat of the moment' reaction? Although I would then spank you all the more!

.. if that bite you took.. took from me the tiniest drop of fanged-dude-blood.. giving you a sudden sensation of psychedelic tripping?
*See Pillory*


I'm sure that would make the spanking all the more sensational and pleasurable, my dear!  Yeah, I'd still like you!   ;)

...decided to refer to you as "Master Santa"?   ;P


For that, my palm would soothe and console that much heated bottom.. showing this Santa-Dude might not be good.. might not have a drop of good in 'em.. but he can show a gentler, kinder side.. yes I'd like that very much.

.. if I in return referred to you as "Little Girl", as I then pondered just how naughty versus nice, you have been?
*See Pillory*


*Ponders in her own mind...just how "naughty" she has been, and begins to break out in a cold sweat*  Uhh...yeah, umm...Sure!  I'd like that, but uhh..sometimes it's just "nice being naughty", Master Santa!

...left you some cookies under my pillow?   ;)


*Hovers over her.. sliding hands under that pillow.. while pushing every part of me exaggeratingly close up against her*.. *grinning*.. You felt that, didn't you? :P Ummmm.. yeahhhh.. *takes a bite.. of the cookie.. offering her a bite.. of the cookie* I like you.. Little Girl.

.. if you woke the next morning finding crumbs in the most unusual places? :P
*See Pillory*


(ohhhh noooo...crumbs can get stuck in all kinds of nooks and crannies...and I like for my nooks and crannies to be 'crumb free'!  LOL)
But yeah, I would still like you Master Santa! 

...sat on your lap and licked your candy cane?


*eyes her warily.. as he reaches into his pocket.. pulling out a curved peppermint stick..*
*Smiling.. gives that bottom a few more swipes*
Yes.. I do like you.

.. if that candy cane I gave you (you're making it hard to be good here, you know? :P).. was all warm from being in my pocket?
*See Pillory*


*Grins, her tongue licking at her sticky, peppermint coated lips, making a soft smacking sound*....sure I would.  I prefer warm and hard over cold and soft anyday, silly Santa!   ;P

...fell asleep in your arms and you had to put me to bed and tuck me in for the night?


I'd do so as if it were my most natural act.. yessss, I'd like you.. and I'd even read you a dark and twisted little bedtime story.

.. if I fell asleep there with you?
*See Pillory*


Yessss, I'd like that, but you must know:  *whispers*  I sleep with only the hat on!  ;)

...wore only the hat to bed?


That question is rhetorical, yes? And that is my answer.. absolutely, yes. :)

.. if I.. ok this is embarrassing. I sleep-bite. I used to take something back in the 6th century a cool old Druid whipped together for me.. but that dude is long gone and modern medicine just doesn't cover us fangy sorts.. soooo.. yeah.. would you like me if I bit you in my sleep? I've heard it's not painful.. in fact it should be kinda fun.
*See Pillory*

Mortigan DeLoncre

Of course.. any bite from you would be well worth it.

Would you like me if I fondly bit you back?